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Adam Lambert and QUEEN Featured on National TV in Argentina

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 13, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 13, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have suddenly exploded onto the international arena grabbing a fair amount of media attention. Just like AI catapulted him to the world, now Queen seems to have spring-boarded him further into the musical limelight. Yea this solid foundation will augur well his Trespassing album sales and if he lands the AI judge stint; that too will give his career another upward thrust probably into the stratosphere. The last line of my latest poem is coming to fruition, once again...Destined for eminence, global recognition for his wonderment and musicality, promptness to deliver, improvise, reinvent... :)

Anonymous said...

can anybody translate...just a little??It seems to be good news,tho.

Anonymous said...

forgot to say that Trespassing sales seem to be doing GREAT,esp in London now!!They need to restock their stores,don't they?I bet they're also gonna do well in the Ukraine,Moscow,& Poland..& will prob also pick up in the USA!!

Anonymous said...

Wish USA had some coverage like this...

Anonymous said...

OT ... there's an article about Adam and Queen in Russia's "Bravo" ...

Anonymous said...

I love the photos they are using now.

Anonymous said...

nice long video and good exposure over there.Argentina seems interested in Adam!!!

tess4ADAM said...

Saw this photo in Rolling Stone online ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Magiclady said...


Hot Damn! Good press!