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HD Videos of Adam Lambert Performing at Fantasy Springs

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, July 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 23, 2012

VIA @TALC's Youtube Channel:


Kickin In




Broken English


Anonymous said...

Hot, sexy, energized....that is Adam in his performance at Fantasy Springs. He is having such a great time up on that stage and loving every minute of it with the band and the backup singers. This was an adult audience so Adam seemed to be a bit "naughtier" in his performance and just let loose as he got into the funky, upbeat songs. I think having Sauli in the audience made him even better and sexier. I hope that these mini concerts are helping with the sale of Trespassing, but I still have not heard NCOE on the radio here in the NYC/northern NJ area.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....he's def having fun and so is the audience. Thank you to all who supply us with videos so we can share in the fun. His "frisky" was set at full steam ahead!

Anonymous said...

@10:23 Unfortunately NCOE is in a downward slide. Some stations that were playing it have stopped. Think it's time for a new single by the fall. Trespassing or Cuckoo,more Adam type songs!RCA will have to make sure,however they do that, that big top 40 stations like Z100 get on board and put it into power rotation. That is why I hope Adam gets the idol gig. He will be visible and can sing his new single and plug his album more. I can only help his career and give him more money for a great tour.

Carole said...

I watched, as best as I could, the livestream and at one point I thought - oops I think jetlag is kickin' in :) He hasn't stopped since he's been back from the UK! Anyway after watching the videos of his two other concerts this week along with this one, the impression I'm getting is that his experience with Queen, and his newfound relationship with Brian May and Roger Taylor, has given him more confidence than ever so he's now allowing the funny/naughty side of himself to come out and play. I personally think it's great.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard NCOE on the radio and have never seen his video for it on TV. What gives? I've seen all kinds of new videos on the video channel-some after they immediately came out! hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminteresting.
nancdruuu2 (in PA)
(also interesting that Carly person with the video "Call Me Maybe" is playing everywhere. I guess you can show a Gay man in a video as long as there is a punch line at the end. I wonder what Adam thinks about it.)

Anonymous said...

Just don't stop being Adams fan and support him all the way!!!!

It will help him to continue his journey as long as we stick together and go to his concerts everywhere we can indeed:)))



Anonymous said...

Love the concert so much, so much fun, nothing wrong with it. Thanks for filming this, with out you, or any one filming, we would be missing a lot of Adams concerts. I'll take anything of seeing and hearing Adam and the Band.
I appreciate your corporation. Thanks again.

daydreamin said...

Professional video of Adam singing NCOE at Endfest, Sacramento (enlarge the screen):

daydreamin said...

Professional Trespassing at Endfest:

Anonymous said...

I think he did some things to shock the nonfans that took up the first few rows. I love naughty Adam and love it when he ,shall we say let's loose for the purpose of the shock factor do I say more power to him. I can't understand why anyone would go to a concert to see someone who's music they've never heard,maybe they'll think twice next time.

Anonymous said...

The only station in the NYC area that I think played NCOE was 103.5 KTU. They only played NCOE the month leading up to the KTUphoria concert and then they stopped playing it after the concert. Even when they were playing the song, it was only maybe 2 or 3 times at day. All the other artists that were performing at the concert were getting played every hour.

Anonymous said...

I hope that this does not become a pattern for Adam's singles...not being played on the radio even after he does local promo visits to the stations. I just don't get it. How can they pass on this amaaaaazingly talented performer and yet play such crap from other so called artists. Maybe it tells us something about the listening public....tweens and teens who just go crazy over some young guy or group with ridiculous songs and stage antics. I will continue to be an Adam Lambert fan and support his music. He is just brilliant on stage and enjoys every single minute being up there performing for his fans. And yes, how or why would you go to see him, just sit in the first rows and be totally unmoved by Adam? I loved it when he said something to them and asked his fans to come forward. He is naughty and nice at the same time and I love it when he lets loose and shows his frisky side. I am having fun watching these videos and thank all those who give them to us after each concert or appearance.

Anonymous said...


High rollers/VIPS are usually the casino's best customers and often get special treatment. I don't see what is so terrible about wealthy or influential people being newly exposed to Adam's talents. Could be a very good thing in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Happened to catch the Call Me Maybe video the other day - my first thought was that Taylor Swift dyed her hair dark. just the same as TS's songs- nothing all that special about the vocals or the song. I Do not get it. (and yes, the gay guy at end, is "socially acceptable" mode).

Anonymous said...

Worldwide sells for FYE were very good ...:so I'm hoping the same will go for Trespassing ....I agree I think he did some stuff on purpose...guess they got a load of him...would love to have seen the look on some of thier faces when he was singing "walk that walk like you don't give a f--k...oh and so happy to hear from fan4fun and icon...Renee

HK fan said...

@anon 12.24pm jul 23
I don't think Adam did anything shocking at this concert, he was having fun, was relaxed but in control, did a few sexually suggestive moves...but nothing shocking, compared to what many acts do live he's quite tame. He's just one sexy guy so it all feels more risque than it is because of the feelings he stirs in us.

@anon 11.17am
Lucikly for me Adams NCOE is still being played on ChannelV in Asia, (and BTIKM occassionally). I was watching some of the Playlist programme a couple of days ago, chosen by a presumably young HK fan, and NCOE was played along with Demi Lovato, Greyson Chance and 1D, which is why I presume its a young fan, anyways I thought it was cool that young people were choosing him on their playlists.
Also AXN were advertising a crime show the same day and Shady was playing in the background, so there's still love in Asia..
@anon 12.51 I'm afraid to say that I think this will be the norm for Adams US radio play, and its not due to the listening public, its the few guys in charge of the same hundreds of radio stations in the US, for some reason (????) they just don't like adam.

Anonymous said...

even the band got some frisky action.

Anonymous said...

even the band got some frisky action.

Anonymous said...

I watched the videos with my 2 teenagers and a couple of their friends. The Cuckoo action was funny till he dropped to the floor at Tommy's feet and Tommy straddled him. Then all four teenagers turned to see how I was reacting to that. I didn't say a word, but their expressions made it pretty clear that part was shocking and in questionable taste
to them. They didn't ask my opinion and I kept my mouth shut.

They have brains and can sort out their own opinions. Mum Mom

Anonymous said...

Adam's crazy train was in Fantasy Springs. I mean his inner circle fans. However, it was a concert, not a private party. It is not wrong to go to a concert even if you are not a fan. Many people do that.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that Adam too is narrow minded and therefore he doesn't want to have a large fan base.

Anonymous said...

I mean there's no reason to promote if only crazy fans are welcome. And this casino did promote Adam. His face was on water bottles and room keys etc.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is in hand cuffs and I'm not happy about this. I think that the American Idol puritanical stigma is the problem. And the fact that he is gay. If he were straight and was the sexually charged and gorgeous man that he is, everyone would be going insane over him and he would be the mainstream phenom that Elvis was fifty years ago, doing the same things.
Adam is screwed with these nit picking fans and fucking music critics. Last wek, he was holding back. This week, ruining his career as he lets go. I'm so over these critics.
He better let it rip and live his life as the freaking genius artist that he is and let the chips fall. Or his other choice is to play it safe, sell lots of records and stifle who he is. Go freaking Adam Lambert!!!!! Do yo thang!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:23...... You just introduced your son, and his friends, to true rock and roll. Ever see footage of the great jimmy Hendrix making love to his guitar? Or Elvis grinding to young pubesest girls in the audience? or Madonna and Britney spears making out? As anon 1:05 said, Adam is handcuffed. Makes me more of a fierce fan! I can't believe we are having this discussion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:23...... You just introduced your son, and his friends, to true rock and roll. Ever see footage of the great jimmy Hendrix making love to his guitar? Or Elvis grinding to young pubesest girls in the audience? or Madonna and Britney spears making out? As anon 1:05 said, Adam is handcuffed. Makes me more of a fierce fan! I can't believe we are having this discussion.

Anonymous said...

Elvis only performed in Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

Only in the end if his life . You are clueless!

Anonymous said...

And , if Adam or Elvis or Britney or Madonna who is currently stripping on stage, offends you, then go buy Susan Boyle records. And get off this site.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:49...... Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Susan Boyle is too noisy.

Anonymous said...

I watched all videos and this was a tight show, the side action notwithstanding. Adam's vocals were great and he was playing to an 80% OTT Adam fans audience. I doubt the high-rolllers would have atteneded if they hadn't been a bit interested in seeing him, although it was a Saturday night and FS promoted the concert like nothing else.

I hope some of them were sufficiently amused to come back. If they buy the cd, they may be standing nest time. LOL!

Anonymous said...

This concert was PHENOMENAL!!!! All Adam's concerts are brilliant but this one was truly something special .... harking back to his Glam Nation days. LOVED IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My point is the crazy fans won't save Adam's ass, ever. In fact they are compaining, and want Adam to know, that they were manhandled or mistreated by the casino security. :/

Anonymous said...

* complaining

Anonymous said...

To Mum Mom; I really can't believe that your teens were surprised or shocked by some of Adam's naughtier behavior at Fantasy Springs. Have you seen the videos out there now for the songs these teens are watching? As I channel surf, I sometimes end up on those video countdown shows and what I see is unbelievable as far as lyrics, gyrations, scantily dressed female dancers and the male performers always feeling their crotches. Even Bieber has taken to doing this. No matter how Adam performs or does or does not do on stage, there will always be those who are offended, shocked or surprised. Then I suppose you shouldn't watch him, but you can still listen to his music and that amazing vocal talent. Those performers I mentioned in all those music videos really have no vocal talent and the vids don't even relate in any sense to the song or what there is of it. They are selling sex and behavior that is uncomfortable to watch. Even Madonna has been over the top in her recent concert appearances. It is almost pathetic at her age that she has to resort to t&a and fake weapons on stage. What has happened to music in today's society? It's an entirely new genre and I am just not part of that game.

Anonymous said...

An artist can tell when people are there for them or not. Adam obviously noticed that alot of people who were there weren't fans of his. He wanted a little naughty action and the nonfans would wag their tongues about it. Artists want that. They want people to get the word out about them. The more raunchier Madonna acted, the more people talked. Adam is the male equivalent.

Anonymous said...

I think the Adam with Queen gigs really showed what an incredible vocalist he really is. I think the British audience really embraced that. Adam and Queen are magic together and should really do stadiums in North America.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:05.

All these would not even happen if ADAM were straight. He wouldn't even need Idol. He would have been signed in his youth and now wallowing in the glory of success in the stratosphere. And he is in a league of his own.

But because he has accepting parents, he was out with no problems and was a club performer early on expressing himself and this brought on his problems now because he has to go through Idol just to be discovered and Idol likes cookie cutter singers.

But there are those of us who recognize his genius, his being different and original, that he is phenomenal. All these criticism of him is all because he went the way of Idol. It's a struggle but I don't complain. It's ADAM's destiny that this is the path given to him. I don't worry because I know he will get up there.

His GOD-given talents simply cannot be denied because I see his humility above all his overwhelming talents, beauty in and out. I see no arrogance at all. He may be naughty sometimes and turn off some people but again what cannot be denied is that ADAM is a decent human being.

Anonymous said...

@9:23 am

I don't censor what music my teens watch nor do I censor what books they read. I raised them for 15 years with the morals their dad and I were taught by our parents.
We explained what we believed was right and wrong and saw that they attended church to have a foundation. Now, they have chosen the music they like, at present they are into country music, one is pining for Taylor Swift and the other has a healthy or unhealthy interest in Faith Hill! They don't watch the usual teen crap and think Bieber is a joke.
They go from one interest to another, as they should, and are exploring my college text in comparative religions. They no longer go to church with me, except on holidays, but one has attended Temple with a Jewish friend and one is deep into Catholic and Islamic teachings ( don't tell Michelle Bachman he'll be on her hit list).

They are finding themselves and when asked for my advice I give it in detail, but they are doing fine.
They are moral, kind and frighteningly smart. At their present age I'm grateful they seek out the company of my husband and I
as often as they do. We four watched the Queen+Adam performance and they loved it! So maybe classic rock will be their new passion. I hope. A pleasant change from Jason Aldean and Kenny Chesney.

It isn't easy but letting go and seeing the young adults they are becoming is rewarding. Mum Mom