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Adam Lambert on Sky News

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012

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Anonymous said...

Just found out that Adam is going to be at the Winstar Casino, Thackerville, OK on July 27 (unbelievable)but I've got my tickets and I haven't been so excited since I saw Adam in KC, Wichita and Oklahoma City in July 2010. Thought I would never be so lucky again. Come on Oklahoma and Texas fans and get your tickets.

Anonymous said...

by Michael Slezak
Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, and Randy Jackson have yet to finalize deals to return as judges for American Idol‘s upcoming twelfth season, and now it looks as though the show might be looking for a home-grown talent to replace Tweddle-Huh?, Tweedle-Abs, or Tweedle-Yo!

Indeed, Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert has been in talks with the show’s producers about the gig for the last month, according to an E! News report.

Even though, as an Idol recapper, the addition of Lambert would give me one less person to gleefully ridicule/rage against, I still think it’s a pretty genius idea. And here are four reasons why:
HE’S BRASH | Anyone who’s ever read an interview with Lambert or followed him on Twitter knows he’s not afraid to speak his mind. More often than not, in fact, the guy seems to revel in being a provocateur, even when it comes to discussing his musical contemporaries. That fearless, polarizing energy has been conspicuously absent from the Idol panel since Simon Cowell left the show after Season 9, replaced by critiques that are so intentionally vague and/or syrupy that it’s hard to resist the siren call of the mute button. Love him or hate him, it’s unlikely Lambert’s contributions as an Idol judge would be sanitized or boring — and those new tricks might be exactly what the old dog in the reality singing genre needs to combat viewer erosion.

HE’S KNOWLEDGEABLE | Lambert’s monster voice is one of the most formidable in the current pop scene, and unlike, say, J.Lo: Mistress of Auto-Tune, he’s got the technical knowledge to offer instructive, insightful critiques that go beyond telling contestants they were “pitchy.” What’s more, the guy has undeniable showmanship skills, and as an Idol contestant, his choice of songs, outfits, and musical arrangements were among the most varied and daring in Idol history. Honestly, who better to push the Season 12 contestants to color outside the lines and push their creative limits?

HE’S FUNNY | Judging a live talent competition is a tough gig — just ask Nicole Scherzywhatzit or Ellen DeGeneres — but Lambert is well known for his quick wit, puckish demeanor, and outsize charisma. Plus, with his fabulous hair and penchant for outrĂ© fashion, he might even give J.Lo a run for her Louboutins. His mastery of the English language, while clearly not a prerequisite for the gig, won’t hurt either, for me for you HE’S GAY | Okay, okay, so Lambert’s sexual orientation isn’t actually a job qualification, but perhaps his weekly presence on the show would finally squelch the sense of gay panic — the occasional homophobic banter among the judges and host Ryan Seacrest; the bizarre resistance to ever mentioning personal lives of contestants who are clearly gay or lesbian — that’s pervaded Idol for 11 seasons running.

What do you think of the idea of Lambert as Idol judge? Would his presence on the panel make you more or less likely to tune in? And if he’s being brought in as a replacement, which of the existing judges would you like to see exit? Sound off in the comments, and for all my Idol news and commentary, follow me on Twitter @MichaelSlezakTV!

Anne Marie said...

I would love to see Adam given the oportunity to be a judge on American Idol. If he can keep his albums going, and other activities. The show , I think, takes about 3 months out of your life, and once you're back in Hollywood you're home every day. I think he has more than enough credits to be able to judge contestants critically, fairly and gracefully. I hear the money ain't bad either LOL.

Leilani Aloha said...

Another gorgeous beautiful Adam Interview!!!
Adam's so well spoken, articulate, talented, kind & we just simply LOVE him & his Voice!!!!

Congrats & Good luck with the Shows In London!!!
Adam u will be AWESOME as Always!!!!

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM to be a judge on IDOL:,,20610314,00.html

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with Michael Slezak's reasons to have Adam Lambert as a judge on AI. If Lopez and Tyler are holding out for more money, they don't deserve it. Give the job to someone else, like Adam, who has been on that stage and knows what it is like to perform for the judges and the audience at home. He would offer insightful comments and criticism to help the contestants. Adam is articulate, confident, and so fearless in speaking his mind. If he can work on a Trespassing tour, continue to do other concerts with Queen(esp. here at home) and any other career projects, then give him a seat on that Idol panel. It would be refreshing to watch the show with Adam every week and I would tune in just to see him.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone on the music scene today more articulate, charming, and intelligent than Adam Lambert? I don't think so. There's no mumbling or fumbling trying to put two coherent sentences together during an interview. Just look at his face as he is listening to the interviewer"s question and is thinking about what he will say. He is so honest esp. when it comes to discussing his sexual orientation and his role in the LGBT community . I have seen the videos of Adam with Queen and have been mesmerized by those performances. He is an international star and so underappreciated her in the states. Can't wait to see videos fromthe London concerts. They should be spectacular as will be his performances. Any day I have the opportunity to listen to an Adam Lambert interview, to hear him sing or just to read something new about him makes it a better day for me.

Anonymous said...

the more I think about this, this is exactly what adam needs to break-in to the good old homophopic USA. I've been reading comments everywhere- so many people don't even know he exists anymore. This is a win-win situation, it will skyrocket his career here in the U.S. for sure and just maybe, he will start getting some reconization! It's only 4 months or so out of his solo career but will be worth it in the end. It's meant to be!

daydreamin said...

I would love to see the banter between Adam and Steven Tyler. I think Adam might wake Steven up a bit and challenge him to make more creative comments. I will be seeing Adam and Demi Lovato and 2 other bands on the 20th. Yay!

donnaw said...

Michael Slezak said it perfectly!!!! There's not much more i can say......i totally agree!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Sleazak has elaborated here. ADAM is just perfect for that role as judge and would only help his career and bring about visibility the radio is not giving him. And he is such a master communicator. Being a judge will only make all his plus factors shine more brightly and for all to see and know him as his fans know him. The visibility is a big plus factor for his success. Go, ADAM!

daydreamin said...

A gorgeous (so what else is knew?) picture of Adam today in the studio:

Anonymous said...

Adam is losing ground on the "People" voting for American Idol..This is "People" so everyone START VOTING..,,20610314,00.html

daydreamin said...

Video of Adam coming out of CapitolFM today:

Anonymous said...

Ha!ha! If Adam accept the offer, millions of HOMOPHOBIC AMERICANS WILL BURN THEIR OWN A**** and I would be very happy indeed:))) YAY!!!

This is the beginning of ADAMERICAN!!!


Anonymous said...

OT Go to the Adamtopia site news and information. You can donate whatever amount for NCOE U.K. itunes for gifting.Yes Adam would be a great judge. If Kelly Clarkson can do it and still fit in touring why not Adam. Look at all the visibility it has given Adam Levine and singers like that.

daydreamin said...

Article from LA Times regarding Adam as Idol judge :,0,5084182.story

daydreamin said...

Now we just need all these articles etc to start mentioning the EPIC Queen performances also!

Anonymous said...

ABC News Report...

Adam Lambert to Return to ‘American Idol’ as a Judge?

E! News reports Fox has been in talks with Adam Lambert for over a month to serve as a new judge on “Idol.” Lambert, of course, got his big break on “American Idol” when he finished in second place during the 2008 season

Go Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if "Entertainment Tonight" will say anything about this information that is being circulating about Adam being the AI judge..Going to watch ET tonight they may say something about it within the next day or two..Lets Hope they do..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BB on AI...ratings will go thru the roof!

Anonymous said...

sure-sure-he ahs a good sesne of judging the contestant-singing and etc. seems to em ehs an expert one omg- ill be watching american ido every week all the time.hes very famous in asia as well as in europe -just like a usa president-president adam lambert.adma lambert just like bill clinton the world famous pres. adam lambert the wrld famous singer internatioanl super star.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Miley not a cup of tea for me:)

Adam and someone else maybe:)


Anonymous said...

What do we think?! We have only been saying for years that he would make a GREAT judge! How cool would it be to be able to see him every week on tv! And it could lead to all kinds of opportunities. Wonder if it is really true.

Anonymous said...

Please Adam don't do this. TOUR PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert to make history as first Idol alum to mentor contestants, first Idol alum to judge contestants, first openly gay singer to chart number one with a new album.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have a number of excellent opportunities in front of him. These concerts with Queen are such an honor for him and it is mesmerizing to watch him perform especially Who Wants to Live Forever. Now there are rumors about being a judge on Idol. I am sure there are other offers out there for tv roles or even for a movie. But what he needs the most is for his album to take off and to get several hit singles from it. I think Adam would want that more than anything right now. He worked so hard on Trespassing; it is his baby and the kind of music he enjoys performing. Perhaps becoming a judge on Idol will make Adam more visible to the public and he can also perform several songs during the course of the show. Nothing has been offered yet and it will be interesting to see if it is, whether or not Adam will take the job. Personally I just want to hear him sing and watching those videos of him with Queen reinforces my belief that he is the most talented, charismatic vocalist in the music business today.