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Behind The Scenes of Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 25, 2012

Posted at : Friday, May 25, 2012


Anonymous said...

Ooops! I didn't re-check and edit my post below. It still refers to AO which is where I first posted it. Sorry!


Anonymous said...

ALfann, Thanks for the info from Mix949. I hope LOTS of Glamberts use them to support Adam!

Just thinking of the NCOE video: With Adam NOT having to interpret every song as a girl/guy relationship, he really frees himself up to do far more interesting and creative things with his songs. I think this new video will really be innovative and different. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

It's interesting, a little serious but won't be heavy-going. We haven't seen the beautiful, revolutionary part yet; maybe these confined people break into a kind of high-tech sci-fi dance or a series of actions, to assimilate break-away euphoria. I recall now the Kitchen Show done by the theatre group in Singapore, where the cooks break into a dance in the kitchen using Adam's song FYE; the chief cook was dreaming due to a bad day. I have a good feeling about this NCOE video; eventually it still boils down to Adam's emotion-packed singing. The scrubbing, I feel maybe the beginning of a series of dance moves because they are all lined up. :)

Anonymous said...

Streaming Mix949 right now :)
Thanks for the heads up @4:44

Glitzylady said...

I listen to @MIX949 online and they do indeed really like Adam and play him. I listen online via an ap on my iPhone. The app is called RadioPup, similar to iHeart radio. I also follow them and they follow me on twitter. Wish all radio was as smart!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this video is going to be awesome!!! New age, georgeous of the one and only bb- vocals to die for. What else can one ask for? I love the song and I already know I'm going to love this video. Can we buy it on i'tunes. How to we get it to number 1. We are all pretty good at that by now huh? Power of the glamberts is indeed powerful!

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to leave tag in above comment

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen no ex-boyfriend, thank God. I give Adam more credit, and more respect to Sauli than to put him in it. The line note was enough.

Anonymous said...

I hate when he make that angry face,the best adam mv is fyi :cool style ,glam.

Anonymous said...

So creative; so deep. One of the MANY things I LOVE about Adam - he always puts a different twist on the lyrics - like BTIKM. I can't wait to see the entire video! This looks soooo cool!

Magiclady said...

Looks great, can't wait!
He looks so great right now. Love his current look.

daydreamin said...

Dang, it's like every website I go to has a "Trespassing" add!!! OMG!!! Finally a label that believes in Adam!!

I LOVE this video! The saying "Tall, dark and handsome" was truly made for Adam. Such an amazing looking video. Hopefully it will get tons of hits and bring Adam even more into the forefront of the music world as he has long deserved.

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it and love it!
Inspirational, creative Adam!
Awesome approach, quirky out the box and sooo differnt to all the
mundane boring music video's always aired. Australia cannot wait to get this on VHits next week!!!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM scrubbing....'NEVER'!!!!

HK fan said...

Can't wait to see the whole video. Don't forget to go to vevo to watch Adams other videos sometimes, especially BTIKM and AOL sessions. Would be good to get BTIKM to 7m views before the new one comes out.

HK fan said...

Can't wait to see the whole video. Don't forget to go to vevo to watch Adams other videos sometimes, especially BTIKM and AOL sessions. Would be good to get BTIKM to 7m views before the new one comes out.

Anonymous said...

Interesting clip. "Wets" the appetite for more. I hope non-Glamberts "get it" as much as we Glamberts do.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why there are a few people upset about the continuing friendship of Adam with Cheeks (former boyfriend). I'm friends with all my "formers". One is a neighbor and he and my husband golf weekly. Another I introduced to his present wife, they named their daughter after me as a "thank you". If they hadn't been nice guys I wouldn't have dated them in the first place. They just weren't the "right" nice guy.

Anonymous said...

This looks epic! Love the concept and I do se some familiar faces....

tess4ADAM said...

This video follows ADAM's BTIKM video concept ... ADAM's departure from the literal wording of the lyrics makes this yet another musical & visual Masterpiece ala LAMBERT!! I have been to VEVO to watch it .. rate it & comment. It is Brilliant .. Futuristic & Compelling & ALL Glamberts should make it a point to view/rate/comment frequently. I want to see it topping the VH1 Top 20 Countdown for many weeks to come!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I Love You Adam. Saw you last night in Pa. INCREDIBLE!!!
I can't wait for the video.

Anonymous said...

I hope this video makes it big. This concept has been overdone in so many Hollywood movies already. I'll show my age, but Soylent Green, 1984 and Big Brother are just three that come to mind.

Anonymous said...

I'll show my age, I remember all those films and others, Logan's Run that someone already mentioned. They all seem similar to this video. Since I'm from before the days of music videos, I really don't need "little movies" along with a great song. I would be happy to watch a video of Adam at a mic in jeans or a pair of his breathtaking leather pants and a teeshirt singing and dancing to his songs. A film of a stage performance. Pure Adam.

Anonymous said...