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New Gorgeous Photo Shoot

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 24, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

Is there a bad picture of this man?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, handsome man, Yeah!!

MotoMoto said...

While I liked the emo hair, this is waaay better because he looks older and more mature and sophisticated in my opinion. I was looking at Sauli's fault pics and thinking if Adam and him ever did a professional photo shoot together I would seriously die of sensory overload!!!!!! Adam is soooooo he ever has insecurity issues about his physical appearance is beyond me!!

Anonymous said...

If Adam had insecurity issues about his looks, they probably were in the past when he was heavier and had that strawberry blonde hair and some skin problems. Look back at those pictures from his high school graduation. Through this last decade he has totally transformed himself. I think he looks the best he ever has at this time in his life . He is so gorgeous with the new hair style, his edgy fashion sense and most of all Adam is happy, content with life and in love with someone who makes him feel secure and complete. So I guess much of that insecurity is gone about his physical appearance and he continues to work on by juicing, running, and watching what he eats. None of us is happy with the way we look on any given day and it is a work in progress trying to be the best we can be.

Anonymous said...

Adam at his best NOW!!!
So gorgeous, fresh looking, mature, serene & In LOVE!!!
U can tell Adam's Glowinggggggggggggggg!!!
He's very happy & we are Happy for him 22222!!!

Anonymous said...

How can anyone have all THAT!
I mean, ALL THAT!!!

Icon said...

Meaowrrrrrrr.... uncle sweet Adam, this skin of some «my cousin» you are wearing is not real skin, is it? I'm scared!
Back right away to my panic room!
Bye aunts.

Anonymous said...

Watch Adam tonight on Bravo !!!
30 mins talk show with Andy Cohen
Fans can call in to ask adam questions!!!
Sure to be lots of fun!!! yay!

Bravo channel is where all reality housewifes shows are on

fefa said...

raaaaawwwwrr!!! :P those eyebrows and perfect profile! :3 and that hair and oh oh oh those lips! ;) i can't! it's to much! :3 to much perfection!

oh and BTW if by any chance (hopefully not) he STILL had some insecurity issues he can totally call me! Sauli and I will make sure to tell him how beautiful, hot and perfect he is! :) lol

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S a great photo.

Nope, I don't think there is a bad picture anywhere of Adam.

Wish I could get him in front of my camera, sigh...

Anonymous said...

No Icon, not real skin. Adam said it is just a faux material. LOL

Anonymous said...


I just want to lick or eat his face ha!ha!

Cannibal watch out Adam!!!!!

I'm cuckoo right now!!!!

How about on Monday?????

Watch out Adam here I come he!he!


Anonymous said...

Yep, gorgeous picture once again! I'm getting spoiled cause every time I see another pic of Adam I think, well of course he's gorgeous in this pic, has there ever been one where he's not LOL!

OT Did anyone receive their copy of Fault Magazine with Adam on the cover? I have not yet. Now they are talking about the next issue with the Sauli spread. I really want my Adam issue.


Anonymous said...

I know it's not his focus, but he's really better than most models. He's really, really good at modeling and posing.

Anonymous said...

He is a good model, other than being handsome, he is completely non self conscious. I modeled for a couple years and it was agony, I felt like a fool, shyness and modeling do not mesh. (But it paid

Anonymous said...


Can you please use the same print for recent posts that you do for popular posts?

The black on dark gray is soooooo
hard to see!

daydreamin said...

CT U think they said they were all shipped out last Friday, but may take a little while to get to where they are going depending on where we live. I haven't received mine yet either, but here is a tweet from May 22nd from them:

FAULT Magazine ‏@FAULTMagazine
@feraltwirler @lightlovephoto Sorry-we're tired of repeating that mags have all been dispatched...but they've all been dispatched!Yours too!