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Adam Lambert and QUEEN on Japanese TV

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fuji Mezane


Fuji Mezamashi TV


Anonymous said...

WOW..I think it's a shame that America does cover Adam like other countries do!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The question is WHY don't they???

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM here!!! He has been overtaken!!! PLEASE!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam will be performing in Japna in August, right? The 18th and 19th?


Anonymous said...

I read an interveiw with Paul Rodgers before Adam went on the tour he said he hoped the kid from idol was up for the tour but he was concerned about it some thing that he didn't know what he was in for if any one has it could they post it when I read it I said out loud you do not know Adam Lambert as always Adam came thru with flying colors so Paul do you know the kid from idol now.

Anonymous said...

America still have it's hangups I guess from Adam's AMA performance!

Sorry must be the "double standard goodie 2 shoes hipocites" who will Not Admit that ADAM LAMBERT IS A ROCKSTAR as Simon Cowes said in A!.We know Adam Won AI& It was RIGGED!!!

Sad that the USA Entertainment industry is BLIND!!!
America is a laughing stock for the rest of the world
as even 3rd world countries are embracing & Loving Adam's talent!!!

All that matters is Adam is love by us:):):)
His fierce fans!!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

Idol Season 8 is long gone, let's give up the "It was rigged"chant.
It makes Glamberts look bad and that reflects on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16 p.m., Please use punctuation. It's so difficult reading your comment without it.

Anonymous said...

If Adam wants to do the judging on America Idol. Why not. Love to see Adam on every week, more then once. He knows the ropes there. Thats were he all started.

Adamluv said...

@DRG - my calendar says that Adam will perform in Tokyo, Japan on Aug. 18th and in Osaka the next day. I have 1 question - how come Japanese entertainment shows are showing Adam and Queen and not one sighting on U.S.A. shows? Or did I miss something? Hope I did. . . . Adamluv