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Pollo Del Mar Interviews Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, April 27, 2012

"The (Drag) Queen of All Media" Pollo Del Mar talks to "American Idol" alum and international superstar Adam Lambert about his upcoming album for GLOSS Magazine. In this teaser, Adam shares how being in a relationship has changed him. Adam's new album "Trespassing" comes out May 15, 2012.

For this interview in its entirety, visit


Anonymous said...

I was reading old articles on this site and had to laugh out loud at Sauli haters. It started out as:
1. Sauli is just a friend and everyone is just assuming he is Adam's boyfriend.
2. I'm happy Adam has someone to have sex with but its not serious Adam is still dating around and is too young to even think of a serious relationship.
3.OMG he is coming to US for a roadshow, well he is soooooo ugly and not worth Adam's time.
4. They are just casual so fans stop making videos of them on YT claiming they are in love and soulmates.
5. Rakastan is a group of artists and Adam was tweeting support for them.
6. A photo now....well Adam has bad taste in men so I'm sure this one will not last and anyway Adam is too busy with his album for a serious relationship, you wait and see they will break up soon.
7.He is from Finland and his visa is only for 90 days and he will have to go back to his own country so this can't last.
8. He got a job in US, wtf he is a papparazi and will be giving private info about Adam. Not to worry Adam will get rid of him soon...oh and did I say he was ugly and always wears the same clothes..yuk!!
9. OMG Adam and Tommy tweeted each other haha you see they are soooooo in love and Sauli is just a cover up. Those wedding pics are just a cover they took many private pics that cannot be seen by the public.
10. Its their anniversary, well Sauli is a broke ass (even though his dad is quite well off) living off Adam who will get sick of him and dump him for Tommy who is his true love....though its a secret and they meet and fck when no one is looking and totes are secret boyfriends.
11. They got into a fight in Finland yipeee I knew they were problems. See people they will soooooo break up now and Adam can rush to Tommy who he didn't bother to spend the holidays with because helllooo its a SECRET relationship with hidden tweets and winks and rendezvous in motels.
12. They are back in LA together?!?! Look at the body language they are having issues and there are so fake boyfriends even if they live together and spend lots of time together and Adam can't stop gushing about Sauli being his happiness and inspiration for the album...its totes a cover for his secret boyfriend Tommy who he wrote a song for called Broken English because Tommy is American and sometimes speaks broken english right adommies?!
13. Aaah they are on promo together yes secret love is back on!! Yet Sauli is so secure he is home not even giving a second thought to it...but its only because RCA has hired him to be a cover boyfriend.

Yeah you get my drift, one and a half years later the changes in Adam are clear as day since he met Sauli and I can't be more happy for them. They are so loving and if they ever part I'm sure it will be in the best of terms. Until them keep that love blazing boys because you are bother gorgeous, sweet, goofy, adorkable guys who deserve all the happiness in the world. Mwah!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:35
I know..all ridiculous....

Anonymous said...

We've all seen pics of Adam from his hard-partying days, and he partied wild, that's for sure. It's so nice to see him maturing into a confident and responsible man with love in his life. I, too, chuckle at the comments from those who just cannot accept (or don't want to accept) that Adam actually has a stable, adult relationship. Adam and Sauli are mature and happy, and that's all we can expect from any couple, gay ro straight. Love'em both!


Anonymous said...

@DRG- well said and I for one think adam gets more gorgeous everyday (if that's possible)

Anonymous said...

Love the old fantasy digs at Sauli and wink wink motel trysts of Adam and Tommy. Is it really really mean of me to hope those posters are choking (only slightly) on their own words? I wonder just how much Adam and Sauli's fake romance has cost RCA to date? And tell me again why was it suppose to be necessary? Nitwits!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't understand some of what Adam said in this interview and couldn't find it on the link to the magazine.

The Adommy comments are delusional. Adommy fans are probably more in love with Tommy than Adam but who cares .... Adam says he's happy in his relationship with Sauli and that's what matters.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Liz anne Hill are a couple. She is beautiful and they say she is very humble and sweet.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all those awful comments about Sauli came from the same person. Who cares? Adam loves Sauli and is completely happy in his 1 year+ relationship. This love has inspired some wonderful songs. So, more power to them - Adam deserves this happiness and the love of this man. So happy for them both -