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ADAM LAMBERT Bonus Track Snippets from Deluxe US Trespassing! Runnin, Take Back, Nirvana!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 3, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 03, 2012

@ScorpioBert: ADAM LAMBERT Bonus Track Snippets Deluxe US Trespassing! Runnin, Take Back, Nirvana!


The Dark Side said...

All three are pretty songs that will appeal to our love of just hearing Adam sing. Will be ordering this version for sure.

Anonymous said...

Such a tease, want to hear more.But the cd's will be arriving before we know it. The funny thing is I can't remember just how many I ended up ordering!!!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! I like the sound of that Nirvana ballad. The other two sound good, too. Can't wait to hear them in their entirety!


Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is like aphrodisiac. Can't wait to get my multiple purchase of TP deluxe albums. Just remember guys don't listen to Trespassing album when you drive cause you never know where you might end up!

Anonymous said...

@DRG I love Nirvana!

Anonymous said...

I love all three. Use a good headphone to feel all three tracks. Gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:07 Adam's voice is like the best aphrodisiac isn't it!!! These snippets sound great especially Nirvana. Take back has a real rock feel and I love the beat in Runnin,sounds like actual running.Adam has truly made this album worth the wait!!!Grammy please!

glitzylady said...

Got home a little while ago, went to Twitter and immediately saw two friends talking about these snippets...So rushed off to listen! All are really beautiful, but the "Nivana" track is definitely a new favorite: GORGEOUS! Had my husband listen too... He's a I said "This one's for you! ("Running"). Lucky for me, he's also a very big Adam Lambert fan and he was really impressed with all three snippets. He asked if Adam wrote these..I said I was guessing he was a writer on them, because he said he wrote on most of them, and hubby said "Well, he's pretty amazing.." I told him that Adam recorded over 50 songs over the last year+. Hubby said" well, sounds like he should put out a couple more albums with all that music ready to go." I of course did not argue that point at all!!!!!! Along those lines, I hope he DOES put out an EP album later on (not talking about acoustic versions of his Trespassing new songs but entirely separate and new`music) maybe next year, with some more of his unused music. Because I will ALWAYS want MORE ADAM!

Anonymous said...

all snippets sounded great to me.Xtra love for Nivana.

glitzylady said...

My newly acquired and sweet 3 year old cat OPUS just wrote this (he was walking across the keyboad)...I'm hoping ICON and Fan4Fun will stop by so we can translate it...Sounds like he's approving Adam's bonus album tracks to me....

OPUS said...

Anonymous said...

Nice! I like these even better than the first ones -- except "the classic" Underneath which I LOVE the most...toooooo beautiful. But I just saw a duet knocking on the door of the great artists, Adam. (see For me, I see Adam more in these kinds of "artsie," way out genres than I do the cutsie, commercial pop tunes. But, hell, Adam can make anything he sings sound good. I'm just talking about my personal preferences. I just think most of the above average pop singers can sing those "commercial" kinds of dance songs but only true artists, like Adam, can innovate new, fabulous sounds and rhythms. Beverly

Anonymous said...

So glad I ordered the deluxe edition of the album. Now I will get to listen to three more songs which makes it even better. Can't wait to receive it so I can play it over and over at home and in the car. I want to hear the entire album without any interruptions and just take it all in since I have favorites already from the snippets and then the Kimmel show. I hope there is a Grammy nomination in Adam's future for this album since he put his heart and soul into every aspect of it. Can't wait to see him perform on IDOL on May 17th also.

Anonymous said...

I loved the comment about not listening to the Trespassing album while driving because you never know where you might end up. So true. Can't wait to get my deluxe copy that I ordered through Barnes and Noble, but I may also have to go to Target on May 15th and buy another copy there. Adam's appearance on IDOL on May 17th should also boost sales for him.

Anonymous said...

Snippets of the 2 extra bonus tracks .... woo! hoo! very nice indeed!! I'm loving this WHOLE album. <3

Anonymous said...

More snippets - my, aren't we spoilt & I'm loving it!! My fav is still Naked Love but all the songs are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon. 8:16 PM and I should've said 3 extra bonus tracks!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember how many Deluxe CD's I ordered and not sure from where??? Ok, Amazon, AO and I just have to remember how many all together LOL! Gifting anyone?

Love the new snippets! Especially Adam's voice really stands out on that one....seriously gorgeous!


Arthas said...

Just my opinion:

" Runnin' " seems like an FYE leftover. The sound, style and music just screams 2009. " Take Back " is reeeeaaaallly dull and could be on ANYONE's album and I think it decreases the whole album's greatness a bit. " Nirvana " is better than all of them but is very BTIKM and seems like JUST ANOTHER MEDIOCRE TRACK.

Overall I think it would have been much better to keep the album in it's originated masterpiece form that it had already become and not add these extras.

This is completely unlike FYE, as for the latter THE BONUS TRACKS WERE ACTUALLY THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE ALBUM, overshadowing other tracks by being in a whole different league; This album's original tracks though, are waaaaaay better than the bonus ones!

However, these are just snippets and my opinion may change if I hear the complete songs.

For now, too mediocre for Tpassing's greatness...

Arthas said...

I'M ALSO VERY JEALOUS OF YOU GUYS! YOU GET TO BUY HIS ALBUMS AND HEAR IT EXACTLY WHEN IT'S RELEASED, here he is banned and we have to wait a whole week to MAYBE find a leaked link to download it. :|

Please promise you'll talk about the tracks here as soon as you get them, IN ADAM'S FANDOM TIME FORMAT, YOU KNOW ONE WEEK EQUALS ONE YEAR.

Anonymous said...

@Jax where do you live? Adam banned????

Anonymous said...

Jax........Middle East maybe?

Anonymous said...

Adam just lays out his heart and soul on this album.

Every song amazing,what other artist respects his audience enough to give them a CD that is worthy of the Title best of Adam Lambert. no fillers,every song a potential single.
Thank you Adam for all that you give us..

Anonymous said...


I don’t agree that the bonus songs on the FYE album are better than the original tracks ..... NO WAY!! I absolutely ADORE the FYE album .... it’s a MASTERPIECE but to each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

@ Jax.........JAK here

I know I really missed not getting Voodoo-Masterplan-Can't Let You Go on my FYE album. Can't remember, were there others?

Anonymous said...

@JAK Get FYE (Deluxe) UK version. Quality of this CD is great and it sounds amazing.

@JAX For sure for someone who can't buy Adam's music you have a long opinion about Adam's music. I bet you couldn't even watch some of his interviews since Adam is banned in your country. Adam mentioned on his interviews that his album is about his personal life experiences. Kind of like autobiographical book set into music. Adam with his album is inviting us to enter into his life, Trespassing. True fans will get their hands on everything that is related to Adam. PLEASE AVOID DOWNLOADING ADAM'S MUSIC FOR FREE IF YOU CALL YOURSELF HIS FAN.

Anonymous said...

Updated Calendar of Events for Adam's performances for month of May. If anyone would like to attend these events this site has links and sources for ticket information. Bookmark this link for future references:

SG said...

I loooooove Runnin!! I hope at some point all the bonus songs from all the different countries will be on Itunes,I already ordered 3 US delux (2 for friends)and the Itunes download,...and probably The Box will be mine too....I never had so many copies of the same album!! But Adam is special!!

Anonymous said...

I debated whether to click on these, I want to be surprized when delux album gets here. Couldn't help myself however, love nirvana! Also I got the last issue of instinct mag at books a million. yeah.OT: For you lucky fans in NY, adams performing at some cave (can't remember the name) on May 14th- opened to the public (small intimate venue). I would get in line for that!

fefa said...

I agree...i love runnin! i run myself today ibwas doing my daily run and school really took alot of me this week and i was really tired! in one point i almost stoped! (i still had a lot to run!) and that song started playing in my phone! it was like a calling lol when it got to the "runnin runnin runnnin RUNNIN RUNNIN" part it felt like someone pushed me and told me "u better not stop runnin right now" lol it was incredible the huge rush i got in those seconds! :3

I like all the songs! nirvana just takes me to another dimension! i just close my eyes and start to travel IDK where! i love it! (Voodoo from FYE did that to me also :3)

fefa :3

Anonymous said...

Tis album is going to be unbelievably good. Haven't heard a snippet yet I didn't' like !

Anonymous said...

RĂ© Jax....
Though we would normally tend to always chastise anyone who downloads Adam for free, I think we have to take her statement seriously within the context of what she said. She is jealous of us because we have the FREEDOM to buy his album. Which is more wrong...his being banned or a woman who desperately loves him using the only means available to get his music?

Zero tolerance = zero thought.


Arthas said...

@ Those who asked :D >

I live in Persia (Iran). Not that Adam is solely banned. Mostly the foreign music and art is forbidden here, which as you might know it's completely useless cos Iran has one of the most active scenes in Arts generally and we'll eventually EVEN SOMETIMES MUCH SOONER THAN YOU GUYS (fortunately/unfortunately) find our way to buy them or view them.

BUT it always has its dangers as you might guess...

@ JAK > I think "Down the rabbit Hole" was a bonus too... right?

@ Anon 4:23 > Sweetheart I ADORE FYE too, I think it's the most outstanding debut album from an AI alumni and EVEN MUCH MORE THAN THAT. I just say that he EVEN UPSTAGED HIMSELF AND HIS MASTERPIECE of FYE, BY RELEASING THOSE BONUS TRACKS! It was a compliment. :) I think though, and just saying for myself, these new bonuses don't do that for Tpassing as it is on a very higher standard.

@ Anon 5:50 > Dear one, I don't know which part of my comment you've misinterpreted that you've jumped into such bizarre conclusions, but to make a few things clear:

1. Yes, I have even much longer opinions which I'll express whenever I see the need to COS I'M A FAN AND I'M ENTITLED TO IT. It's called Democracy...

2. Sweetheart I don't live in a tent, I know where to find his material, this site for one is a source for his interviews AND THE FACT THAT I'M ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU THROUGH THIS PORTAL SHOWS THAT I WILL VIEW ITS POSTS!

3. I don't know how anything that you said is related to my statements ABOUT just a personal opinion and critic on a piece of music.


Arthas said...

Dear SS >

Thank you so much for your comment. And you're completely right about everything so thank you also for you "tolerance". ;)


Anonymous said...

@ Jax 10:28

Now see there, I can be just as guilty at jumping to conclusions as the next person. So sorry. Pleased to make your electronic acquaintance and may liberty come sooner than later to your country.


Anonymous said...

Oh @Jax @Jax @Jax: Your notion of Democracy is to be an entitled fan and to download Adam's music for free cause poor you (Elahi Bechareh), you are living in a country that music is banned. You sound like those young guys who poured into the streets in hope of having free water, gas, and electricity and started the 1979 revolution (or devolution) in our country. As a result women lost their given rights by being buried under black sheets of cloth (Chador). Religious minorities' right is equivalent to rights of animals which that even doesn't exist. I suggest you learn the true meaning of democracy by reading volumes of books about this subject and stay away from getting your information from comments on internet blogs.

funbunn40 said...

@1:34PM I believe Jax was just giving his musical opinion for which we are all entitled. I also cannot condemn him or any person that is living in a country with limited freedom for wanting to listen and enjoy music, books, culture or news information. I'm sure he would be happy to purchase it if it were available. I have always lived in a free country, so I can only imagine what it would be like to have such limitations. I also can understand the frustration and anger of women that have no rights and support their quest for equality. This thread is for everyone to enjoy and to support Adam, and hopefully each other in the kindest,most understanding way. I'm appreciative that I have the opportunity to hear from people all over the world and like Adam, see how much we are alike, rather than different. It's enriched my life and it's another of life's special gifts. :)