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Adam Lambert Performing "Broken English" at The FM Kirby Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA. (5-25-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 25, 2012

Posted at : Friday, May 25, 2012


SG said...

Adam, I like "your touch"...;)

lorraine said...

Wilkes-Barre Broken English- Adam----SEXY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is mentioned in above video link.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to be grappling with an unforeseen circumstance. This brings to my mind an incident where he was told to tone down his stage acts (GNT) and he replied that sometimes it's not within his control. And subsequently a well-known singer came to his defence and confirmed it to be true; due largely to the fact that singing can be sexual. I wonder if this is what Adam is experiencing. LOL! :)

HK fan said...

Beautiful.......who kept replaying 1.32 to 1.40????......or was that just sexy!

Anonymous said...

JAK it just me....or has Isaac gotten a lot more skilled on the drums ? I wish he would smile more frequently, he's kinda cute!

Anonymous said...

Sorry 2:19 AM

I think Adam is in complete control of everythng he does on stage. By his own admission he is stubborn and does not like anyone telling him what to do. I think that attitude held his career back for several years before he decided to be his good boy self and go on Idol, which worked. Then he let the bad boy out again and darn near sunk his upward swing. Now, a little older and wiser his naughty self makes occasional appearances, but not too often. He may look like one, but he's no angel.

Anonymous said...

adding to all the accolades appropriate to describe Adam..SEXY comes in pretty much at the top..he is just so fantastic in every way possible...may he have the very best of luck with this album and continue his rise to the top...

Anonymous said...

@3:02 - I totally agree with you..Adam is just sexy (and stubborn) by nature..and we fans get to enjoy that really seems weird to alot of people, but this old gal's one last hormone kicks into high gear when witnessing that sexy boy do his thing..hope he never changes..

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this NAUGHTY BOY

Anonymous said...

Pertaining to the incident I brought up about "sometimes it's not within his control", the incident was not brought up by Adam himself; rather an article written by a very experienced, famous singer quoted it as an example. Adam merely remarked but did not specifically use it as an excuse or in defence of what he did on stage. The article went on to state that this kind of sexual stimulation is experienced by other male singers as well; who sometimes feel embarrassed on stage. The writer/singer explained that singing is emotional as well as sexual in nature. So it's not just pertaining to Adam but to male singers that this can happen. I believe Adam was saying something true regarding the incident and it has not much to do with whether he is a bad boy or an angel. Adam has always been open and honest and has never claimed to be an angel. Hasn't he told us enough of his dark as well as light side.

Anonymous said...

This is what I'm saying for how many times nowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!

Promoting with the album has to be a bit family friendly especially he's not the last act right????

You wait until his own tour folks, we are going back to the oven indeed!!! He!he!.......

For those who has kids in the concert that night, we are not naive that our kids now a days are more open than before.....:) It's my opinion and don't deny it folks.

Accept it or not technology helps or make it worst for our kids mind he!he!

We just take it or leave it that way indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...

What does Adam sang right at the beginning of the clip? I've played it several times but can't decipher what he's saying.

Anonymous said...

looking at this vid again (and again and again) know Adam is not doing anything that most other performers do (i.e., touching himself and moving provocatively)..I think it is just that we get so turned on by his awesomeness that any thing he does that is the least bit risque..we glom onto and feel the need to comment on...

Anonymous said...

ADAM is ADAM...internationally
we didn't have to worry about any toned down moments. Out the box and full on for us!

Anonymous said...

Heck Adam said he wasn't a babysitter a long time ago. Loved it. He is such a hoot and knows how to move and groove those moments that collapse the Glamberts. Maybe too, his missing Sauli right now?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Tommy's solo here. It bring a real edge to the song!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's song, Broken English.

Anonymous said...

In your face family friendly. Don't you go giving our boy any trouble.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that. His second world tour will be sensational and he probably won't be told what or what not to do so much. More are beginning to understand his intentions; basically a very passionate artist who wants to perform his art with as much freedom and self-expression as possible.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Tyler was touching himself on idol last week, and it wa OK for the kiddies. When Adam does it is just so much mere sensual. Adam just oozes sex.

Anonymous said...

Just heard that Elton John is really maybe that concert with Queen Elton, and Adam is gonna get cancel.

Anonymous said...

Always appreciate your comments.
We went to many US concerts which were amazing, but overseas, because Adam could be more out the box, people were in a state of total collapse. Adam is a genius performer and it's so great to see him play that stage.

Anonymous said...

Wow, envy you much! "people in a state of total collapse", Adam must have been at his most surreal. "a genius performer" Yea!

Anonymous said...

Loved this performance -- Adam's sooooo sexy. The touching thing didn't bother me at all -- that's sexy Adam. Did you see lately that Justin Beiber has been touching his you-know-what in some recent performances - and who watches -- the teens -- and I would imagine they don't have a problem with it. Family friendly? Anyway, give me some sexy Adam anytime!

Anonymous said...

yeah, JB has been copying Adam alot lately..the look, the ear studs and even some photo it does follow reason that he would "try" to come across as a sexy beast..BUT..the great, the only, the sexiest man alive, can only carry it off in a way to arouse every woman who chooses to observe (and alot of men too lol)

Anonymous said...

Get well soon,Elton John.Yes,Adam sang one sexy version of "Broken English"!

Anonymous said...

When I saw Adam sing Broken English at the Jimmy Kimmel Live Show he did a very similar sexy performance, the "touch" included and, yeah, the crowd looovvved it...Thud.

Anonymous said...

I love and appreciate Adam's incredible voice and superb showmanship and I'm Sooo happy he's decided to share his CROTCH with us again . KEEP IT UP ADAM !!!

Anonymous said...

Now that's worth a some repeat viewing/listening. He was just helping his audience understand what body language he speaks. Great wails!! He was definitely on!

glitzylady said...

Review of Adam and the rest of the Summer Smash concert from the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader..Most about Adam it should be. VERY nice and complimentary review. The first comment in the comments section was however from a clueless the comments to follow are all from fans..(myself included...) Adam is sooo loved...,155496

glitzylady said...

Here's the Times Leader review that I linked above, the part that pertains to Adam (which was most of the review!)

"Lambert ‘trespasses’ at Kirby Review"
‘American Idol’ alumni performs tunes from his No. 1 second studio release.
BRAD PATTON, For The Times Leader

"Just one day after his new album became the No. 1 record in the country, Adam Lambert was in town to headline the “98.5 KRZ Summer Smash” at the F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts on Friday.
“Trespassing,” Lambert’s second studio release, debuted atop the Billboard 200 yesterday and made a little history by replacing the latest offering by Carrie Underwood at No.1. It was the first time an album by an “American Idol” alum took over the top spot from another AI alum.
Lambert took the stage of the Kirby Center – the same theater in which he launched his first ever solo tour two years ago – at 9:35 following an introduction by one of KRZ’s disc jockeys that included the words “tall,” “talented,” and “tasty.”
To a deafening roar from the near-capacity crowd, Lambert sported a look slightly reminiscent of Elvis in “Jailhouse Rock” as he wore a black suit over a black and white striped shirt.
“You guys, we’re number one, and it’s all because of you,” he said following his opening number, the title track of his latest album. “Thank you so much for your passion, your support and your insanity.”
Later he thanked his musical director for taking what he called a “crazy electronic studio album” and making it come alive on the stage.
Although the album hit the shelves less than two weeks ago, it seemed nearly everyone in the audience was very familiar with the material, singing along to every song and waving their “Glam sticks” in unison.
An early highlight was a stripped down version of “Whataya Want From Me” from Lambert’s first album, 2009’s “For Your Entertainment,” as was the new song “Broken English.”
Following another new number “Naked Love,” which Lambert stressed for the family-friendly audience is about freeing yourself not taking your clothes off, he scored big with his latest single “Never Close Your Eyes” as he headed down the home stretch of his 45-minute performance"....

Read more:,155496#ixzz1vzyPIt6m

Anonymous said...


MiMi said...

I just returned from Wilkes Barre, Pa after attending the concert at the Kirby Center. Adam was "electrifying" to say the least. He was 'naughty" at times and "playful" throughout his set, and he was on last. Not only worth the wait, but I think he gave one of his best performmances live. The entire show was family friendly. I met people from all over the country. They love Adam. He is sexy and it's all good. I had butterflies when he bounded onto the stage. I am still on a high. Get to a concert in your area if you can. He is unbelivable!!!

Anonymous said...

@6.47 well that is the best way anybody ever put it. I was at the Paradiso concert and that was how I felt at the end of the concert. I was supposed to meet a friend at the venue who didn't get in till later and when she finally found me, I literally fell into her arms and bawled my eyes out.

This performance gives us taste of the great things that are to come during the next tour!!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ADAMGASMIC from Colombia has started a campaign to bring Adam’s music to South America. She contacted Sony, which told her they would ship CDs only if she can show that the support is there. She needs 1,000 followers for @playbogota. You don’t need to be in South America, so just go and find the Twitter account and click “Follow”!! Let’s see if we can reach her goal by the weekend!! She’s an incredible Glambert. Last night she produced a radio show devoted to “Trespassing”.

MiMi said...

I have to comment again about "Naked Love" and including the audience in part of the singing. One of the highlights of the fabulous concert. He was so frickin adorable. People were going crazy.

Anonymous said...

I am boiling mad I called my local radio station asked if they would play NCOE & he said they do not play Adam Lambert I said why not he actually laughed at me nothing makes me any madder than some one to laugh at me He said Adam just is not popular enough I said all the garbage you play on your station you have the nerve to laugh at me Kiss FM Springfield Illinois I hope he has to eat his words & ignorant laugh.

Anonymous said...

Your so right! I had the short priviledge of working for MJ and I know Adam and both have an aura that totally surround's them. Each of them in their own way magnificent, spectacular, mind blowing, off the planet entertainers who shine when they hit the stage, and shine off too.
What a priviledge to see Adam hit #1 on Billboards!

Anonymous said...

On Lambosessed's website, she has all the videos (TALC videos!) from Wilkes-Barre. They're amazing!

Anonymous said...

Feel your frustration from the other side of the world with this KISS FM Springfield radio station!
How bloody rude are they!

Anonymous said...

Frankly I'm sick of the oversexualizing of everything nowdays. I'm no prude, but I teach at a middle school, and our children know so much more about sexual tnings than I ever did at that age. It's almost as if they're not allowed to be kids anymore. I love Adam and his singing, but I don't really want to see him groping his crotch. But that's just me. I know most of the posters here eat that kind of stuff up from Adam.(No pun intended).LOL

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and I am also a teacher. Adam can ooze sex with a lifted eyebrow and his sideways "eye sex" he used so effectively on Idol. I don't think the genital rub is necessary.
And can be offensive to some.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:42 PM

One of this countries most horrendous serial killers had same Zodiac sign as Adam and Elvis.?????
I can't recall if he had a good voice. What's the connection?

Adamluv said...

@11:45 everything Adam does is offensive to someone so what should he do? Case in point - that vile Focus on the Family christian group reviewed Trespassing and said that in Naked Love " the singer drunkenly demands that a prospective lover expose himself". WOW - guess I missed that! Also that "Lambert is unapologetically shameless about his voracious sexual appetites". Wont go on with their rant cuz ya get the idea. Didnt know whether to laugh, cry or scream in anger over this review? Actually I screamed in anger! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Maybe keep his hands off his crotch on stage?

Anonymous said...

So, what was that, four minutes of INSANELY great singing and 1/2 second of Adam rubbing his hand over the bulge.
And we are focusing on that 1/2 second?
I go nuts when Adam and the backup singers (they are unreal) sing the "on and on and on we go" part. It is crazy powerful singing.
And please, the Christian review! They think he's a sinner for just being Adam so he can't win anyway.

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