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Adam Lambert in fantasy springs lobby (7-21-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 21, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, July 21, 2012

Adam Lambert walking through fantasy springs lobby


Anonymous said...

Give the guy a break ladies.

Anonymous said...

I think he loves it.

Anonymous said...

When they stop yelling for you and trying to get your attention, then that is the time to worry. I am sure Adam loves it. Unfortunately that is the price one pays for fame.... having your privacy taken away from you even entering an hotel lobby.

Anonymous said...

That's hysterical.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is now at No.3 at DECOMPTE MusiquePlus.

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Anonymous said...

wish I was there, I'd be flailing with the best. lol

Catharine Sloper said...

I'm just glad that they are providing for him the kind of security he needs. You can never tell when it could be a problem. But you know, ladies make the superstar, we know it. So I am really glad to see a little shrieking going on. Hopefully, we will have more, more, more! Adam had worked hard for this success and he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone thought to bring/make yellow Trespassing glowsticks? I remember Adam saying when he saw the blue ones last year he knew there were diehards in the crowd. Gonna try and make some for San Antonio show.


HK fan said...

The ladies in the video seemed fine to me, excited but polite, no one was rushing him etc. Most of them were probably just gathered together chatting and talking Adam.
I'm sure if he'd really wanted the hotel could have found an alternative route......they always seem to manage it in films!!

Magiclady said...

Hope you all enjoy the show and that it is as good as the OC concert.It was fantastic!

Was at Fantasy Springs for the first one, so brings back memories (WLL!)
Please post some videos.

Anonymous said...

Our ladies man indeed!!

Who can blame this??? No one!!!

We all under his spell:)))


Anonymous said...

Isn't this normal behavior...all the stock clerks and baggers scream and shout when I walk down the aisle at the grocery store?
JAK :))

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted this:

"Ladies! Go get a drink and gamble! Lol why y'all just waiting in the lobby? Go play!"

Can't blame those ladies tho ... I'd probably be doing the same thing. And I agree with Magiclady ... the OC concert WAS fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

@ JAK lol

Anonymous said...

If there weren't screaming fans in the lobby for him, then I would be worried..

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