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Kellie Pickler Talks Adam Lambert on CNN Showbiz Tonight!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

nice girl kellie. I think she did a good job singing at the game and glad her career is doing well. What can I say about Slash other than everyone is entitled to their opinion. woot woot nice little clip of Adam!

Jadam NZ said...

And yet I have heard Slash say a friend of his was involved in Idol and Slash asked if he could come on just to meet Adam Lambert. So there you go. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My feel about Adam being an AI judge seems to be increasing by leaps and bounds, based on rumours or perhaps some truths disguised as rumours, lol! My estimated guess for the AI judge panel is: Mariah (signed), Adam and Jimmy L. And since Mariah slashed off a hefty sum of 18 million, it'll be a good balance for Adam and Jimmy L. to probably each get half or a little more, based on Mariah's pay. How about 10 million, which works out to 1 million a month, assuming the work spans a period of 10 months, from the auditions to the finale. Whoa, talking about finale, Adam's S8 finale is watched till today. :)

Anonymous said...

Slash was a mentor on AI during season 8. Adam said working with him during the rock themed week felt the most "authentic" of all the weeks.

Anonymous said...

ai should pay adam lambert 15million or 16,000,000million -hes worth it. maria carey 18 million?so adam pay 3million less?or so i hope so. adam lambert is worth it.
he should be paid 18,000,000 in the first place but 16million or 15 million-i hope so.

Anonymous said...

Of course Adam would not get a huge salary like Mariah and that's O.K. I am sure it will be a very nice salary that can help pay for his upcoming tour whenever he decides to do it. Also the T.V. exposure will be great for his career.

Anonymous said...

Love Kellie for saying she loves ADAM.

Lets be realistic in how much AI will pay the other two judges which are still unnamed.
Paula was getting $2M at the time she was re-negotiating her contract after Season 8. That was already after 8 years and her pay was $2M only and no raise was given so she left.
Randy was worth $6M on his last contract which ended this year and that is after 10 years as judge.
Simon was getting something like $36M when he left.
So, Randy and Paula must have started at $1M or even less at their 1st season of Idol.
So, I'm not going to get my expectation so high if ever ADAM gets signed that he will have even a third of Mariah's pay.
I would be delighted for him to be signed and expect a pay of $1-2M. If more, well, I will be ecstatic!

Anonymous said...

It's too bad that this whole AI thing has turned into who is making the most money, and not how good they would be as judges.
Don't forget Adam made a huge amount of money headlining for Queen. Only the first show was for charity, where they donated their money they would have earned. I hope he got a couple of million for doing the other 5 shows. And the pricelass thing is being exposed to the whole world, better than any money, but he got both :)

Anonymous said...

I know Slash was following ADAM on AI and was so amazed by him that he asked his friend who is an AI insider if he can come to see ADAm sing live but instead was asked to mentor on Rock night.

I'm sure he was hoping to get him as a frontman for Guns N Roses since he and Axel have separated ways. But maybe he is saying those words now about reality shows since ADAM has landed as Queen's frontman and accompanied by Dr. Brian's Red Special instead of him.

Anonymous said...

Paula Abdul wasn't getting 2 million. when she left she was getting 12 million, and she wanted a raise because Simon was getting 20 million. nobody ever got only 1 million.

Anonymous said...

If it's true that Paula was getting 12 million, why would they give the same amount to JLo on her first year? Paula would never leave if she was getting 12 million and was not given a raise. JLo only got 12 million on her first year and 15 million on the second year. And was asking for a 2 million raise which was not given but then gave Mariah over 17 million or almost 18 million. It was big news when Seacrest was given 45 million for 3 years because that was above and more than what the two judges were getting not named Simon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget, Adam besides being one helluva singer, is also a sharp entrepreneur. If they pay him much less than what he is already earning, he might as well concentrate on promoting his own music and eventual concert tour. They are not just paying him for his expertise, they have to offset his potential earnings as well. But judging by the hefty sum Mariah is getting, it's a good high salary ceiling to ensure Adam's pay is proportionately realistic.

Anonymous said...

Simon was always the highest paid judge. But Ryan gets more than both Paula and Randy during their time. Before Ryan was given $45Milion or $15Million a season, he was getting $10Million. Both Paula and Randy were receiving much much less than what Ryan gets. Paula asked for a raise when Ryan was given a raise from $10 to $15Million but was denied why she left. She never was in the double digit pay ever.

HK fan said...

Demi Lovato is getting 1million for x factor compared to Britneys what 18million....

Anonymous said...

!#$%&**#$%@$#**x#$% wtf
Are you all a bunch of auditors, agents, accountants, IRS ? Who cares who made what when? Only the person asked to join the panel can decide if if the pay warrants the work as a judge. What good is putting your 2 cents in gonna do?
Some of our threads are completely insane.

I can only assume that the waiting is driving you nuts!

Anonymous said...

10:11 is right. Paula's salary was LOW and she left because they wouldn't give her $5 million.

Idol was never about celebrity judges before Simon's departure. Ellen / J-Lo / Steven were exceptional choices because Idol was worried about the gap Simon was leaving.

If the show had continued to produce ratings, J-Lo and Steven would have been affordable. It isn't, so financially speaking, they are definitely going to a lower pay scale.

BTW, if an all-celebrity panel is such a success, why are ratings for the Voice still so far below Idol's? The show has had two seasons to establish itself.

Bandying around $$$ for Adam is counting chickens before they are hatched. I am not superstitious but it looks bad.

Anonymous said...

LOL 3:30! I posted right after you. You said what I was thinking but I was trying to be polite.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care but it looks like Paula made 4 million when she left. She was asking for 12 million or triple her salary. This is coming from Forbes. I hope Adam can make 3-4 million. That would be awesome.

HK fan said...

This headline is very misleading, Kellie didn't exactly 'talk' about Adam, she said 5 words, and 2 of them were his name! I thought from the headline she was going to talk about the judge rumours....

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, unless you're one of the very top level singers (Gaga, Perry, etc.), you'd be a fool to turn down the Idol gig at almost any price. I think $1million is a hell of a lot of money, and if Adam was even offered that much, I think he would take it. There is so much more to be gained by being on that show than just the money. Sure, it would be nice if he was offered more, but the benefits are immense. The Voice isn't as high-profile a show, therefore, lower pay for the judges. Idol is still the big dog, like it or not. Adam is the best candidate they have. Not only does he have all the assets that we keep mentioning, but he is also controversial, which only increases the interest in him. Sure, he would attract the naysayers and haters, but that's part of being a high-profile celebrity on the rise. Adam can handle it; he's been handling it for three years.

I though Kellie would say more about Adam, but at least he was mentioned. I'm no country music fan by any stretch, but I'm glad she's found her niche.

Slash really respects and likes Adam and seems very impressed by his talent. And yes, he came on Idol because of Adam. Slash has that common, lame criticism of Idol and other talent shows. He thinks of them as a way to somehow "cheat" your way to success by not "paying your dues," blah, blah, blah He thinks that most contestants on these shows are automatically not as talented. Like many successful singers who makde it "the old-fashioned way," he seems to think that anybody who didn't "make it" the same way he did must somehow be less deserving of success. Not true, of course, but this is the way lots of people think. Like many contestants, Adam worked hard for years before Idol. He didn't just pop out of nowhere, singing for the first time. Sure,sometimes lesser talents win on the show, but usually the top three are pretty darn good in their own way.

DRG (praying for Adam on AI.)

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, I hope Adam is really offered the job as Idol Judge. I know Adam wants it because he said so and I want the US to know who Adam really is. I think Adam can win anyone over if they would just hear what he has to say. The rest of the world already knows he's a superstar! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

it is all about the money with these celebrities. they are in it for all the wrong reasons. If Adam was smart he would refuse their offer and continue doing gigs with the legendary Queen here in the states. Killer combination

Anonymous said...

Killer combination, but it would have to be new songs, singing Freddie's songs would not advance Adam's career.

Anonymous said...


Fully agree with you!

Anonymous said...

10:43 am Of course it's about the money, it's a job.
Would they be in it for the good of mankind, bringing music to the culture starving natives?

Anonymous said...

The industry's all about power and money.

Anonymous said...

He only needs to be a judge long enough to get his face firmly planted in front of the American public and sing his own songs during the elimination rounds. American Idol is an awesome platform.