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Belgian radiohost promoting Trespassing

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 30, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 30, 2012


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Now if we could just get American radio hosts to do the same thing.

Thank you Belgium! <3

Anonymous said...

so cute the when he said Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

Didja see that The Christian Science Monitor stated 5 Good Reasons why Adam Lambert should be a judge on American Idol this season? How bout that!

Anonymous said...

10:25 there has to be a catch.

daydreamin said...

Ok, so I asked Shoshanna Stone about the possibility of a Bonus song being the new single. Here are our tweets. I am officially REALLY sad Runnin won't be in the Running for a new single!

Daydreamin ‏@daydreaminmylif
@shoshannastone I've been hearing the new single CAN'T be one of the bonus songs. True?
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9h shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
@daydreaminmylif always.
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1:42 AM - 30 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details

Anonymous said...

OT Just read on another site Brad Paisley is meeting with AI producers this week in L.A. to discuss the Idol judge spot. I read earlier he wasn't interested, Hmmmm. So now it's Mariah, possibly Brad and Randy? What about ADAM? Still hoping:)


Anonymous said...

they don't mention Adam at all anymore. plop plop fizz fizz I am afraid. He said he wasn't asked anyways. Movin on.

Anonymous said...

I allways like it when they announce Adams new album Trespassing. NCOE is such a good song, I love it.

Anonymous said...

lovely to see a groundswell of support for TP across the globe. some Europena awards in the future! convinced US radio is payola-driven. it can't be based on talent or fan interest, maybe the lowest common denominator of some attribute.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a worldwide superstar and I'm really happy for him:)

Thanks a lot Belgium for the promotion of Trespassing.


Anonymous said...

Did someone actually write Sauli on those panties thrown up on stage in Des Moines?
He had a good time with it, but still.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like AI really wants a country music judge. I don't care how succesful Paisely is. He would be a fool to turn it down. Unless your're Gaga, Bieber, Katy P. or Rihanna, why would ANYONE turn it down? It's instant global exposure. As perfect as Adam would be on the show, it ain't gonna happen. My interest in AI has been zero anyway. Let's see if Randy stays around.

Would love to see that Christian Science Monitor article. Hope it gets posted somewhere. That's a very well-respected mag. It would be nice for someone at AI to come to their senses. Have to try to find the article. Thanks!

DRG (Yay, Belgium!)

Anonymous said...

Adam's retweet just made me decide I won't be buying his next single.

Anonymous said...

@1:03 PM - what are you talking about????

Anonymous said...

the PTB over on AI and FOX are fools for not offering the judging job to Adam..Brad Paisley..come on..(I admit I am not a fan of country and therefore am not familiar with country artists)..didn't those bozos watch and listen to his concerts with Queen???? My god, no one, and I mean NO ONE else on the plant could have out talented him (lol)..and don't they read blogs about this situation?? I just do not understand...

Adamluv said...

@Anon 12:02 - over at there is a close up of the underwear and it says in yellow stiching "Sauli's Ass!" Maybe not the same pair? That I dont know. If it is the same ones then I find it offensive and wonder if Adam was just responding in his good natured way or if he thought it was funny? jmo! . . . @Belgium DJ - thank you for your support! Guess you dont have hip/hop/rap crap you have to push. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

yes,anom at 1:03PM,PLEASE TELL me what you're talking about..I didn't see anything about the new single yet on Adam's twitter page.

Anonymous said...

I guess it is pretty much a done deal with Brad Paisley..have nothing against him..but I will NEVER watch Idol again..cause the producers are just plain stupid!! Old Randy is staying...I guess he doesn't realize that people are tired of the same ole comments he makes..he is probably in it for the money...I still think for him and Mariah to both be on the judges panel is a conflict of interest..

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK here

Here is link to article in Christian Sci. Mon.

Anonymous said...

@1:22 because Adam so loves the cray beyond cray it's time they do the buying. I'm happy to boycot. :)

Anonymous said...

3:03, Huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Adam and Tommy tweeting about Sauli is not going to change my mind. I will not buy the next single. The Adommy crays can buy 100 copies each.

Anonymous said...

DRG, thank you so much for link to the CSM article, but the link goes to "page doesn't exist." I'll keep looking.


Anonymous said...

JAK, I meant YOU, not ME! I'm such a dope.

Anonymous said...

Brad P will do well but AL would knock it out of the ballpark if AI judge.

Anonymous said...

2 DRG...JAK here

Just google

christian science monitor american idol adam lambert as judge

click on Maria Carey joins, etc.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:03 / 3:03

No one knows what the hell you are talking about, so WHATEVER!!

tess4ADAM said...

Thank you Anon. 6:19PM ... I thought I was reading code or something ... almost went Cuckoo!! LOL

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

HK fan said...

@anon 12.02pm jul30 and adamluv

Re the Saulis ass pants, they weren't meant to offend, the girl who put the writing on them meant it affectionately, as in 'Adam is Saulis boyfriend and is his' kind of way. She is a an absolutely huge Adam fan

Anonymous said...

The Belgian DJ spoke dutch and said among others that "Cuckoo is een fijn nummer" (is a nice song) and "Underneath is fantastisch" (is fantastic) and "Shady is leuk" (is fun)... And then he encouraged people to buy the album if they like the song that he was about to play...he was starting to play NCOE...

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is so thin-skinned that he wouldn't take the Sauli underpants thing in the spirit it was intended. Just a fun moment, for Pete's sake! He has told his share of sexy "asides," and little jokes. Underwear with a cute note on them wouldn't offend him, I dont' think. He had fun with the pants for a few minutes and then moved on. He knew it was meant in fun.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't find it funny.

Adamluv said...

@DRG - I'm not saying it was meant to be offensive, for Pete's Sake! Only that I didnt like it and I have a right to my opinion, for Pete's sake! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

looking at Adams face on the video with the panties, he looks very upset when he reads whats on them.

Anonymous said...

I noticed he threw down the mic stand with panties on it and left the stage without them. Hmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Here's the post of the culprit from another site:

Amberboc says:

Hey y’all! Yes, i was there as well. Ellen cracks me up. The seating worked out because we all had front row and were five feet from our beautiful boy! Oh and we added some action during Cuckoo with what is now referred to as “the panty incident”.

Our friend Heather brought the panties and I launched them onstage. We were sad when he walked off stage without noticing them. Then he came back for Cuckoo and played with them. It was so funny, hearing him riff about “panties on his microphone”!

So much fun, so much love for Adam and each other! It was fantastic. Missed you tho.
It was a mixed crowd, Glamberts were well represented and there were quite a few Adam converts after his show. It was so awesome to hear Train fans talking about how great Adam was.
Yay team!