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Bring Queen & Adam Lambert to America: The Show Must Go On!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Via halag:

Please sign the petition so we can show how much support there is for this collaboration in North America!

Go here:


Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW WOW! That was fantastic! Gorgeous photos, really captured the essence of those epic concerts. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see the love and mutual admiration between the three men, Adam, Brian and Roger. It's truly beautiful to witness. The Show Must Go On!!! Can we sign the petition more than once? LOL!


Anonymous said...

This is the second petition I signed maybe it will work.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE don’t miss this! View two MUST SEE videos!
One of ADAM singing that line from WWTLF to Sauli at the balcony and see his dazzling biggest smile!
And a hysterical video of ADAM in his Elmo jacket!

glitzylady said...

Adam just tweeted this: PLEASE REQUEST!!!!! Even if they don't have it on your local station's request form, request anyway......

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Everyone request Never Close Our Eyes today Non-Stop. Its Time for some Glambert HEAT! How bad you want it?! #shameless

Newfie Duck said...

Just wondering how the new threads are actually created on this site.

Can anyone create a new posting headline, etc. or is it done mainly by administration. Also, does anyone know who is actually responsible for this blog site, because he/she/they are doing a fantastic job.

Just curious!

Anonymous said...


I'm on it! Just filled out Mediabase Forms for my local stations! Been requesting regularly but so far haven't heard it. I'm not giving up tho :)))


Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady, I don't use twitter so thanks for forwarding the request from Adam..

Been requesting everyday..But they are going to get 100 request from me today!


Anonymous said...

Just Brilliant PETITION indeed!!!

We demand to make it happen!!!!:))


glitzylady said...

@Newfie Duck
There is one individual who owns this blog site..And she is responsible for creating the new threads...

I agree, she does a fantastic job, and has been doing so for quite awhile!

Anonymous said...

Don't just request at your local stations. Request all of them!!!!!! This song needs to be heard!!!! You can text
hot 99.5 99338
q102 71021
z100 55100
KTu 31035 That is how we got WYWM & IIHY played. I don't care what people say. That is why these songs are not getting played. Don't ply by their rules play by every other fan groups rules!!!

Anonymous said...

The admin. of this site is indeed excellent!

Anonymous said...

It would be spectacular to see Adam with Queen in several concerts here in the states. But Adam does have his solo career and he worked so hard on producing Trespassing and I think he would like to tour with those songs. I don't really know the logistics, but I would love to see him on Idol as a judge. He has been there, knows what is expected, can give honest criticism and talk about stage presence. If Randy stays, they could add Adam and then the female judge. Forget Mariah....the money it is reported she is asking is outrageous. Bring Paula back; she worked well with Randy and she loved Adam. Adam sang I Want It All at the Queen concerts and he certainly can have it all at this point in his life if the powers that be can work it out. I would definitely watch Idol just to see him each week. Adam is the best vocal talent in music today and I think all the contestants on Idol could certainly benefit from his experiences and knowldedge of the business from one who is young and current.

Anonymous said...

The flaring crimson jacket Adam wears for "Dragon Attack", born from a "spark in Adam's eyes" courtesy of the Blond designer, was promptly dubbed the Elmo jacket, a familiar, but not entirely fitting moniker. In my mind "Dragon Attack" evoked a dizzying fracturing of the senses, "where the black is white", and "the white is black". To the song's heavy pulsating rhythmic beat, Adam on stage makes a fiery incarnation--a bold, sensual, electrifying vision. A fan art even depicted a dragon Adam in resplendent crimson, roaring enormous flames from a cavernous mouth.
When a psychic Laurie__ wrote in her recent Adam blog about hearing "St. Elmo's Fire" on the radio, the Elmo association was complete and perfect. St. Elmo's fire is the lightning-like natural phenomena of luminescence inside a strong electric field generated by clouds during thunderstorms. Revelation----Adam!!! Not wanting to diss the "Elmo", but it's an easier nickname, derived from its original, true name. atm

Anonymous said...

I agree I love this blog site. When it went down, I was lost. I appreciate this site so much. THANKS FOR EVERYONE OR JUST ONE PERSON WHO IS CONTROLLING ADAM lAMBERT SITE 24/7.

glitzylady said...

Off topic, but getting excited for Adam's Costa Mesa/Orange County Fair and Fantasy Springs concerts coming up on Thurs and Sat.., especially because I'm going to SoCal for them...YAY!!!

I also thought I would mention that I have an extra ticket for Fantasy Springs available if anyone needs a good seat..where they can see, etc.. Its in the side bleacher section MM, Row L, Seat 7. It will be available for pick-up the day of concert. Price negotiable : )) Section MM is close to the stage..and should give a really great view of Adam and the me at @glitzylady on Twitter or at if interested...

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your amusing and colorful description of our Adam and his Elmo jacket!!!


Anonymous said...

@anon 12:21 Thank you for the good advice! I've texted all those you listed and I'll try to find other stations on the west coast (I'm here in L.A.) and have only been requesting on the Mediabase Forms. Is texting more effective?


Anonymous said...

CT I am not sure what the most effective method is. I just try to do as much as I can. You can tweet them also. If they get bombarded enough, they can'r ignore us.

Anonymous said...

It's A shame we have to request thisoranyAL song period. There appears to be some sort ofblockinggoing on. I want to know why and how to stop it! This should be illegal besides morally wrong! The darkside

Anonymous said...

Is it Clear Channel that owns alot of the stations. What if we email them and ask nicely to add Adam. IF they see that we are a large enough fan base maybe we can sway them to play him.

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants an Adam/Queen concert. Looks like a complete World Tour would be on he the cards.
It appears that everyone has forgotten about 'Trespassing' and the hypes all about Queen these days, maybe that's why Adam has mention to request NCOE constantly.
He is a solo artist.
I also read a link about staying home and watching Adam on youtube rather than heading to the upcoming shows. WTF how is this support for Adam and if your've really experienced an Adam show you'll know live is the only way to go.

Anonymous said...

Is the Clear Channel the one owned by Mitt Romney?

Anonymous said...

Please don't bring Paul or Randy back. Move forward with some fresh talent or close AI totally.

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe tickets for OC are STILL available. Sounds like some support for Adam pronto is needed.

Anonymous said...

Adam wants us to request NCOE. Read his following tweet:

adamlambert Everyone request Never Close Our Eyes today Non-Stop. Its Time for some Glambert HEAT! How bad you want it?! #shameless


Anonymous said...

*Method priority: call, tweet, station online request form, tweet and then Mediabase request form (in that order).*

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:46

ok, I'll try tweeting too. When I try to call them, for instance KISS FM, the biggest station in L.A., you can hang on the phone for 15 min. and the phone is never answered. That's when I decided the Media base forms were the most convenient but texting is good so I'll add that and the tweeting.. Keeping fingers crossed all our efforts work! Adam is worth it!


Anonymous said...

@4;11 and 4:29

Yes, Mitt Romney owns Clear Channel which owns more than a hundred radio stations mostly in the East Coast. Yes, maybe we can try writing to the higher ups NICELY requesting to play ADAM LAMBERT's songs. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:50

You put tweet in your priority list twice. Was one of them supposed to be text? If so, which one would it be in the priority list? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

what is the link...but honestly it wouldn't even be appreciated in the states...everyone hear is used to lip-synched crap