ADAM LAMBERT in today's LA Times
Filed Under (magazine scans ) by Admin on Thursday, July 19, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, July 19, 2012
via @thefilmqueen: ADAM LAMBERT in today's LA Times (WEEKEND PICKS) - very strange they mention FYE & not Trespassing

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Whoever wrote that article, didn't do their homework very well. They live under a rock?
IdolsNow @idolsnow
ADAM LAMBERT's "Never Close Our Eyes" up 82-80 with a bullet on the Canadian Hot 100. @adamlambert
NCOE Music Video #12 in MMTop20
VOTE every hour!
As a lot of you have already noticed, 94.7 (FreshFM / WIAD) has *really* started spinning NOCE madly over the last few days.
ENCOURAGE THEM TO KEEP IT UP! They pay a lot of attention to tweets, so *please tweet them* ( @947FreshFM) along with (hopefully) a 1x/day mediabase form. Also (and dying of shock here) I got a personal tweet back from Toby Knapp of 99.5 (Hot99.5 / WIHT) saying they would try to play Adam.
They have never played Adam but Toby personally likes Adam and that station spins the hell out of songs they pick up. So it sure couldn't hurt to send some concentrated love while they're expressing interest! They're CHR, focusing on the young-ish demographic so they pay most attention to tweets and texts, so *please tweet them* ( @hot995) AND *text* them (99338).
If you already send a mediabase form, continue. If not, I'd just focus on tweet/text.
WE NEED EVERY SINGLE DC LOCAL (or reasonably perceived local ;) )
Anybody get this paper? Someone needs to write in, and advise the dumbass that Adam has a second album/CD out, which is receiving great reviews and came in as #1 on the charts..
Yeah, that LA Times blurb makes absolutely no sense. Unusual for such a major paper. The writer doesn't have a clue. We can POLITELY widen this writer's knowledge, can't we?
Glad to hear about added spins! Persistence often pays off!
Seems to me that LA Times is WAAAAAY BEHIND the times!! Time to catch up LA!! LOL
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
I think this article is not that bad. Maybe it was made in a hurry.. :)
Wasn't he suppose to do an interview or photo spread for Marie Claire??? or is it a rumor??? good magazine by the way.
Wasn't he suppose to do an interview or photo spread for Marie Claire??? or is it a rumor??? good magazine by the way.
Glad I logged on and saw this. Wasnt going to read the paper today since getting ready for this concert tonite. Please peeps lets not complain to the paper about this over sight and just be happy they picked Adam as a weekend event to see considering there are hundreds of things going on in the LA area. Last Saturday in the calendar section they had a long article about the changes in Idol and their first paragraph said " . . . . thousands of wannabe superstars will descend . . . to audition for AI in pursuit of their dream of being the next Carrie Underwood or Adam Lambert". No mention of Kelly C. nor anyone else! We are always complaining (me included) about the mainstream media not covering Adam and here we get our wish!!!!! BTW - its hot and very muggy here in LA today. . . . Adamluv
They may be behind the times in not mentioning Trespassing, but I loved the way they described Adam as "playing around with preconceived notions" and "celebrating all aspects of the word 'play'
Saw this on a post:
Pretty Little Liars' Ranks as Cable TV’s Number 1 Series in Viewers 12-34 and Basic Cable’s Number 1 Scripted Series in Women 18-34 for the Second Quarter of 2012..
Thanks NKLovesAdam! GREAT NEWS for that age bracket to 'get to know' Adam!!!! It can only help him gain in popularity! I love to see how many twitter followers he picks up after these things!
Sharing just a part:
"You see, I don't watch a lot of telly because of my job but by odd coincidence I did see the audition of ADAM LAMBERT for Idol 8 way back in 2009. When Adam sang Bohemiam Rhapsody for the judges I turned to Patrick and said, he has to win and I wanna work with him. I remember Patrick looking at me baffled but he did write the contestant’s name down, just in case.
ADAM came second and we've all forgotten Season 8's winner, haven't we? Since then I have had the privilege to shoot ADAM a couple of times and each time was a creative high for me so one can imagine how excited I was when his manager highly recommended me to the Queen’s camp and they instantly hired me to witness and shoot the two full shows at the London Hammersmith Apollo.
Check this out:
This is awesome!!
Readers' Poll: The 10 Best Songs of Summer 2012
2. Adam Lambert, 'Never Close Our Eyes'
Adam Lambert didn't win American Idol, but he manages to get about 50 times more attention than the last few winners combined. (Can you even name the last winner?) He's spent the summer doing overseas gigs with Queen and promoting his second LP, Trespassing. He's also rumored to be in the running to be a new judge on American Idol and that Queen tour may actually come to America someday. In the meantime, his new single "Never Close Our Eyes" has charted all around the world
Well, this is a pretty upbeat thread for a change. The LA Times article actually tried to be quite nice despite its inaccuracy. I guess its intentions were good!!
Nice that our boy got #2 on best summer song!!!!
Didn't realize that PLL was such a popular show and had such a broad demographic! This makes it even more exciting that Adam is going to be on it!
So exciting to see how much press Adam is getting for PLL. Hope AI can see what a hoopla magnet Adam is and give him the judging position!I think it will boost his career and the money will be great that he can put toward a great Trespassing tour!
11:19 Adamluv yes exactly how I feel too. Please no complaining!! Have a good time at the concert and it is not too hot and muggy. I want everyone to be in a good mood there.
What time is the concert in CA.?
If it's live streamed I have to check out what time here on East coast. Anybody ? Time please !
The concert starts at 7:45 PM Pacific Time which would be 10:45 PM ON THE East Coast. There is another band that will also appear this evening, but I think they open for Adam. Hope this helps!
goodness... trespassing, trespassing, trespassing !
@ 5:22 PM Thank you for the time...I'll be watching...I hope!
Nice to have Glamily to call on :)
Who cares what they're writing about in these stupid articles?! Anyhow, did anybody went to Orange County Fair tonight? Wish anybody make photos or recorded Adam performance!
By the way, never watched Little Liars. But deff gonna watch it this Haloween! It's gonna be what : LEGENDARY(by Barney Stinson or "How I Met Your Mother" )
Just saw that Talc vids tweeted Adam will be up in 35 minutes so 8:35 Pacific Time.
Here is LAMBERTLUSTS Ustream:
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