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Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" on Live with Kelly today

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Via Jennine: @adamlambert's NCOE on Live with Kelly today


Anonymous said...

Oh good, a new thread, since my comment will probably be/get read, please allow me to ask a question (an easy one for most of you fans I'm sure :)).

So, is the Deluxe version of Trespassing just the addt'l 3 songs?

I'm an uber fan, just harried a lot and not up on all the facts all the time. But I know you peeps are :).

Is there any international release that has more than the Deluxe version?

Thanks fellow Lambert Lovers, appreciate it. And heck, since I'm bothering y'all, what exactly happened to Kevin? Was it ever really public knowledge? I'm TOTALLY fine with it if it wasn't, some things better left uncommented on.

Thanks again!

fanatapan said...

@Anon 10:14, wow! so many questions, i'll try to answer as best i can.

1."So, is the Deluxe version of Trespassing just the addt'l 3 songs?"
A: yes, its just with the three additional and different cover art. theyre the only major differences that are clear atm, but more could be revealed later.

2."Is there any international release that has more than the Deluxe version?"
A. the japanese version has an extra song on top of the other 3 called "By The Rules".

3+4."what exactly happened to Kevin? Was it ever really public knowledge?"
A. it was never really public knowledge until Brian London was announced as the new keys and Musical Director. from what we can tell there was nothing untoward going on, and as ever there is speculation but by the looks of it there were no hard feelings, just a change was needed.

and you're not bothering at all, well not me anyway! thats the great thing about this fandom (or Glamily!)- we are lovely people! well most are anyway :) hope ive helped u with ur qs :D

Anonymous said...

Exciting that they used NCOE on Kelly. Now can Adam cohost the show with her and sing his song.Adam would be amazing as a guest host. People would not only hear his great voice but see what a charming person he is!

Anonymous said...

Great exposure for Adam that they played NCOE - just wish they might have acknowledged who was singing the song or gave him some props about it. At least it's great that someone on the show thought the song was so great that they chose to play it.

Anonymous said...

Played on Kelly! This is incredible as this single was just officially released last week! We all think this new album is great, but we love him. Nevertheless, I'm feeling a vibe that the whole industry is really revving up to go Lambert. That feature of Adam as the first highlight on the "Fox Idol Retrospective" show may be indicative of the fact that music insiders are aware of buzz that big things are brewing this time around for our guy.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering!How many people made the phone calls on this show and ask about NCOE?Oh, yeah, I know! Zero! Because I never heard about these show same as many other shows they mentions on this blog! How come Adam can;t get real popularity without inviting power of this fans?And they aren't powerfull at all.Do I have to say powerless?

Anonymous said...

@Anon. 7.19am .... HUH?!?!

GREAT to hear NCOE played on ANY TV program .... the more programs the better.

funbunn40 said...

@10:14AM I also was wondering what happened to Kevin and heard nothing, so assumed it was just a business change.Thanks @fanatapan for the info I just wish we would have tbe extra song on the deluxe album like the Japanese version.

funbunn40 said...

So glad that NCOE was played. I could barely hear it,but just having them notice Adam's song was a thrill! Maybe we could thank them as ask if they would have him on to sing it live and maybe co-host. Adam is quick on his feet and can be very funny. It definitely would show that we're paying attention and are appreciative.

Anonymous said...

I doubt there's any big mystery about Kevin's absence. Musicians move on all the time, they get a better opportunity or go back to their former band (like Longineau did and Camilla). They get a chance for a tour, etc. I really liked Kevin, but I'm sure he has a great new gig. Adam is not a band, he needs musicians occasionally for appearances but they don't record with him, so it's not exactly a steady job. I imagine many will come and go. I like the present set up for the current music.

Anonymous said...

@fanatapan April 25, 2012 10:27 AM


April 25 10:14am

funbunn40 said...

@3:56AM I also like Adam's present setup. Thewy were all bangin' on Kimmel tonight! I really liked the new arrangement. Better than the cd for me, but seeing him live is always electric. I like the background singers and the band sounded polished and great. Think it was a good move to hire new musical director. He's really good and seeing them tonight, think they're all first class!