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ADAM LAMBERT Message for Summer Sonic 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 12, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 12, 2012

And here is a new picture of Adam posing with a fan in Japan:

@makoto113jp IN JAPAN. I met @adamlambert today!!!!!!!;) He is very very kind!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much ADAM!!! Love you;Dxx


Anonymous said...

Adam got a new tattoo! Someone please post it "Music soothes the savage beast" in Latin

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:33 AM
Lots about the new tattoo on the previous thread..go there to read about the meaning, and the picture behind the saying, etc...

Large pic of the tattoo:

glitzylady said...

Adam getting his tattoo..

Anonymous said...

Oh,wow!! I HOPE he's not trying to catch up w/Sauli on the tats!! Sorry,but Adam Puleasssssss go back to the dark hair!!He looks soooooo different.I wonder if he got the large tat & hair bleached in Mexico..???

Anonymous said...

Click on the pic to enlarge. He seems to have so many more freckles since his vacation. I hope he lets some ginger hair come thru the platinum so he will be all nice and blendy.

glitzylady said...

Personally, I think Sauli's tattoos are beautiful and meaningful..And Adam's tattoos have special meaning to are his business. Same with his hair..which I think looks quite fine. He is a gorgeous man no matter what his hair color..Anxious to see his concert look..Pretty sure we're going to love it!!!

He's our BBB (Big Blond Beast).... ; ))))))))))

Anonymous said...

The message of the tattoo definitely suits Adam! I can see why it would have special meaning to him.

I think Adam's hair is amazing no matter what the color is. His hair is in a league of its own LOL! I would die to have hair as thick as that!


Anonymous said...

I think Adam has always had that many freckles,esp on his arms.I DON'T think he wants any ginger hair @ all.He didn't like that fan's avi of his hair"corn color"- and he said" Change it!"..she had several twitter accounts & used another pic w/his dark hair w/a "corn frame" around it..sort of funny.Some of the Japanese still look bewildered by the platinum,too,really.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will ever let his natural ginger grow back in. Other colors, but not that. I think we'll get the black back eventually. Until then, I like how he's playing with the tones of his hair and not having it just be that bright white platinum. Too stark. Likin' it more now that it's softer looking.

The tat is perfect for him. He has started in on the other side, and I'll bet he'll get more of them.



Anonymous said...

Tats and freckles!

Adamluv said...

On topic - hearing Adam talk about the yellow/black colour scheme of the concert made me think of yesterday at an AM/PM mini mart and the young guy behind the casher. He was wearing a cool yellow/black bracelet so I asked him if it had any significance (wondering of course if it was about Adam). His answer - I got it at Knotts Berry Farm in a "Peanuts" cartoon booth! Never told him what I had hoped! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I see what looks like some lip plumping..... But I like it!!!!

daydreamin said...

He's just sooooooooooooooo cute! I'm wondering if he has tones down the brows too. They don't look the stark black he had.

Not a fan of tattoos but love the message.

Magiclady said...


LOL! we both are single minded aren't we?? Always on the look out for Adam fans.

Hope we get some pictures (vids) of the Japan concert!

Anonymous said...

Cant think of another artists whose hair gets so much press...and now tattoos! If this isn't star quality I don't know wtf is?

Anonymous said...


Looks like he got this tattoo in Japan. He is wearing the exact same outfit and jewelry as the picture with the Japanese fan right below it. I'm sure if Adam had gotten it before his trip to Japan he would have tweeted it earlier (when he did it).

Anonymous said...

How cute. The Japan Fan is wearing a yellow and black bracelet. When I go see him in Arizona, I'm going to wear my bumble bee costume.

Anonymous said...

At first,I thought BB may have gotten the tat & bleach job in Mexico..but I DO see his pic w/the little Japanese fan now.His hair was shorter looking on the sides & back with more darker highlights @ the airport..At the tat parlor,the highlights are gone,or don't show,if they're there...Oh,Adam YOU said the colors to wear were black & go back to BLACK hair w/highlights,ok??Remember on another link,a "business man" said to keep the look on the album cover..that would be smart,when new fans may be looking for the album,Trespassing,& don't really know what he looks like..could get confusing for international fans,esp.

Anonymous said...

@3:37, only the Adommy fans are confused.

Anonymous said...

Adommy fans won't give up..

An open letter to Adam Lambert

You advocate tolerance and acceptance constantly, but
you’ve contradicted yourself badly with your ill mannered recent comments on slashers and groups within your fan base.

We all have opinions, but that doesn’t mean we get to pick on people.

If you start a bandwagon rolling don’t insult the people who jump on, some of them will jump right back off, and plenty of A listers have found themselves floundering around at the Z end after 1 ill considered comment. This time it will die down, but that may not always be the case. Every majority is made up of minorities, and singling out any of them for critisism and ridicule is bullying. You may not understand someones motivations, but unless they are actually hurting someone you have no right to lash out. Would you openly ridicule someone for believing in the Bible? or the Torah? You may think thats not the same thing, but to an atheist God is a delusion.

You also need to consider that there are people reading your comments who have severe self esteem problems, or other genuine mental health issues, and they may be deeply affected by your comments.

I’m not disputing your right to an opinion, but the mocking way in which you commented was unnecessary. There are better ways to express an opinion than by insulting your fans.

Fandom is essentially a complex closed society and the psychology of its members is varied and complex, the vast majority wont be hurt by what you say, but some will.

People place you on a pedestal and when you disappoint them they'll remember that and tell potential fans that instead of spreading the word on your music.

If you cant filter yourself for the sake of your fans, do it for yourself. If there are people with real psychological issues reading your comments, its possible that the percieved insult could be the thing that tips them over into the realms of stalking, or damages their self esteem to the point of suicide.

I’m sure thats not what you intended, but you are a public figure and, whether you want them or not, there are consequences everytime you speak in public.

And Twitter is the biggest public place you could have chosen to speak in.

You’ve left a group of your fans feeling bullied and insulted because of the way they choose to escape their problems, thats not nice and it’s not right.

I'm not going to bite off my nose to spite my face, I like your music and I've no intention of turning it off because you had a bad day and were rude on twitter, but I do have a little less respect for you than I did yesterday, and thats the truly sad thing.

Anonymous said...

So the Adommy fans threaten to commit suicide if Adam does not leave Sauli? That is really sick. I've said a long time ago that Adommy is a cult. Brainwashing in the form of fanfic.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:34 PM
I just ran across that "letter" to Adam on twitter..I read it, was ticked off about it, and moved on. I just speak for myself here, but I wish you had left it on twitter. For the author to accuse Adam of promoting bullying, or even of being a bully himself, which is complete and utter crap, is unbelievable. Quote: "You’ve left a group of your fans feeling bullied and insulted because of the way they choose to escape their problems, thats not nice and it’s not right".. I rather think this "fan"/author really missed the point of what Adam was trying to NICELY point out..I seriously do not believe Adam was referring to just regular old fantasy "fan fiction", (er..ahem..I may have read some here and there, maybe..)..Its just that: "fiction", but to the people who actually believe, or at least promote, the fiction of Adommy to the point of fanaticism, and to actually inhabiting that fantasy world, it goes beyond a little light reading. And those who dislike Sauli, tell him he needs to go back to Finland because Adam really loves Tommy, that Sauli isn't really Adam's boyfriend; I mean REALLY..If you've ever seen them together (and we all have), we know they are so much in love.. Its so obvious. Adommy WAS just "theater", created on stage to prove a point, and to illustrate a song (Fever) during GNT....Those who actually believe the Adommy are the ones who are bullies. Some even promote lies, hate, and bully Sauli AND Adam sometimes quite openly... Sheesh....Adam has every right to speak out about it..and tell people to knock it off. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the fanfiction is the key element here. The most fanatic Adommy fans did write and read fanfics. Later on other Tommy fans, who claim to be less fanatic, have come along who are also bandom fans. One Direction, MCR etc.

HK fan said...

i wish that open letter hadn't been posted here, but to counteract it here;s a couple of lovely ones.

aww, another one

Adamluv said...

@HK - a million thanks for those 2 links to get rid of the bad taste in my mouth from the shit one above. The second one was particularly moving. Thanks again. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Here's one of the BEAUTIFUL letters to Adam, posted on Twitter: Written by Lucy Vella (@Trespassoonist)


Dearest Adam,
I’m writing this letter on behalf of all the sane fans out there. We’re very sorry the crays are blaming you for their utter bullshittery. We all probably cannot imagine the immensity of f*ck that you do not give to them, but know this. Each and everyone one of us who are relatively sane has a story to tell about how you, a man with a heart of the PUREST GOLD and a crystal spirit saved our lives. I was bullied for 12 years and would recognise a bully anywhere. You were the one who helped me find the confidence within myself to stand up for my ‘weird kid’ self against those bullies who harassed me all my days. And I recognise the bully in those crazy women who ‘ship’ a fantasy.
We all love you so much and hope that the messages of those crazy women have not been seen my those beautiful eyes of yours, that they haven’t crossed your path. I know you know what they say is ridiculous, but they have some talented, twisted ways of putting words down and we’re scared they’ll try and hurt you. I bet they wouldn’t be half as brave to say it to your face. The internet can be wonderful, but when you’ve got people like that shitting it up, you can find yourself cut by what you read. As you say, the crazies have NO LIVES. But for us reasonably sane fans, you only enhance our lives and teach us to live them full of love, peace and joy.
Love, light and peace on behalf of the whole Glamily,
Lucy Vella (Trespassoonist)

Anonymous said...

What kind of BS is this "open letter." It sure does NOT speak for me or any other Adam fan I know.

Anonymous said...

I read a little Adam fanfic a couple years ago when it was first being posted. I don't know what it's all like, but what I read was mostly porn. I'm not a prude, but this stuff often goes far beyond the average sexy stories. If I were Adam, I'd be insulted by what is being written by SOME (not all) fanfic writers. I know he has made some light-hearted comments about this in the past, and he has been a good sport, but I wonder what gets into the minds of some of these writers. I don't blame Adam for getting his back up about it at times. If anyone deserves an apology, it's Adam, not the other way around. JMO


Anonymous said...


I am not a prude and have written a few sexy stories, the kind I wouldn't mind my Mom knowing I wrote and they were published with modest success. A couple years ago during GNT I was approached and asked to write some Adam fanfic. So I read one. It was disgusting and unbelievable to me that anyone professing to be a fan of Adams would even read it.

I told them, no thanks I don't write porn.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think the less said the better, the more the above matters are discussed the worse things may become, try to ignore any negative comments and concentrate on positive things and there are so many good things happening at the moment. Adam's visit in Japan is going so well, and soon his visit to Australia, people here love his music and really looking forward to his visit.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there'll be any more tattoos .... there's no need to tamper with perfection.

HK fan said...

you're welcome adamluv :)

Anonymous said...

2:42, Yes, this topic should die fast, I hope.

Anonymous said...

I think it's ok to speak the truth. I haven't read any fanfics but I know about the porn fics too. It would only be their business who like to read and write these fics, but also Adam and and his relationship is being judged in those circuits. Adam's music is not very popular either with them, at the most it's just a side issue or is getting laughed at. Other bands and Tommy's guitar playing and his other projects are being praised though.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that Adam is in Japan. I think they are very supportive for him and understand him and it seems that Adam likes there too. This is very off topic, but I continue with the fanfic fandom issue. Yes, they are angry that Adam mentioned about the fic issue recently. They say Adam had no right to say that. They are also blocking Adam's fans..

Anonymous said...

So am I missing something? Where are Tommy's solo albums? Is his name as a solo artist appearing all over the web? Where can I see Tommy starring in concert? I will gladly pay any price to see him flop his Easter egg colored hair and meander around the stage looking glum and occasionaly giving his guitar a strum. His dance steps accentuated by the exciting chords from his fantastic riffs drive me wild with passion.
Will he be headlining at 6 Flags anytime soon? Can't wait. <3 <3 <3
Georgia Girl

Anonymous said...

Whole threads out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Adams hair is perfection.