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Ad for ADAM LAMBERT's 'Trespassing' album in Target!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 01, 2012

@AuntieVenom: Ad for ADAM LAMBERT's Trespassing album in Target!! 5-1-12


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing this pic! We are almost there. May 15th is upon us. Everyone head to Target on the 15th and buy ALL the CDs. Out of stock in one day! Yes!

Anonymous said...

I hope the Target by me stocks Adam's album better than the last one. I better stop biaching I don't think he had a nice picture like that for FYE. That is really nice.

daydreamin said...

I was guilty of picking UP FYE copies at Target and strategically placing them by the checkout counters.

Here is a picture from today's MV:

Anonymous said...

Me too!!! Did the same thing at Chaptets/Indigo and Wallmart in Toronto, Canada. I "featured" him alongside Susan Boyle and Justin Beiber. Will do it again to market Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

@9:39PM Sorry, I didn't understand about NASTY BOYLE AND DWARF JB PART. Are they are going to release new CD' on May? It was a rumor about dwarf new CD. But I didn't hear about any particular release date. Didn't know weird fat SB is going to release new CD so soon!

Anonymous said...

9:51 whoa, is there anyone in the world you like besides FM? In your own strange way I think you do like Adam but sure cannot figure you out.

Anonymous said...

@10:10PM Gues what! Crazy about any singers who doesn't need any commercials and advertisements. And Adam is one of these geniouses. Unfortunately, there are not so many of them in American Music Industry for today. When I heard Josh Groban voice first time I didn't need any comments or reviews or Billboard charts. I'm going to be his fan forever! And I like Adele's songs. But it's too much of her voice on the radio.

Anonymous said...

10:28 thanks for your honest reply.

Anonymous said...

I am also guilty of strategically placing FYE in Target! I was in Target last week and they had a video screen with Better Than I Know Myself video playing there. It looked great. I had a proud Glambert moment...

Anonymous said...

@9:51 PM

There's no need to be nasty about other artists. Your type of remarks give Adam's fans a bad name. Didn't your mother tell you that if you can't say anything nice about a person, don't say anything at all.

SG said...


....bad girl...WELL DONE!!;))

BTW, what is that "hat" that she'swearing!??

Anonymous said...

So Far , I love all the songs! He was absolutely right. Definitely worth waiting for. The radio is on all day at work and would really love to hear his songs! NCOE sticks in my head. Other person was right , love Adele but can we move on 1 every hour??
Only radio station I know how to request and do it twice a day is Sirius My hits 1 . I vote twice a day.

coloforadam said...

I will be guilty of "strategically" placing all the copies of Trespassing" I can my shopping cart!!! I hope they rerelease FYE, as they often do after 2nd album release. My old ones are heavily used and I could use a fresh one. I still have an unopened one and that remains in my treasure box. Yes, I have the whole album on IPOD and on ITunes but I still love those hard copies in hand. And....can we let the SB thing rest, Pleeeeez??? I will say again, she is not competition!! Is there really one single fan of Adam who is also a SB fan and who will in any way shape or form, feel they have to chose between them for the price of $16.00??? REEEALLY??? In my opinion, it is insulting to mention them in the same breath (or blog)?

Anonymous said...

did they change the album cover?

Anonymous said...

I assume SB is Susan Boyle. Why would anyone be rude about her? A miracle happened for that woman and I understand she was due one. I will never buy any of her music, but I wish her well.

HK fan said...

@anon 9.01am
No they didn't change the album cover, there are 2 versions. The one shown above is for the regular cd, the other one with the bold Trespassing at the bottom is for the Deluxe version.

Anonymous said...

@4:21 thanks

Anonymous said...

Cool -- never saw FYE displayed like that so this may be a good sign for things to come -- people will gravitate to it!! I've already pre-ordered Trespassing but I will certainly make a beeline over to Target to get another copy! I suspect they'll sell fast on May 15.

I have been guilty myself for placing Adam's CDs up front -- definitely where he belongs!

mimi said...

I am so happy to see the "Trespassing" ad in Target papers. I have already ordered 4 copies, two from Amazon and two from Official Fan club, but-----I will defiantly be at Target on May 15th to buy at least 2 more, probably more. Also, the UK version, with 2 extra songs, is now available on Amazon---ordering that today! Can't wait to see the sales of this album, push Adam to the top of his game!!!