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Adam Lambert speaking of London! (Costa Mesa)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 20, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 20, 2012


Anonymous said...

"I was the Queen with Queen"....How can you not love ADAM. Not only is he the most amazing singer, he has such a great sense of humour. He is just brilliant !!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam seems to have come back from London and performing with Queen with a newfound energy and enthusiasm. He is more comfortable on the stage,and it is great to watch a singer smiling and having such a good time up there. He does have a wonderful sense of humor that goes along with his charm and self-confidence. Adam is a vocal powerhouse and his audience connection is pure electricity. I love watching all the videos we get the opportunity to see on this blogsite because it keeps us close to this amazingly talented and charismatic man.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for NCOE here:

VOTE once every hour:

VOTE repeatedly:

Anonymous said...

ADAM'S NCOE is at #4 now. I hope voting today will push NCOE to No.1 tomorrow:

Anonymous said...

Yea even before Adam said he felt energised after his Queen stint, I felt that in him, when he sang Pop That Lock and Trespassing; haven't seen the rest yet. He did learn a lot from the Queen masters. Even his band seems more energised. It's a kind of clarity and accuracy he learnt from Brian and Roger and it's apparent in his more assured state of mind demeanour on stage. But I think Brian and Roger got back a lot from Adam's reciprocation, it's a two-way process. They were revitalised by Adam's sheer power and energy which by the way was so strong, it split his pants! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

How can anyone not love this man? He has the best personality and such a luminous aura about him..WOW..
BTW..Love, Love, Pop that Lock..


Anonymous said...

I've only seen one video of Adam's Trespassing concert from last night and think he and his band were absolutely fabulous! But, I can't stop listening to my downloaded cd of Queenbert. I really can't stop. I need help.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:56, you and me both need help. He's addictive.

Anonymous said...

just hang in there little 9:56 Dr.Drew will be here shortly for your

Anonymous said...

Like someone posted before, we all are lucky that Adam isn't a cult leader or we all would be in a lot of


Adamluv said...

Just wrote a long review but it was erased so here we go again! The show was FANTASTIC and Adam was in a very playful and good mood. His interaction with the audience was the best and most sincere that I've ever witnessed. favorite was "Pop that Lock" since it's perfect for a concert with us all singing those 3 words while fist pumping the air and jumping up and down. Was on my feet the entire concert dancing, singing along, fist pumping and having a great fun time. The entire audience seemed to be really into the show and we were all showing a whole lotta loving for Adam! Met a couple male "Lambert" virgens who really enjoyed the show. Adam sang great and looked his normal hot sexy self. The band was awesome too and really enjoyed the singers. Wasnt sure about them before but think they do add a lot to the already funky show. Loved "Shady" as well. Songs sound completely different in concert than they do on an album. Part dos coming up. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Part 2 - Another favorite part was IIHY since Adam encouraged us to sing it with him and boy, did we! During WWFM Adam had a hugh smile on his face when we all screamed and hollared after the line "you're doing it perfectly". It was very obvious that there were a lot of GNT peeps in attendance. There were a few glow sticks but I'd forgotten mine at home. One of the best parts of an Adam concert is meeting up with your friends from all over and just discussing all things Lambert. Met up with @PRS who flew in from Sacramento and flew out this morning to attend his concert there. Lucky gurl! Hadnt seen her since the Nokia show in Dec.'10. Met @magiclady for the first time and will definitely keep in contact. Also met up with peeps at a local restaurant before the concert and then another group of fans after the concert at another restaurant to talk about what we'd just witnessed! Most of us were scattered thru out the entire venue which was packed expect for a few seats way up and in the corner. I saw no Adam family member but am sure they were there. I know I will remember things later and will probably mention them but for now that's it! Thanks for listening! Over and out! BTW - I love Adam Lambert!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

daydreamin said...

Adamluv, Glitzylady, PRS and Magiclady
I'm so glad you got to see the MAN and thanks for the reviews! I am headed out to see him in Sacramento!

@PRS would love to meet you if there is that chance! Do you have twitter? I am @daydreaminmylif

daydreamin said...

OMG look at Adam with his little Godson!

Anonymous said...

Cute...Adam will need to lose shirt when Riff is older....

Anonymous said...

@adamluv- thanks for sharing your amazing experience! How I wish I lived in california, seems like you get so much opportunities to see our man! Not like here in fla. Anyway, love is all around here and internationally!


Anonymous said...

JAK here....Is it my imagination or do Adam and Riff have the same hairstyle? Sweet photo! :)

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv thanks for your review. I am going to Winstar casino in Oklahoma next Friday night and I am so excited to see Adam!I was there for the GNT show but my seats are much better this time,although VIP sold out so quickly,but got first row center right behind VIP. I will post how it was next Saturday!Of course it will be great!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam seems more comfortable now interacting with the audience after the Queen gig... Thank you Queen for allowing Adam to join you in your act.

Anonymous said...

"Godpa Adam, what does your shirt say?"

Adamluv said...

@ANON 4:33 - come back with all the juicy details! And @daydreamin - looking forward as well to your review of tonite. Love all the peeps from all over being able to give us first hand info. about Adam. @brownie - know that Adam will perform in Florida when he goes on tour! Totally OT but thought of you last month when I adopted another shelter dog - went to adopt a black one since Best Friends Sanctuary had May as "adopt a black dog or cat month". I'm sure you know of the difficulty of adopting out black animals. "Wiggles" is 8 years young and a Schipperke/Chihuahua mix - came with that name since he was an owner turn in. . . . Adamluv

HK fan said...

aaaahhhh, that Adam and Riff photo doesn't work for me, does anyone have another link????

so glad you had a great time, the videos I've seen are great. I could see a difference too, he seemed much more relaxed, and the banter was mich more natural. Loved the bit with his shoes too...

Anonymous said...

Adam does seem to have a re-energized "aura" about him...and still as fierce as ever!

Next week I'm going to see Adam LIVE!! He's coming to my city, San Antonio, on 26 Jul! Then I'm drivin up to Winstar the next day! Me! Adam! Two days together!! That just sounds so good to me LOL! Srsly, I can't believe I'm seeing him 2 days in a row! I'm beyond happy! Not gonna take too many pics 'cause I wanna "be in the moment" like Adam wants! I just can't believe it...sigh

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...


So happy for you, seeing him two days in a row, what a lucky gal..wish he would come my way..Make sure you tell us all about it when you come back...Don't blame you for not taking too many pictures, because you don't want to miss a moment of it..


lorraine said...

Seeing and hearing Adam again was ecstacy. My daughter was wearing her "Trespassing" dress that I bought for her months ago for this occasion {at Sears from the Kardashian line, slanted yellow and black stripes just like the album cover.}The only problem----when those stage lights go on as Adam and his band leave the stage,you just don't want to go!!!! Loved Pop That Lock and everything about that blissful night.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Sounds as though everyone is having an amazing time. Wish I could go - the get-together dinners and lunches are a highlight for me. Meeting all the lovely people who I've met throgh Adam.

Adam's has certainly upped his stagecraft in the the last 3 weeks. Queen will do that to you. Imho he was getting better and betterer with every show and was just hitting his stride at the end.

Pop That Lock is a bit more hard-hitting song than a lot of the T cd. Perfect for the kind of "large" performance that only Adam (and a very few other people) can do.

Can't wait for Sacramento videos!

Anonymous said...

PTL is a great concert song. Really POUNDS! And the "banjee boys and dancey girls" line is so sexy and makes the song really stand out. Love this song sung live!


Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear PTL now!! I think I read somewhere that is Eber's favorite song on the album.

Anonymous said...

@ DRG You do know what banjee boys are don't you?