New Pictures! (April 28th, 2012)
Filed Under (Friends,pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Saturday, April 28, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, April 28, 2012
Adam and Sauli spotted in LA

Adam at Danielle's birthday

Adam at Danielle's birthday

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love Adam's shirt. Sauli all spiffed up too.
What a coincidence.....I was just thinking that we haven't seen a picture of Adam and Danielle together in quite a while and I come to this site and there it is! Both of them looking good!
pretty nice pix..the paps did get a few good ones after all.I like our guys' outfits;also BB with the birthday girl.On some site,somebody asked what Tommy's shoe size was,& he said "12" IF that's true( & I doubt it cause he's short)then maybe Adam was wearing Tommy's Clodhopper type shoes on Jimmy Kimmel's stage( lol!) he changed to boots after the show,I noticed.
Hows the radio play for NCOE for you guys on 24/7 going. So far I havent heard it here in NZ, and I am getting pissed off to put it mildly.
@ Jadam NZ
I just found out today that a station here in the Seattle area has added NCOE..and has BTIKM as well. So I'm requesting!
Danielle and Adam are so gorgeous together. damn the eyes on those two are killer.
Is anybody watching Jimmy Kimmel live tonight at the White House Correspondence Dinner? It would be so nice if he could mention Adam some how when he speaks but I'm sure it's not the time and place.
JimmyKimmelLive has uploaded the concert on u tube. FAB!!!
Looking so fine...
My wishful thinking for Adam is, when the right time comes of having beautiful babies I hope Danielle will be the surrogate mother???:)
They are very very close since high school years.... It's nice to see them always there for each other no matter what is the circumstances.
More power to you both!!!
Adam looks awesome! What did he do with his skin? It looks fantastic! Love his teeth! Adam is absolutely beautifull man with golden heart and brilliant voice!
Danillle Loves him. I bet they have laid around on the bed and cuddled watching movies into late hours of the night. Women and Men can love each other without any sexual attachment. I bet they have kissed lots of times.
the best relationships are the ones without the sex. The intensity builds and you keep wondering what is going on UNDERNEATH.
7:46 and then you suddenly realize you are CUCKOO.
Adam, hopin 1 day you are single and have the right connection with a female. Then you will know whats its like, totally dude, you will love the feeling!
You've made out with girls, think they're beautiful, I know you can have the huge orgasm feeling, once you have it, no going back.
in case anyone interested I just donated some cd's to the youth group in Texas and it was very easy.Follow the link on the other thread.
Adam's shirt is so interesting and different!!
Can't get any gayer than this
8:22 and 10:24 Go away.
Danielle and Adam remind me of my first puppy love and I. We're both very happily married to other people but have had a special bond for 24 years. I'm here for him and he's here for me if the need is there. Our spouses are not jealous at all because they understand our friendship.
Strange comments here obviously with people's own fantasies about Adam. Remember, a gay friend is always a girls best friend.
I love the friendship between Danielle and Adam. No matter how famous he is he keeps his core friendships. It is smart and so loyal. He knows who has his back.
@ 8:22
How old are you? An orgasm is an orgasm, whether it's with a woman or a man or by yourself. Don't worry about Adam missing anything!
Speaking about sex, I watched the youtube video of Adam performing on the Kimmel show: "Broken English" is about Sauli, right? I think it's disrespectful of Adam towards Sauli to make such erothical moves with hips and hands while singing such a personal song. As if we are all allowed to masturbate over "sexy Sauli with an accent". I'm disappointed. I bet Sauli is embarrased. He is worth more than that... Sometimes I don't get Adam at all.
Anon 5.15am are you serious!!!
I was in a crabby mood when I first got here, now I am LMAO over this troll on here. So all around immature. Feel sort of bad for her.
5:15, Talk about over-analyzing! Get real.
Why can't a muscial performance by Adam be just that??? Why can't he be appreciated for the vocals which were amazing and not read something into every move Adam makes? I thought he was great during the Kimmel mini concert and hopefully Trespassing will do very well when released in May. And forget about Adam and babies with a female. If he wants a child in the future, I am sure he can do what NPH and Ricky Martin, Elton John have done to have a child, whatever the procedure is. Let's give Adam a chance to have a successful career first, be settled in his relationship and then maybe think about a child in his life. Right now the "baby" in his life is his godchild Riff and maybe this new album that he has nurtured and produced. And I do like that shirt he is wearing ...always something interesting and different.
There are some kind of nutty people out there! And bugger me they seem to be arriving on this site. Isn't it strange fellow fans when Adam does something good i.e. Jimmy kimmel that the tolls come out to play bugger off!!!
6:45 It's in vitro fertilization. I only mention this because my sister explored the possibility at one time and called it "artificial insemination" and her doctor sighed and said as if for the 100th time:"that's for cows..."
JK Live was awesome and Adam's personal life is clearly awesome,too: meeting friends, celebrating birthdays and being with the one you love.
A major chord moment in Adam's life. Love it.
I have always enjoyed this site but not those who comment on sexual things regarding Adam Lambert. Why can't people keep the discussion on his music? And the Moderator should delete any sexual comments, they cross the line. Adam is a singer people, not a porn star.
@7:14 AM - thing is..Adam said at the outset of his career that if you didn't like sex, then be a fan of someone else..Adam is a brillant singer, showman..handsome..etc..but he does act out sexually on stage..and I for one..LOVE IT!! I think with Broken English he is obviously conveying that the connection to his loved one can be made through physical means, if there is a language barrier..thoughts??
@6:45 AM,
Chill!!! My dear it's only an honest wishful thinking and there is nothing wrong
to wish the best for respecting one another ok??
If you have a problem with that just suck it up!!!!:)))
7:49 only the CUCKOO use the word CUCKOO you got that?
7:49 only the CUCKOO use the word CUCKOO you got that?
Danielle is a beautiful woman who could have her own men. I say she has many male besties besides Adam. She has been there for Adam a very long time when she could have turned her back and went away. That shows loyalty on her part and I believe she will be sticking around for a very long time. Their relationship goes way back and they probably share lots of stories.
No one knows what Adams intentions are of having children. To state any thoughts of thinking you know is insane.
Adopts, AI, Invitro, F*cks, none of our bees wax!
Since Adam has stated he doesn't have time to have a dog, I think the whole baby issue is done. I tried to Google Danille, but most are old posts from 2009 and have been taken down. Couldn't find much current info about what's she's doing. Just curious as I know she is a singer also. Happy Birthday Danille.
@5:15AM For God sakes! "Broken English" isn't about Sauli. It's just about people who talk in the sames language (ENGLISH) but can't understand each other.
How many trolls who got in two days?
@12:16 PM - actually, Adam did allude to the fact that "Broken English" is about his relationship with Sauli..being as Sauli speaks Finnish and "Broken English" would appear that the track is about how difficult it is to tell someone how you feel about them, when they have trouble understanding your language, and vice-versa...
@12:23PM As I know "Love" is international language. And when you say "I Love You" or "Don't hurt me, please" to somebody who loves you it's easy to understand in any language. But your partner answer you "So, what?" in perfect English it is Broken English. However, if you never feel this way it's hard to explain
I'm loving that leopard print shirt with the stars on it. Adam is our "star". Wonder if it's an Alexander McQueen.
Read on Adam Official that Jason Derulo is going to be on the AI finale. That leaves May 17 for Adam. Wish he'd confirm.
Adam has said that Shady was about the night he met Sauli. I think Broken English is also about his relationship with Sauli. Has universal meaning, as well.
I think I remember an old interview when Adam said that in high school, he dyed his hair and it came out really weird and Danielle helped him get it back to a normal color. Anybody else rememer this, or am I nuts?
DRG (PopCrush still needs votes to keep Adam ahead!)
@2:13PM Love this leopard print. I hope I dan find something like this in Sack's or Bloomingdale
5:15 Embarrassed? Honey he was eating that shit up!! Drool rag anyone? I bet he got hard watching that. Just sayin...
8:22 "the huge orgasm feeling" LMAO!! Im sure hes had QUITE A FEW of those with his MALE lovers! Jeez... Are we really on this train again?? Someone throw mamma from the train please!
Broken English and Naked Love are both about Adam's and Sauli's relationship.
Adam in INRock magazine's interview:
"- Most memorable experience in the past two years: "Meeting my current boyfriend. It was a really powerful, important incident to me. My life has changed so much because of the relationship we have. He really enriched my life and he inspires me so much. He makes me feel awesome and happy. It's really exciting, you know? I was looking for that kind of relationship for a very long time. And, he feels the same about me."
- In which songs on Trespassing are those experiences reflected?
"In several songs, I think. "Broken English" reflects both challenge and reward of this love. I think you haven't heard it, but "Naked Love" is also about my relationship. "
Danielle is sexy. Her eyes are soooo beautiful. Adam and her look hot in that pic.
FINALLY It's official from Adam himself!
@adam lambert: Exciting news! I will be returning to American Idol on May 17 to perform my new single "Never Close Our Eyes"!"
Yay! Finally Idol confirmation date
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