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Nigel Lythgoe Retweets Marlena Rosie's Tweets About Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 12, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, July 12, 2012


Anonymous said...

JAK here.......sort of heartwarming and a bit sacrilegious all at the same time.
But the sentiment is shared by many...:)

Anonymous said...

That's what we all continue to ask ourselves, even tho we know the answer. It is a mystery as to why.

Anonymous said...

GOOD KARMA for our ROCK GOD!!!!!!

Where are the smart Amerians????

Newfie Duck said...

No news here on this one...many are still trying to understand that one...though many of us already know the why and have moved on because, in essence, he truly WAS AND STILL IS THE WINNER! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to recognize his status then and now. It is Bittersweet that Nigel retweeted it though - "bitter" as it reminds us of the idol title he was robbed of yet "sweet" acknowledging the stardom he is receiving and deserves. Thank you Nigel for drawing attention to this tweet.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One word to this: Priceless


Anonymous said...

Great tweet!!!

Yay! The World will hear Adam's AMAZING vocals!!!

Sadly for back home in USA:(

American Idol season 8 & infact most seasons' results was an INSULT to our intelligence!!!

We know ADAM WON!!!
He's An International Super Star!!!

Anonymous said...

I cracked up so hard like a jelly bean when I first read this tweet.
Yes, i know I'm loony, like for Adam cause nothing about him makes much sense, except that I'm just going along for the ride on his Cuckoo train.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Nigel maki g a case for Adam at the expense of Kris which begs to ask why? Most interesting week with all the Idol buzz and Adam hitting it out of the park with Queen.

Anonymous said...

Fuck AT&T.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nigel, for the courage to retweet the truth.
Why don't we trend that now, Glamberts?
That's shooting 3 birds with one tweet. (Sorry, I know it's the birds who tweet. LOL!)
That retweet means Nigel is saying truly ADAM is that incredible just as Brian keeps declaring.
That tells the tweeter world about Adam's amazing Queenbert concerts and tells the world ADAM is gaining the QUEEN fans to his side.
That retweet means Nigel just says to all the naysayers they are all wrong about Adam and truly deserves that judge's seat on Idol.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know of a live stream for today's show? Can't find one:(


Anonymous said...

Everybody knows he WON

Anonymous said...

I do believe that things happen for a reason. And not winning Idol is part GOD's plan for ADAM and everything is unfolding just as it should be as he is making his mark in the music world in a different path from the rest of those at the top.
I also think one of the reasons ADAM has intense, passionate, devoted and protective fans is because of the injustice of him not winning and that drives his fans to keep voting this time around because we all believe he rightly deserves it and that very title which was denied him.

Anonymous said...

HMV at Picadilly Circus just got in new supply of @adamlambert's Tresspassing.

They said its flying off the shelves.

Anonymous said...

This question will be asked over and over again. It is becoming a shame to Americans. well some part of Americans. But all superstar needs some story. This is one of the good story.

Anyway, so excited about going to the concert on July 14th....

this is really happening...... finally can hear that rock live vocal and performance.

Anonymous said...

I remember for the first hour I was not able to get through and all lines were giving busy signal. Possibly some casual fans gave up trying to call. Also some fans forums were not as crowded as top 3 voting time. Gokey's fans also voted against Adam. Their venom stocked around even after Idol tour. I don't think AT&T had to do anything with the outcome. They should've had more tel. Lines.

Anonymous said...

lmb here
Ok, I will be at a PFLAG board meeting tonight, but my heart is going to be in CA with Adamluv and others I met years ago in WA at the Adam concert. Soo jealous!

That question! We all remember this scene...Chris ( the winner) beginning the Queen song...and then Adam, Our Rock God's voice bellowing so clear and strong!!

Anonymous said...

Arkansas has a population of just under 3 million.

The votes from that state were over 3 million.

One girl said she was voting in the thousands

And a tech from AT&T talked about the power texting

If it wasn't for the power texting .. it was written that he would have won by 13 million votes

Oh well...karma!!

Anonymous said...

Nigel Lithgow is spot on. They chose the bland Christian from the South over the gay Jewish boy from the evil Hollywood. Simple as that. The irony Adam won everywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Tommy said Adam will start tour in February. I don't think Tommy likes if Adam would take the Idol judge job.

Anonymous said...


The votes that came from Arkansas was 38 million out of their 3(?) million population. ADAM won in all the states except Arkansas.

Anonymous said...


"American Idol Vote Scam identifies the rogue AT&T executive who worked with politicians and business leaders in Arkansas to generate 38 million votes on the night of the final causing the biggest upset in the history of American idol.

How did American Idol allow Kris Allen to have a 30 person marketing team, sell thousands of shirts for his family's traveling expenses, line up corporate sponsors, give away prizes for votes, and have AT&T on hand to give away promotional phones lend out phones and teach power texting? Why did AT&T encourage the improper use of Go Phones for three additional hours of voting? Why did the local Fox station turn into a Kris Allen fan site? There was such an unfair advantage created in Arkansas it will make your head spin. Never in the history of American Idol had the process been so corrupted.

What motivated this state to throw away all standards of fairness? Was it state pride? Homophobia? Or was it the self-serving interest of the businesses and politicians? This should not be allowed to happen again? American Idol has become a voting contest not a singing contest. How should this flawed voting system be changed?"

American Idol Vote Scam answers the questions that no one else would. It's available at Amazon.

Anonymous said...

Oh for heaven's sake get over it. So what if Adam didn't win. It is typical for the reality shows, when the viewers can vote, that the best talent does not always win.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:15 FROM Anon 12:34 ...thank You....... it's been so long I can't keep my facts straight....

WOW was worse then I thought.

AI and AT&T knew it was wrong but would not fest up to it!

They owe BB big time!

OK I'm over that AGAIN

Back to London..

Anonymous said...


Rumors of J.Lo's departure from "American Idol" have been circulating for months. With her world tour, business ventures, and a couple of kids to look after, it didn't seem too far-fetched. Well, she finally admitted it might be time, which means Fox will be eager to fill her shoes. Reportedly at the top of their list is former "American Idol" runner-up ADAM LAMBERT, but we wanted to know who the public would pick.

Sounds like Fox is doing right by the public in seeking out LAMBERT. After more than 6,000 votes, he took a healthy 9% lead. The 30-year-old singer has already won approval as a Freddie Mercury stand-in, which some might argue is a tougher role to fill than Jennifer Lopez on "Idol," so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. He scored especially well with young voters.

Anonymous said...

It's more likely that Adam would replace Steven Tyler than JLo. There has to be a female judge too.

Anonymous said...

It is official Steven Tyler is not coming back for next season of idol.

Also Adam jumped into the audience and ripped his laced up leather pants on his behind.

Anonymous said...

Dragon attack jacket got its own twitter account. Follow @elmojacket

Adamluv said...

Aint that tweet the true!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We could use some more positive comments on the People poll asking if Adam would be a good judge on Idol.I've posted lots on there.Now the percentage has gone up by one- 45% against & 56% FOR Adam.I can't believe Nigel's tweet( his language),but he's RIGHT,isn't he?I wonder if he went to the Queen w/Adam concert in London.The sound on those last videos posted on this site were very good,esp on WWTLF.loved it!

Anonymous said...

I had to google to find out what is Kris Allen's religion and found out he's evagelical christian. To be honest, I don't think people would be so pissed off if the winner had been a catholic. You know how things are.

Anonymous said...

2:02 is that really true? lol @1:59 is that really true too?

Anonymous said...

Oh,no!!Adam ripped those nice leather pants?He'll need to buy @ least one new pair,won't he?He says he wants to lose 10-15lbs.I read that or maybe it was on a recent interview..don't think he needs to lose that much,but he'll some more juicing,when possible,when he gets back in the US.I hope those leather pants can be them on him!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've been out of the loop for a day. Been out of town. Is this ripped pants thing true??? Hope we get some good video from London #2! Lythgow tweet, amazing! Hope Tommy's right about the tour. AI gig??? Hmmmm.

Just brainstorming here. So much to think about!


Anonymous said...

I am quoting someone's tweet:

"So during FBG he said he wanted to see some ass. Some peeps screamed show us yours. And then his pants ripped. It's only Rock n Roll,BB!"

Anonymous said...

Geez, do you want him to judge or see him in concerts? He cannot have both. Question is what gives his carrier a push. Queen definitely does, I'm not sure about idol, although he would get a lot of attention. Would that make his album sell better? But of course he would make a wonderful judge.

Urethra_Franklin said...

2:44 why cant he do both. AI is two nights a week for one or two hours of his life... he can handle it if he wants to.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....concerts over....only one to go! I want to see some press in this country acknowledging these concerts.

I also want to see people let go of Season 8. It's long gone. Anything where the public votes, Idol, polls of all kinds and political elections can be skewed
and manipulated. That's life.
Adam has been a gent, we should follow his lead.

Cream rises to the top and he's the real thing. This is an adventure he'll never forget and I'm glad I'm here to see it!
\o/______\o/______\o/ HAPPY DANCE

Anonymous said...

I agree. He can do both!

Anonymous said...

Simon Fuller who is creator of American Idol was at the concert. Uhmmm!!!???

Anonymous said...

Sea rest does millions of stuff and he hosts Idol. It will be huge exposure for Adam. Adam said TV exposure is much bigger than radio. I hope he gets it.

Anonymous said...


F--K YEeeeeaaaaaAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Could be my favorite tweet EVER....

Knock'em dead Adam... Win'em over baby... win 'em over....

I've been sayin for years now... Radio & media & his management-- forget all the gay- how do we promote him crap....
***JUST GET HIM HEARD!!!! Promote him, Just get that incredible entertainer OUT there in front of people, let THEM see and HEAR hin, see how he works a stage and let him win them over...
SO gals Adam earned the opportunity and TOOK it to do these shows with Queen... It's all coming together... now get that album sold and RADIO friggin wake up and play him.

Adam certainly deserves that seat on AI IIIFFF he wants it, he'd be great.

He ripped his lace up leathers? Do we have a video of this? Lol, Gettin more like Elvis all the time... lol love it. =) (In his prime Elvis was always "bustin' the seat outa my pants" with his crazy moves & treks through the audience) Adam is indeed this generation's Elvis... The best since (with a good nod to Freddie & Michael)
but ADAM is IT...
Urethra Franklin said it...
"Adam is IT, that's all ."
Cindy =D

Anonymous said...

This fan got the videos:

_Lilzy ‏@_Lilzy
bitches I have it all! Ripped pants! Elmo! GB! More ripped pants! Catwalk walk into crowd! Omg uc ejiajzbxhxudujenx dead need oxygen SOS!!

Anonymous said...

Tonight's concert playlist:

No somebody to love wtf

Anonymous said...

To NIGEL and the other powers at FOX:

Forget American Idol.

Just give Adam HIS OWN SHOW!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Just went to twitter.......following Elmo Jacket...Tommy Joe left a tweet...too funny!

donnaw said...

I LOVE IT!!! I'm going to print that out and put it up on my fridge!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam had his own show

Season 8 AI and he owned the AI Tour!!!!!

daydreamin said...

From LA Times:

Despite Tyler's glowing statement, a source close to the show told The Times that the rocker, who made in the neighborhood of $8 million to $10 million to judge, might have had his option for another year on the show dropped by the network.

See entire article here:,0,344314.story

daydreamin said...

I posted a bunch more stuff on the Suz link, but this is another great tweet I just saw:

_Lilzy ‏@_Lilzy
Queen fans at front fighting with Adam fans to touch him, grab him screaming their heads off. I could see his sweat dripping down his face

Anonymous said...
Adam Breakfree and pants ripping by Suzie!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would have been more acceptable if Adam had lost the competition to a female contestant. I'm referring to the illuminati goddess worship which is also reflected in the music industry by Madonna, Gaga, Adele..

Anonymous said...

Hold your breath people, Adam's picture with his red jacket:

Anonymous said...

I would rather see Adam in concert, but without radio support his album has not done well enough to support a tour even on the scale of GNT. Idol would allow him to make an end run around radio, and I am certain both singles and album sales would go up and thus help a tour. I also agree he could do both. Nobody seems more capable of multitasking than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Look what it has done for Jlo's career and in my opinion she can not sing. She can dance and act. She is everywhere!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
New fans.

daydreamin said...

We should have a whole thread just about Adam and the ripped pants. Watch Suz's "I Want To Break Free" video where he does this:

Anonymous said...

JLo had the On The Floor hit song with Pitbull. The song has the Lambada sample and it was a big success.

daydreamin said...

I also heard Simon Fuller was in the audience.

daydreamin said...

E!News Adam talks again about judging.

daydreamin said...

Guys, we need some POSITIVE responses to Adam being judge here on ClevverNews video!:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget folks it's not just the 2 night commitment on Idol, it is all those months of tryouts. He would be away from his band and touring for quite awhile.

I think he should play his music first and then do Idol next year. But, I know the world knows he's HOT right now and it seems everyone wants him.

Anonymous said...

Look what it has done for JLO career!? Look what it has done for Sea Crest career. Adam on T.V. every week is a huge exposure. Better than radio that doesn't spin his singles.

Anonymous said...

I mean On The Floor was a big hit in Europe. People here didn't know or didn't care she was an Idol judge at that time. If being an Idol judge would boost Adam's career too in the US, it can only be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Let's all pray that the stars will line up for Adam and he will get the job as judge on American Idol! That's the only way he can get the money to continue with his music and do what we all want him to do, i.e. go on tour for us to enjoy him live! As we know, the radio will never play his songs to boost his album sales, no matter how talented he is! And without sales, there will be no money for any tour! Besides, people will get to see and know the real Adam that we all love, intelligent, honest and good-hearted! He will definitely win back some old fans and gain new ones!

Anonymous said...

SUZ526 is adding videos. She doesn't have everything uploaded but check out the ones she has uploaded thus far:

Anonymous said...

So did he rip both of his leather pants?

I was hoping when I saw the tweet about his pant ripping in FBG that he hadn't ripped his lace up pants. LOVE THEM! Then I saw the video of him ripping his lace up leather pants getting back up on the stage in Break Free. He better have multiples of those pants or find a leather tailor or I will be very sad!

Has anyone seen video of FBG? Did those pant rip too? (They are the baggy but pants he wore to GAY club. Those he can rip IMO.)

Anonymous said...

I just hoped that all these rumors will not break Adam's heart if some idiot like Miley or Nicki Minaj,etc will become AI judge instead of him:( Also, about Charlie Sheen. Isn't he just had rehab for sex addiction? It will be hilarious if he become AI judge!

Anonymous said...

I loved this! Ha! This said it all! What's interesting is we knew it, but the industry were so bloody slow on catching on! BUT no longer! ADAM is now a star and the world is lovin' him big time!

Anonymous said...

I belong to the church of Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

OMG! It is now midnight on the east coast and SUZ is STILL uploading video! (I assume she is still in London.) Does this woman never sleep? You are tireless in your efforts Suz. Just amazing!! We are all deeply grateful to you. Thanks so very much!! :)

Anonymous said...

Americans have to understand British and Aussie's don't beat around the bush when they talk. It's right down the line at yer, without the flowery approach.
At least you know where you stand!

Anonymous said...

Adams not going to get hurt over AI. He's not a 2 year old people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Regarding the tweet...Jesus is my closest BFF and yes a high possibility of Him winning the said competition, hands down; probably giving Adam a good run for his money. But I think Adam will still be the winner of the competition because the results would have been tabulated properly! :)

Anonymous said...

@9:28PM I love reading your predictions of Adam's future endeavor and success. Can you some how predict the upcoming numbers for MegaMillion or SuperLotto so we can all win and go to all of Adam's concerts?

Anonymous said...

That has to be a rumor about charile sheen- what musical talent does he have? I'm praying for adam and praying that nicki minajji is NOT asked.

Anonymous said...

@9:28PM Adam was born on 1992-year of Dog. Next year is year of Snake

Anonymous said...

Elvis, Michael and Adam are all born in the Year of the Dog. That also includes Madonna.

Anonymous said...

This is the original tweet:

@dizzyfeet Overheard in London:Queen fan: "this guy LOST American Idol?? Who the fuck won..Jesus Christ??" Karma correcting Idol cockup!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea if you know me a little, you'll know I'm into things occult, numerology, astrology and the like. Well, yes, 1982 is year of the dog; but I read in a rather unusual article that if someone's birth date falls before 4th February, then they belong to the animal year before. So since Adam's birthday is 29 January 1982; he belongs to the previous animal, that is year of the rooster/cock lol! Actually this is all for the best for Adam's Chinese zodiac, because year of the dog is not a good year regarding its compatibility with present year of the dragon. And since things seem to be turning out well for Adam, this piece of Chinese zodiac news seems quite! Compatibility chart for dog/dragon 2 out of 10, and rooster/dragon 8 out of 10. Phew, Adam scraped with just a few days between the good and bad Chinese zodiac! lol! Better not to scoff or laugh so loudly, time/date of one's birth is regarded with utmost importance in astrology, horoscopes, western or eastern. Now you know why Adam struts like the Bird of Paradise on the catwalk in his red dragon furry jacket! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Whrn Nigel mentioned Charlie Sheen
He was joking...

Anonymous said...

Adam most be exhausted....he's singing his face off every night.

Loving every minute of it.

Come on Mr. Bowie...a duet in true Queen fashion...

Anonymous said...

Don't know who Rosie is but DITTO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam wasn't robbed of the AI title.Thankfully he went onto far greater things which excluded him from Walmart signings and Disneyland singing and so on. He got the exposure to soar and still be true to himself and be out the box, winning would have crammed that style. Adam was a born winner and everyone knows that.

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 8:26


Anonymous said...

obviously Nigel is a guy.....maybe he can make Adam a judge on AI so i can watch it again

Anonymous said...

I think Nigel is a producer at American Idol

Anonymous said...

Finally...something about Queen and Adam on my Yahoo homepage....

Anonymous said...


Steve and Jennifer already lost millions of AI fans
This is the real reason they aren't coming back

Come on "On with the Show"

Anonymous said...

Get on your horse Nigel and offer the seat to Adam if you want viewship back up!

Anonymous said...

Best video out there from WTBF where it shows adam's ripped pants. Very professional done, excellent color and sound. I am saving this one.

Anonymous said...

Ups..forgot to include the link :( here it goes:!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i type i ut adma lambert birthday jan.29-1982; i fuond out thata dma lambert is dog year born same as elvis presley michael jacksona nd davod bowie. the rooster start start at early fe, bec. adam was born jan.29 hes a dog year brn-born FAMOUS-FAITHFUL-LOYAL TO AL HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY . ALSO GIFTED VOICE. NOW WE KNOW ITS CLEAR HERE WHY HE AHS A GIFTED VOICE(DOG YEAR BORN) LIKE OTHER SINGER.S. PLUS HIS BEIGN AQAURIAN; THE WORLD FRIENDLY ZODIAC SIGN BIRTHMONTH.

Anonymous said...

Adam was born in 1982 not 1992.He's 30 not 20!!

Anonymous said...

Correct, 1982...year of the dog; but according to what I read further, this new article says the cut-off date to determine one's animal sign, by their calculation should be based on the Chinese almanac. So it stated that one should check because though most Chinese animal-sign charts state 1982 as year of the dog; some born in that year may not be; due to the 4th February cut-off date, that is, those born before this stipulated date belongs to the previous animal sign. So as I see what's happening with Adam's good fortune this dragon year, this article seems on point because dog/dragon is way down, 2 out of 10 and rooster/dragon way up, 8 out of 10. So as far as this year is concerned, looks like rooster is strutting its stuff for Adam rather than a panting dog, lol! But being on the fence, Adam will most likely share rooster as well as the dog fortunes or lack! Well maybe I'll coin a new animal sign for Adam, how about...cock-dog! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Follow-up jingle:

Cock-dog strutting on the catwalk...ooh-la-la! lol! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I might have stumbled onto a new kind of hotdog, very spicy with lots of garnish...hmmm, two cockdogs and one hotdog, please...If this name is used, I want to collect some! :)

Anonymous said...

I am fans of both Steven and Jennifer, but as judges they never really had an opinion. In the beginning Randy did, but then cooled it because he was coming off as the mean judge. That's when i stopped watching the show. Adam always has an opinion on things and PEOPLE this is what the show needs!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

S**t! You people scared me with those "ripped pants" comments. I was thinking the worst, but seeing the videos, I recalled why I like this guy so much. He is the ultimate performer. Owning even his wardrobe accidents... On stage. In front of hundreds of cameras. Not even blinking... from a note. Making fun of himself... One can't do anything but love this ludicrous... Hollywood man!
Damn, I'm doomed to remain a ..Bert!

Anonymous said...

Well I know I voted for Adam over and over and one phone and made me husband vote over and over on another. So, Kris Allen "won" AI, but who really "won" in the long run? Adam by a long shot!!!! Has anyone even heard Kris Allen lately? I know he is playing very small places and Adam is singing with QUEEN and making all kinds of new fans in London, Poland, Kiev, etc. I LOVE ADAM's voice. I listen to him every single day just to make me feel happy.