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Adam Lambert on the Cover of Instinct Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Via @lovingadam: Just spoke w #INSTINCTMAGAZINE Adam Cover issue B&N stores May 1st Also can order via or call 1-888-454-6784


Anonymous said...

Oh Yeh!

Anonymous said...

The brief excerpt/comment I read on JJ ties in a little bit with the way in which Adam was mentioned last night on 1 Girl 5 Gays (don't know if that episode was new or not?). Such an up-hill climb for Adam sometimes, heavy sigh. He's up for the challenge 'tho! As always, he looks gorgeous, HHH.


Anonymous said...

By JJ I mean Just Jared:

where he apparently said:

Here’s what the 30-year-old singer had to share with the mag:

On reaching out to new fans: “As a community, we’re a little bit resistant to a gay male pop star ourselves. It’s very easy for people to look at my origin, which is American Idol, and automatically assume that I’m a commercial sellout or a puppet or a flash in the pan. I don’t think I’m any of those things. There’s something weird there. We’re very eager to celebrate a strong female. But to celebrate a fellow gay man – it gets catty sometimes.”

On his new album, Tresspassing: “This is the kind of music I listen to. I know the style of vocal I have is kind of big. It has a certain edge to it. I’ve always loved rock, but I also love stuff that is more groove-based, more funky, more soulful, more dance music.”

Anonymous said...

I believe ADAM has a big mission in this life. He is an explosion of GOD given talents and beauty in any angle and which way you look. What is there not to love? Can't find fault at all in ADAM. Right now, he is undergoing persecution before the fulfillment of that mission he is anointed with. I pray for his success from blessings from above and not as a pawn of darkness as the other success stories in tinseltown. That day will come as I cover him with my prayers.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...once again....Oh My!

Better-er and better-er.......

John Keats was right "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"

And he never even met Adam!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is thank you God for giving us Adam he is truly a Angel! Anyone with a voice and looks like him has to come from above..

Anonymous said...

Instinct Magazine~The singer’s soaring tenor nimbly breathes new life into dance-pop, a niche too often bastardized by a manufactured and Auto-Tuned sound. The magic doesn’t skip a beat with other offerings like “Chokehold,” “Never Close Our Eyes” featuring Bruno Mars, and “Trespassing,” the titular single produced by a celebrated artist from the exclusive one-name-only club, Pharrell. Here, on Trespassing, drum machines do have soul. And the other genres that once remained distinct forms, like funk and rock—which Lambert has also married in blissful matrimony with club music—do too.

Anonymous said...

JAK sometimes poetry can say so much with so few words. I loved your post at 10:43

The Dark Side said...

Amen Anon 11:01. Will be making a trip to B&N today.

Anonymous said...


Thank you JAK for that quote for it certainly fits Adam to a "T". I feel blessed to witness such an incredibly talented man both inside and out. How much more gorgeous can he get? WOW!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Just heard Adam's NCOE playing on Kelly's morning show!!! Sounds AMAZING!!!

So excited to hear Adam's music on telly ! Now just have to see him perform that Awesome song!!! so so happy !!!

Leilani Aloha said...

Agree with Jak totally!!!
well & lovely said:):):)

Anonymous said...

I don't like these plastic-ky pictures. :(

Anonymous said...

Okay Adam, time for another Details photo shoot. Girls want their fantasy too.

daydreamin said...

ANON11:20 don't go to B&N yet! It says:
Via @lovingadam: Just spoke w #INSTINCTMAGAZINE Adam Cover issue B&N stores May 1st Also can order via or call 1-888-454-6784

ANON 11:23, do you mean Kelly Rippa?!!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that with any music Adam puts out, he has some kind of battle to fight to gain even a slight degree of success with it??? It does seem to be an uphill climb with all these obstacles/challenges in the way. Why can't he just release his newest single and have it become a hit as it should be because he is just so talented vocally and better than any other performer in music today. He has received positive reviews for TRESPASSING from what I have read. But where is NCOE on any radio stations playlist? And yet mostly everything you hear on the radio today is crap, auto-tuned, says nothing lyrically,etc. and somehow it is played over and over and sells. It must say something about the listening and record-i tunes buying audience. If I as an Adam Lambert fan feel frustrated about all this, I just could imagine how Adam must feel after pouring his heart and soul into the making of the new album. Hopefully when the album is released on May 15, my negative comments and frustrations will prove to be wrong and Adam will gain all the success he so rightfully deserves.

Anonymous said...

RCA Records Promo ‏ @RCAPromo Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
. @AdamLambert is getting ready to perform at a mini outdoor concert on @jimmykimmel live April 26th! Be in the crowd!

Again more free tickets have been added by 1iota. Get it now or check back the following link periodically:

Anonymous said...

First of all, Adam is simply beautiful. That's a given. As for his music, some other "top" singer could sing one of Adam's songs (without anyone knowing that it's ADAM's song) and it would likely become a hit. even if it wasn't sung as well as Adam sings it. But attach that song to Adam's name, and somehow, all of a sudden, there's stigma of some kind attached to it. Ah, the close-minedness of the general public!

I hope that with the release of Trespassing, he will get much wider radio play, and people will begin to take notice. "Hey! I like that song! Who's singing it? Adam Lambert? Really? You've got to be kidding! I think I'll buy that guy's album."

BTW, I just heard Adam sing WWFM (really good fsst version) in my huge Chicago area mall. I stopped and just grinned. I was alone, so I couldn't even flail with anyone, but I flailed inside my heart just the same.

Adam will persevere and fight his way up. He dared to be honest and up front about himself, and there is a price to pay. Talent in the music business means nothing. We know that. Apaprently, RCA believes in him and is investing in him. World-wide fans support him. He is simply NOT in the "shoot to the top" category like so many pop artist are. I guess we should just quit wishing he was, and support him in his steady journey up. Boy! The books that will be written about him! I strongly believe that his life legacy will go beyond the music.

DRG (finished angst-ing, too busy requesting and voting)

Anonymous said...

Agree DRG.

Slow and steady wins the race sometimes too

Heard WWFM (standard release) in my grocery store today... also nobody to flail with, lol, but I was thrilled nonetheless. Let's hope next time it's NCOE.

Anonymous said...

I live in Northern Ky and just tried to request NCOE at a radio station Kiss 107 and when I went to request it on their web site, they didn't have it to request, it told me not found? What the heck? So I've been sending request via their Facebook and their free format online form..Shout Out to anyone that lives in Northern Ky..please start requesting the song..

Anonymous said...

Thanks's so hard sometimes I get so sick of hearing some of these artist with no talent..Justin Bieber I mean really, how can this kid with no talent and many others out there get to the top and be so popular..But I have faith, I really think this summer all we will be hearing is ADAM LAMBERT!! ROCK ON!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where the stores get their music but I was in the deb store a clothing store and they where playing Music Again. A clerk came up to ask if i needed any help and I said oh my gosh that's Adam Lambert playing in your store. She nicely said ya they play quite a few of his tracks a day. So maybe some people are starting to see what we all have seen all along.

Anonymous said...

yes! heard NCOE on Kelly Rippa's morning show today 4/24!!!:)

Anonymous said...

MGF, thanks for the quote from Adam's interview. I read it on another site also. I think Adam would have preferred NOT to have been a contestant on AI if he felt he could have gotten signed to a major label any other way. He knows it carries a stigma, and he knows he carries that stigma now, at least ot some people. He also carries the sexuality stigma, but he never would have hidden that, regardless of how he got signed.

He finds himself fighting opposition from many fronts: the gay community, itself, homophobes, anti-AI snobs, etc. who snub his music for non-music reasons.


Anonymous said...

Oneday soon people will evolve to celebrate Adam for his incredible vocals and vision as a great artist. The album Trespassing will go PLATINUM !!!

Anonymous said...

Do you think Adam carries a stigma from being a contestant on IDOL or moreso because he is gay, does not hide it and is a strong, honest, outspoken individual not afraid to let everyone know who he is and what matters to him. We who are part of his devoted fanbase all know how talented he is and no one in the business today commands the stage the way Adam Lambert does. We all want him to be successful with the release of his second album and not be labeled as that gay singer from American Idol. I have listened to the snippets from TRESPASSING esp. like NCOE released now and if the listening audience does no make this album a phenomenal success, then there is definitely something wrong with them. Whatever the future holds for Adam, I will be there to support him as one of his many loyal fans who was there from his first appearance on American Idol.

mosie said...

I was watching the Graham Norton show last night he had J Hudson & Katy Lang on it. Katy said she did not like AI and would never allow them to sing one of her songs. She said that JH would have got a record deal anyway! There are I'm guessing many others in the music industry that feel the same way. Such is the hurdle for Adam. Be it the gay community, the music industry, and or the homophobics of this world nothing will stop him from being the star he is! I am thankful to AI for giving us the chance to enjoy the talent that is Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping he gets a lot more support from the gay community this era. If even 5% would support him, it would have a huge effect on this era being successful. I don't get it myself. The more successful he is, the more he opens doors and minds for the whole community. I know if I was gay, I would buy his album even if I didn't like his music just to help the cause.

glitzylady said...

KD Lang said that???? Seriously??? I am a bit shocked.. I can't believe she would say that. Hmmm. I wonder what she actually knows about Adam. One doesn't have to LIKE someone's musical style but to say she wouldn't let him sing her songs...Ouch. Perhaps she doesn't know much about him. Either way, that really makes me sad. I guess I need to go find the clip of that part of the show and watch it. : ((

Anonymous said...

My take with respect to Adam and the Gay community is this. Like any organized group, there are so-called leaders in the group who feel the need to tell everyone in the group how to act, and what is expected of them. Adam has his own mind and does not back down when he feels something is not right. Adam let it be known that the Gay community has a great diversity like any community and should be all-inclusive. Adam is not a follower, but a leader and as such ruffled some feathers. That's why I think that Trespassing is so Adam, I think it says what he's all about and that's why we love the man. Those that are weak are intimidated by him. Those that are strong respect him. Those that are wise love him dearly. sigh.........
Forever Fan,

glitzylady said...

After watching the clips of that Graham Norton show, from 2011, I realized that you said KD Lang's comment was about American Idol ) "AI" and not "AL", not about Adam.. Sorry I misunderstood what you said..I apologize to KD Lang as well for thinking she would sat she doesn't like Adam. What she said was she wouldn't allow anyone on Idol to sing her songs because she doesn't like Idol at all and doesn't believe in it. She had a particular dislike for Simon. Interesting. Her comment re Jennifer Hudson is also interesting also, although I think she is mistaken in her assumtion that someone would end up being a star anyway (in this case Jennifer Hudson). Who really knows if she would have ever had the chance to make it big. Idol gives people who might not have the exposure or opportunity to be "discovered", for instance Adam. Interesting comments tho.

mosie said...

glizylady sorry if it looked like I said she wouldn't let Adam sing one of her songs. Katy Lang said she wouldn't let anyone on AI sing a song of hers.

mosie said...

Glizylady Yes I agree Adam said himself that he was thankful to AI for giving him the opportunity. He didn't believe that he would have got the exposure otherwise. Especially being gay and a bit out there. I really believe Adam is true Artist and if he needed to use AI as his canvas I happy with that as I'm sure all his fans are!!!!

glitzylady said...

That was my fault, not yours!! Once I saw the clip I went back to your comment and realized my mistake..No need to apologize! But I apologize to you : )))

I am sooo happy that American Idol was "invented" to find a true "American Idol" from amongst the many millions of undiscovered talented singers out there, most with no way of getting a recording contract with a major record label without some this case, America Idol. ..They have come up with a very few truly successful ones. The thought that Adam might have gone undiscovered is just too scary and sad to contemplate. He has said himself he was amazed to make it beyond the audition process because of his unconventional style and "theatricality". I truly think he will ultimately be the biggest success story of all to have come through the Idol process. Time will tell, but I think he has unlimited potential to be the most successful Idol ever. He is for me, thats for sure!! Hoping the world eventually feels the same!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that k.d. lang has a problem with Idol. I have often thought that she and Adam could do a killer duet. She has a voice on a par with Adam's. Hope it happens someday, if she ever gets over her Idol problem.


mimi said...

I so agree with 12:09 above--you just said it all so perfectly --I simply do not understand why Adam is not a huge "star" by now. I do believe there is too much emphasize on the subject of Adam being gay. The times that we live in today are still so close-minded ----such a shame for such a talented person. We all (fans) want him to have all his songs played on the radio--I want people to listen to him, without prejudice---I can only pray that this happens. I also hope that RCA completely supports Adam, in every way possible!I think being on the cover of some more well known magazines would get him some of the attention that is needed
---then people other than fans might take a look at him again!

mimi said...

I so agree with 12:09 above--you just said it all so perfectly --I simply do not understand why Adam is not a huge "star" by now. I do believe there is too much emphasize on the subject of Adam being gay. The times that we live in today are still so close-minded ----such a shame for such a talented person. We all (fans) want him to have all his songs played on the radio--I want people to listen to him, without prejudice---I can only pray that this happens. I also hope that RCA completely supports Adam, in every way possible!I think being on the cover of some more well known magazines would get him some of the attention that is needed
---then people other than fans might take a look at him again!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....glad to find some poetry lovers on site. Music and poetry soothe my soul in hard times and tickle my fancy in good times. Lots of poems remind me of Adam....when I read Lord Byron I changed the pronouns...she to he and her to his.

"He walks in beauty like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies...and all that's best of dark and bright meet in his aspect and his eyes"

Those lines came to my mind when I saw Adam sing Starlight on the Idol tour....Okay, okay, I know I am hopelessly corny.

Anonymous said...

BTW....Adam is a star....he sparkles!

Anonymous said...

k d Lang writes her own songs and maybe she just doesn't want to hear them sung by amateurs. Some people like control of their work.

And I also think she would sound great singing a duet with Adam. She's sung with some of the best from Roy Orbison to Tony Bennett.

Her version of Crying makes me cry every time, such longing and love!