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Carmit Bachar Tweets About Adam Lambert's New Music Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 01, 2012

@IamCarmit: "On set for @adamlambert NCOE video & it's lookin HOT! It's straight Armageddon out here downtown!"


Anonymous said...

It looks like a whole bunch of helicopters in the sky. Huh.

Anonymous said...

Adam works so hard, at radio stations, concerts, every nook and corner, his songs to impart
To those who care to lend their ear to his well-honed vocals that permeate the mind and heart
Sometimes overflowing, oozing, trembling gently, shimmering or shooting like sparks
A voice so pure, powerful, passionate that brings joy, hope, love, a new direction, a light in the dark
Adam, best of luck to your London/Moscow iconic Queen gigs
Queen loves your dynamism and skill; you know what it takes to make everyone click and tick
Or teleport themselves temporarily to a friendlier environment on a surreal Adam fix
Especially when you unleash your energising, emotional, sexy wails; a rapturous Adam schtick
Have no fear, Trespassing will, smash, crash the gates with voluminous worldwide sales
Leaving behind a smoking-hot, pyschedelic, swivelling, ascendant trail
Concerts everywhere will bear your indelible mark of excellence peppered with generous sprinkles of love and tales
Of your enormous resplendence, that a humble, intrinsic superstar prevails
Never close our eyes; lest we miss an opportunity to uplift or help someone climb
Like Adam, one step at a time; the love we give, boomerangs back to us in good time
Our lives are intertwined and sometimes a kind word or gesture is all it takes to open minds
NCOE will shine, effloresce and culminate in prolific fruition...I heard it emphatically through the grapevine
Adam and Sauli walking down the street, smiling; papparazzi chasing, hiding; a frenzy of camera-clicking
Looking mighty cool, Adam, a debonair rockstar poised on the threshold of a re-awakening
With Sauli, a star in his own right, calmly looking on, contemplating
Soon both sped off in their flashy car; leaving everyone imagining, slightly confused, in awe; continue hypothesising... lol :)


Anonymous said...

wow Lam-my you never cease to amaze me!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Your words touch me deeply.

Anonymous said...

5 helicopters in the sky hovering; whoa, looks exciting. In my previous poems, I wrote about helicopters; this is going to be a super-fly video. And I often describe Adam flying high and his voice reaching the sky, whoa! I think I like this video. Any parachuting, Adam? Or singing from the heavens. Ooooh, very exciting video in the making. :)

Anonymous said...

@anon 11.04 and Lam-my
I´m with you!

This morning on tv: video IIHY
on the radio: WWFM

I raise my glass to finnish music editors!


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Actually they were police helicopters...wondering what the unusual activity was. LOL Just kidding.

Not sure what Armegeddon has to do with never closing our eyes because life and love in the here and now is so wonderful but hey..

Our Adam surely has a post-apocalyptic streak in him.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Congrats on the poem Lam-my. Don't know how you do it.

Anonymous said...

You gave me a jolt for a moment when you said they were police helicopters. Like as if Adam was staging a coup! LOL!
And Thank you very much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are nwo black helicopers. I occasionally like to read about conspiracy theories. I read about the Pleiadian Agenda just yesterday. It totally is a luciferian agenda, imo. :)

funbunn40 said...

@Lam-my Your words "wax poetic" and are so thoughtful. A nice treat to start my day! The fruits of Adam's labor will soon be realized on May 15 and then the anticipated video that gets more intruiging by the minute! Wonder what's going on in downtown LA. Any news peeps?

Anonymous said...

I would just rather see an "on stage",live looking video & not a far-out video with zombies,or something.That could have been a joke,but if he WOULD just sing NCOE w/the band, sort of like he did on J Kimmel,I'd like that.Adele just sings & even sits during her big hits.I'm not saying Adam should sit,but can't figure out what the auditioning,etc for dancers,I guess,has to do with the song.( Maybe BB is supposed to be dreaming??could be)

SG said...


As always, I love you poem.Just a few notes.
1st part: Really heartfelt and emotional.So you.Perfect.

Then, What happen to you!? Are you ok!?you probably hit your head or someone "force" you to write :
"you unleash your energising, emotional, sexy wails; a rapturous Adam"OMG!! you finally UNLEASH what's inside of you!!well, a little, but you did it!!Or maybe you finaly decided to jump in the wild/sexy side!Wellcome aboard!!

about the end..."sped off in their flashy car; leaving everyone imagining, slightly confused, in awe; continue hypothesising..."
What do you mean?? should I think what I'm thinking?(that I know you know)or should I think even wilder, cause now I don't know what to think...what do you think!!??...LOL!!

btw, can't wait to see what that Adam's precious head had pull together on that video.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the clip is about hallucinating as a result of sleep deprivation from never closing one's eyes.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Thank you for those beautiful words. It is really just what I needed this morning. You are very talented and wow I think Adam's video is going to be great and very creative!

fefa said...

OMG Lam-my!!!! that was amazing!! i agree with all the previous comments! :) that poem was beautiful! i didnt understood alot of words(limited english here lol) but it just maked so much sence to me somehow! u have a magic touch! u have a talent that cant be ignored! i enjoy reading ur posts! :) they make me happy and sometimes they even cheer up my days! :3 please dont stop writing! u ROCK! \(^o^)/

about the going to stop trying to
guess lol (i suck at guessing) i know there's an apocalyptic feel in it? anyway i just know is gonna rock and i really dont want to know more! i want to be surprised and be like "AHHHHH" HAHA i just want him to look hot with amazing clothes and just making his signature moves and gestures :3 (which he always does!) so i really dont care about the concept now..(but pretty sure i will lol)..i just want to see it on tv already! :)

Fefa :3

Anonymous said...

Running out the door, will come back to read Lam-my's piece later - but just had to drop a note in the most recent thread - if you haven't watched the MTV Buzzworthy video yet, DO SO A.S.A.P. Gah, so adorkable!!

He's obsessed w/ a vegetable - I AM A VEGETABLE BECAUSE OF HIM. LOL.

I think there was some foolishness on that thread, so if you skipped it, go back and watch it fans, soooo good.

Have a good day

Anonymous said...

Wow, "wax poetic"! First time I have seen these words used like that. Thank you very much!! :)

I've always viewed Adam as sexy and rapturous though you beat me hollow in this department. LOL!
Hey regarding what to think about Adam...I think I know what you will think especially about that thing! LOL!
Thank you very much!! :)

Thank you very much!! For your "beautiful words". So glad to know they made you happy! :)

Anonymous said...

My dear internet child, you are always, always welcome!! This NCOE video seems suspenseful; yea you're right about not worrying too much about the concept; just enjoy it and Adam! Thank you very much!! :)

Thank you very much!! Appreciate it. :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my! You've portrayed the Adam that I dream about! The Adam that's in my thoughts and my imagination! Love the end about Adam and Sauli together, and Sauli being a star in his own right. Wonderful job!!!

Thoughts about the new video. Maybe it will be about how we have to do our best to express or love while we can and not "think about tomorrow" because tomorrow may never come (hence, the apocalyptic thing, drones, etc.). Anyway, it looks like it will be very cool!

And 5:39, I too love Adam simply sitting and singing. There's no one like him. But I also like him taking it to the edge. Enjoy!


SG said...


YAY!!! You're getting WILD!!heheheeh.....I knew you knew...about "the thing"...always!!

Anonymous said...

"You've potrayed the Adam that I dream about!" Wow, these are such touching words. Thank you very much!!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to just stand around with the band singing like Adele when he has that gorgeous face, sexy moves, hot body and all that creativity. Its a dance song so it should be exciting in my opinion, Adele no offence is so shy and has stage fright so doubt you will ever see her doing sexy moves or dance routines in her videos...but that works for her.

If Adam were singing a song like Underneath then maybe it would be a more somber stripped back video but with NCOE he should go nuts and create a visually stimulating video...can't wait to see what he came up with. Seems the band was not in it coz from Ashley's tweet it was like she wasn't part of it but seems Brian London cute <3

Anonymous said...

Just watched the Buzzworthy video..he is sooooo Hot, Sexy, Sweet, Adorable, wish I could be stranded on a deserted island with him..only in my dreams!


Anonymous said...

An observation about our Muse is how his fans are so profuse and fervent in their creativity. From Lam-My's burst of imagery here to erudite DRG, effusive Canadian, worldly JAK, to the ingenue fefa--this site is proof positive of the words Adam inspires. I'm almost as much a fan of you characters as I am of our BB.

Anonymous said...

I liked the BTIKM video,but it didn't go over all that well, all in all.It took 20 hrs & lots of $$$,too.I sure didn't mean for Adam to just stand still & sing..I want him dancing around a lot &,sexy,like he usually does.It may not be a good idea to have Sauli in the video cause (IF,& I'm not saying they will) ever break up,then that would be a bad memory forever..whatever,I hope it's great!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:05 am

Adele is shy? Have you ever heard her on a UK interview show? Has a "mouth" like a rapper! Wowee!

Anonymous said...

Your descriptions of some of us are quite refreshing! "burst of imagery" is quite apt because when I write about Adam, the words/phrases literally burst forth...LOL. So happy you appreciate the imagery which actually is not deliberate. Now I'll have to read my poem more closely to locate it. Thank you very much!! :)

Anonymous said...

9:24 I believe he had a x in the IIHY mv. Was no biggie for him.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my!! Beautiful and true recognition of Adam! reflecting the admiration and love behind this sensitive and talented man who not only gives us his wonderful art, but also guides, smoothes and stimulates daily life positively!!

"It's a privilege to have Adam Lambert"

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that at this point in the music business, a performer must do a music video to sell the song. In many cases the vid really has nothing to do with the lyrics of the song. So many of them are the same format with very little originality or creativity. But not so with Adam Lambert. His are well thought out, meaningful and relevant to the song. I,too, would rather just see Adam perform the song much as Adele did, but that's not Adam. They both have amazing voices but are totally different personalities. Whatever we see in the NCOE video, I am sure it will be something dynamic and visually interesting. A new album, the new single with a video, the appearance on's going to be a spectacular month for Adam Lambert
and all of his fans.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.02
Adele does get stage fright, but shy she is some of her interviews, try googling her on the Graham Norton show. She was hilarious, so open, down to earth a, with a very quick wit......nothing like the visual image you get from her.

Anonymous said...

Since I come from the days before music videos, I could do without them. The song is the thing for me. Sometimes people with mediocre voices make very good videos and really exceptional singers make dull videos. Can that make the difference in whether or not a song is a big hit?

That could have doomed some of the best singers ever. My beloved Johnny Mathis for one. Mr. Personality he was not! NS

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!! You're the 'Desiderata' lady. Really nice to hear from you! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, not sure what's going on in that picture other than seeing a gloomy sky and helicopters. Very curious, indeed. Can't wait to see it.

Wow, Lam-my, what a beautiful poem. Very impressive! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, "Very impressive!" Thank you very much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Helicopters are in response to May Day protests, not for the video. Though that would be epic.

Anonymous said...

Helicopters are in response to May Day protests, not for the video. Though that would be epic.

Anonymous said...

JSYK Carmit tweeted before she wrote she on set... this pic I suppose it has something to do with protests in LA... this not part of the video...Check her tweets!

Anonymous said...

Lam-mi! Thank you for your warm greetings! HH.

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome! :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I keep listening to the snippet of Runnin...Love the crescendo on Runnin and the last blow-out of Adam's voice...oooh, can reach the sky like those helicopters in the video. Very fascinated by those 5 helicopters, look like tadpoles! LOL. :)