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Adam Lambert Talks "The F Word"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 25, 2012

Posted at : Friday, May 25, 2012

MC's new original show, "The F Word," gives you the inside scoop on what it's like to be famous -- and everything that comes with it. We're about to uncover how your favorite artists handle it. Check out our premiere episode featuring "American Idol" alum Adam Lambert when it debuts on Monday, June 11th only on MC On Demand! #MCFWord


Anonymous said...

I don't get MC on Demand so I hope it shows up on the blogsite after it is shown. It seems that Adam
has been very visible lately for tv or some print publication. It all coincides with the release of TRESPASSING and getting it out their to the listening audience. I like watching the mini radio concerts he has done recently with 5 or so songs from the album and WWFM. He is working so hard for this album because he poured his heart and soul into it and is so proud of the final product. But I guess it comes down to the financial aspect and the business end and how well it sells for the record company...the almighty dollar. I've been reading about other AI artists being dropped because of poor sales and the general lack of overall success for most of the winners. I think because Adam has established himself as an international artist, that he should do well withthis new album and hopefully that will lead to a tour sometime later this year. Yes, Fame is very difficult to achieve and even harder to maintain when it is only judged by your latest hit record.

Anonymous said...

6:44, I agree with all you ssy about success and fame. It's hard to many quality artists to make it for the long haul, or even the short haul. Isn't it ironic, though, how so many mediocre singers just seem to skyrocket to fame and fortune. But Adam has to struggle. When I hear that LMFAO won a number of Billboard awards, I just scratch my head. Ok. That's the reality of the business. Adam's international fans are SO essential to his overall success. So many U.S. music listerers still seem to be afraid of him. I'm sure many potential male fans are simply afraid of "liking the gay guy." Fans are fickle and the record companies must stick with the money-makers. Adam's fanbase simply MUST grow. We diehards can't do it alone. TPing is getting good attention. It's a major step for Adam. He needs us to keep the excitement and interest up!


Anonymous said...

Well said @6:44 and DRG. Funny how most of us here are all on the same page when it comes to adam and his success. We GET him and we get how it's such a struggle when the so less talented artists do skyrocket to number 1. so frustrating, but I'm not a teenager (grew up in the days of great music) so the world has changed. For me, adam is this new generation of a great musical icon genius. They don't come around often and i hope I live to see the day when he is in the hall of fame and reconized, ect ect. He's that good and I will stick by him no matter what! Little by little glamberts adam is making is way into superstardom - just needs a massive hit single- then his 5 star tp cd (imo) will take off!

Anonymous said...

ADAM is always in my daily prayers that the words of Paula Abdul shall come true; "You will be iconic!"
I prayed to give him the grace that this Trespassing is a success. But I believe ADAM's path to success is the unorthodox way, different from the rest. And I pin my hopes that his gigs with Queen is the means to catapult him to the dizzying height of success that he so well deserve. And more so with that added stint of singing his own songs at the Royal Albert Hall. Praying that he will gain millions of fans in Europe plus South America and his sales of Trespassing shall explode. May the Almighty smile down on ADAM.


Anonymous said...

This international fan will "follow" Adam wherever his "path" may lead. :=)

Anonymous said...

Adam's talent is a wonder and his personality and looks are fantastic, but, he's chosen the wrong field of music to become iconic. No matter how talented he is, pop music is not where he is strong. He's better than pop will ever let him be. He could be iconic as a Broadway musical star. That's where he was born to be. I recall someone else making this point and I agree completely with them. He would be a huge star on Broadway. He's chosen the wrong stage.
I'm sorry his interest shifted to pop music, but I am enjoying his cds and will support all his efforts in the genre of music he has chosen.