It's really heartwarming to see this radio-station celebrating Adam's #1 Billboard win. This win is a definite career and confidence booster to Adam. At least he now knows his work, music, songs are well received. Frankly almost all the Trespassing songs are hit material; unlike other singers' albums where only a few songs are good. Adam, Trespassing is indeed deserving of the #1 position; a way-above-par album that you executive produced, stamped with the unmistakable Adam insignia. :) Lam-my
Adam just exudes star confidence. It comes to naturally to him. He never mumbles or fumbles around. He is quick and witty and smart. It's like be was born to do this. I sometimes hear other celebs/singers do interviews and many of them are just so dull and average. Adam is a interviewer's dream. Trespassing MUST include more hit singles (the edgy ones) and really make its mark for Adam. U.S. and world tours, here he comes!!!
Hello Fan4fun creative, very happy for your greeting, wishing that every day,'re better health, overwhelming joy for the success of your sweet Adam, what motivates you daily, pushing you in your recovery with your incredible music! Love to Icon .... Take good care! God bless you! HH.
I agree that there are a lot of single that should come out of this album. Just hope the record company thinks so and that radio gets with it and plays his songs. Adam is working very hard to promote this album with all these mini radio concerts . I listened to this one at 7:30 in the morning and Adam sounded terrific. The djs loved him, the band, and Trespassing. As always, Adam does a very articulate, intelligent and witty interview. Most other performers can't string two sentences together without mumbling or using "like" as every other word. Can't wait to see any vids from the Six Flags, Agawam, MA concert today. These vids are the next best thing to actually being there. Hope he doesn't have any sound problems as he has had with a few previous shows. And, yes, whose picture was on his shirt? I could not tell.
Actually the announcer sounded like he was drunk or does he always sound like that. This was an early morning gig I believe. Lols. Glad Adam is making the US rounds and getting seen and heard. Wake up America!
To you youngsters out there, that would be the under 60 group: I laughed so hard when I saw that WPLJ was a bar. Back in the day when I was in high school, a hit song was played on the radio all the time. It was called WPLJ and the Four Deuces sang White Port and Lemon Juice it really tastes good to me.
I never tasted the drink, but I watched as many of my peers who did toss their cookies at many a beach party. Oh to be young again.
Really enjoyed this radio interview - very positive, no snarky, snide comments and mentioning #1 album TWICE was fab.!!!!!!! All radio DJs could learn a lot from these guys. . . . Adamluv
Since I was young and pure and a non drinker I observed many of my crowd tossing their cookies behind a sand dune. I came from a non drinking family, not the preachy kind, just folks who didn't care for liquor of any kind.
I never could understand the seeming allure of getting drunk...I was having fun sober and couldn't understand how alcohol could enhance my fun....and I really had no desire to smell like puke!! I got teased a bit but it never bothered me. Still doesn't.
I'm sort of a margarita or pina colada a month kind of girl. 76 and never been buzzed or passed out, does that mean I've missed something essential?
Anybody else recognise that shirt! Ha!?! FINALLY great to see the rest of the US embrace the Lambert!
It's really heartwarming to see this radio-station celebrating Adam's #1 Billboard win. This win is a definite career and confidence booster to Adam. At least he now knows his work, music, songs are well received. Frankly almost all the Trespassing songs are hit material; unlike other singers' albums where only a few songs are good. Adam, Trespassing is indeed deserving of the #1 position; a way-above-par album that you executive produced, stamped with the unmistakable Adam insignia. :)
LOL The weatherman missed his spot because he was busy "Kissing Adam's butt" as one of the DJ's put it. So many unexpected people are Glamberts!
That GORGEOUS smile of Adam's plus these DJs seem to "get" Adam which is so heart-warming. :)
You lucky Americans who are able to see/hear Adam at these radio shows and other events .... *sighs*.
Don't worry Adam will be touring the world soon and everyone will be going totally nuts again.
12.26 AM, Whose Photo was on the shirt?
Adam just exudes star confidence. It comes to naturally to him. He never mumbles or fumbles around. He is quick and witty and smart. It's like be was born to do this. I sometimes hear other celebs/singers do interviews and many of them are just so dull and average. Adam is a interviewer's dream. Trespassing MUST include more hit singles (the edgy ones) and really make its mark for Adam. U.S. and world tours, here he comes!!!
Hello Fan4fun creative, very happy for your greeting, wishing that every day,'re better health, overwhelming joy for the success of your sweet Adam, what motivates you
daily, pushing you in your recovery with your incredible music! Love to Icon .... Take good care! God bless you! HH.
I agree that there are a lot of single that should come out of this album. Just hope the record company thinks so and that radio gets with it and plays his songs. Adam is working very hard to promote this album with all these mini radio concerts . I listened to this one at 7:30 in the morning and Adam sounded terrific. The djs loved him, the band, and Trespassing. As always, Adam does a very articulate, intelligent and witty interview. Most other performers can't string two sentences together without mumbling or using "like" as every other word. Can't wait to see any vids from the Six Flags, Agawam, MA concert today. These vids are the next best thing to actually being there. Hope he doesn't have any sound problems as he has had with a few previous shows. And, yes, whose picture was on his shirt? I could not tell.
Stephen Tyler
Actually the announcer sounded like he was drunk or does he always sound like that. This was an early morning gig I believe. Lols. Glad Adam is making the US rounds and getting seen and heard. Wake up America!
To you youngsters out there, that would be the under 60 group: I laughed so hard when I saw that WPLJ was a bar. Back in the day when I was in high school, a hit song was played on the radio all the time. It was called WPLJ and the Four Deuces sang White Port and Lemon Juice it really tastes good to me.
I never tasted the drink, but I watched as many of my peers who did toss their cookies at many a beach party. Oh to be young again.
I'm sure @JAK will back me up on this one.
Really enjoyed this radio interview - very positive, no snarky, snide comments and mentioning #1 album TWICE was fab.!!!!!!! All radio DJs could learn a lot from these guys. . . . Adamluv
@ Shiggles........JAK here
Since I was young and pure and a non drinker I observed many of my crowd tossing their cookies behind a sand dune. I came from a non drinking family, not the preachy kind, just folks who didn't care for liquor of any kind.
I never could understand the seeming allure of getting drunk...I was having fun sober and couldn't understand how alcohol could enhance my fun....and I really had no desire to smell like puke!! I got teased a bit but it never bothered me. Still doesn't.
I'm sort of a margarita or pina colada a month kind of girl. 76 and never been buzzed or passed out, does that mean I've missed something essential?
@idolsnow: ADAM LAMBERT's "Trespassing" debuts at #1 on four Billboard charts this week, giving him a new total of 9 Billboard#1s.”
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