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Buckhollywood: 7 Embarrassing Music Videos That Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 13, 2012

Posted at : Friday, July 13, 2012

SKIP TO 2:20 for Adam!


Anonymous said...

awww Adam was so cute in this video if you watch the whole video he starts to get up too early and the crowd loved him at the end. He sure lost the shyness. lol

Anonymous said...

O.K. four eyes. What ass you make of yourself, whoever you are. Can't imagine what you looked like at that age. Adam was always handsome. Rock on Adam, we love you always.

Anonymous said...

I don't get what's so embarrassing about Adam's performance in this vid. I guess this guy is just trying to get a hit by mentioning Adam's name. Shame on him!


Anonymous said...

Well, I think Adam's HS grad song was kinda sweet. So "of its time." This all Adam's crazy outfits and antics, they could have picked something worse.


Anonymous said...

WHO in their right mind can even watch or listen to this "asshole presenter" - HE IS SO UNBELIEVABLY EMBARASSING!!! YAK

Anonymous said...

Such a cute video of him, he was so adorable. That was him then;

This is him now;

The sexiest man in the room is the one who makes everyone else feel attractive and sexy – one-on-one, through the TV screen, a photo or from the stage, you make it work. The way you sing and convey the meaning of the lyrics, with your voice, face and body – you would make Cleopatra blush.

You strode out, like a cocky bad boy, looked at the camera with a small flirty smile, and acknowledgment that we were there then sang “I can’t get no……”. An accident? Intended for boys only? I don’t think so.

What you may not know is that our husbands are actually benefiting from our libidinous fantasies and if you ever met, it would be a hearty handshake and one of those male half-hugs, probably a little tighter and a bit longer, depending on the eyeliner that day. Might buy you a martini and ask for some pointers.

Taken from; On the Meaning of Adam Lambert site.

Anonymous said...

Talk about taken out of context, his singing was adorable as was his presentation. The audience was showing respect as he was singing, like you are supposed to do. I guess the whole thing was about his hair, as if no one in Hollywood changes the color of their hair, duh. Actually quite a nice video, of our Adam at eighteen, even his school recognized that he was their best singer for this event, quite an honor.This wasn't a rock concert, where everyone is standing and clapping their hands and singing along.

Anonymous said...

There was nothing embarrassing about that performance @ BB'S graduation.He was still cute, & was called the "musical guy" @ his high school.I've listened to it several times.Many people don't know he can sing things like the Brigadoon song from 2002,I think.( on you tube)He sounded great singing"The Prayer"also..PLEASE People,GO POST SOME MORE POSITIVE COMMENTS on the People poll asking our opinion if we think BB would be a good host on Idol..Thanks to whoever posted that last good one.Lots of people have said he doesn't have the experience..I say he DOES!!I don't know what's gonna happen about all this,or if it would be good for Adam or not,but it's sure getting lots of attention,isn't it?JLO's career has certainly been helped,& prob Steven's also.It sounds like Randy will get a mentoring position,so 2 male openings will be there now.

Adamluv said...

Wow - some of you need to lighten up. Buck is a hugh fan of Adam and is a very funny and entertaining guy. And calling someone 4 eyes? How very original of you. Bet you'd be insulted and not see the humor if Weird Al ever covers any of Adams songs. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

there's are voting poll going on at, who should be the next judge...Adam only has 7%....pass it on!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv: Those of us who do not follow this guy think he is the most embarassing thing about this video. No body is THAT vivacious and happy to show bad videos. You might want to chill.

I've been a huge fan of many people, but a hugh fan? Lorrey, Grant? Which? Neither? Who?

daydreamin said...

Yes indeed they do give Adam a huge applause in the end which of course he doesn't show. Oh well. Onward and upward!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's embarrassing per se. It's just a beautifully sung graduation song. The 'embarrassment' is probably the difference in style. However, the audience loved it (if you watch the whole thing).

Adamluv said...

@3:13 brave anon. poster - WTF?

glitzylady said...


I thought the whole show was funny..and not mean-spirited at all...It was really just showing today's stars in their earlier days...and how they've changed and sometimes improved. Adam was of course beautiful and sweet and a hell of a singer in high school but there ARE those who would be surprised to see him in his high school cap and gown, with his much lighter hair and eyebrows...and singing this very non-rockstar non-bad boy song.. The show was lighthearted really. No offense taken by me...I actually thought the ****Crickets..**** sound was very funny...Not the usual response Adam gets now!

And no picking on @Adamluv. Thanks........ ; )))

PS: I'm always willing to jump in and defend Adam when he's been wronged or insulted (and God knows I do that on a regular, and elsewhere..), but this isn't worth it...Its a case of pick your battles, and in my mind there is no battle here at all...Just cute and funny. And Adam getting some recognition as the star that he is..

PLUS, I LOVED the picture they showed of him AFTER his transformation to dark hair and dark hair..and rock god.....GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! One of my favorites, by the way....... (Phew!!!)

glitzylady said...

OOOPS! I meant "....and dark BROWS.." in my comment above..I got sort of hung up on that dark HAIR!!! ; )) As Sauli and Adam's tattoo's say: OOFTA!!!!