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Adam Lambert Performing in Osaka, Japan (8/19/2012)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 19, 2012


Kickin' In



Fever partial

Broken English partial

Chokehold partial

Adam Lambert talking between songs


Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you for the quick response. ^_^
"Broken English" is my very favorite off "Trespassing". But of course I love the entire album.

Anonymous said...

I like this partials posting. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quick posting of videos! His eyes are so beautiful. The hair and the eyes really work together. And the vocals go without saying. He is amazing, as always.


Anonymous said...

I can see why he loves his band. WOO HOO I love those pants and boots on him.

Anonymous said...

He is everything you need to see performing on that fucking stage indeed!!!!:)

No BS and auto tune!:))

Fans are awesome and crazy being with him all the way!!!!!!

The next single will shake up America!!!

Adam is unstoppable:))))


Anonymous said...

No auto tune:)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you for posting these vids so quickly! What a way to start the day...looking at our gorgeous BB and listening to his amazing vocals. I hope we get to hear a full version of Broken English because it's one of my top favs of Trespassing ever since I saw Adam perform it live at Jimmy Kimmel LIve....his body language...Thud.

I'm so happy for Adam...he's feelin' the love out there!


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good and sounds amazing. I want to add that the Vajayjays look so good with the caftans short over the leggins I love it..

Anonymous said...

He's georgeous. It's incredible how great he sound on live, usually most of the singers sounds different on live than their records, but Adam sounds the same as his record. He's the best singer ever for me. I love him so muchhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Ooooops . . . Ashley forgot her clothes!

Anonymous said...

OT>>>>>>Thanks for standing up to Putin. Russian authorities are waging a war against their own people by pushing forward homophobic laws and prosecuting everyone who speaks out. President Putin will be attending UN meetings and parties with the leaders of every country around the globe – and we're going to deliver this petition to him there. But, to make a real difference, we need to build an outcry so large that every media outlet and diplomat will be talking about it. We need you to spread the word.

The more of us that sign on, the more powerful we are. Will you ask two of your friends to sign up too? Every voice makes a big difference.

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Email: Forward the "Tell Your Friends" e-mail below.

Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Aviya, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Pablo, Leandro, Mike, Sara, Tile and Wesley

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, bi, transgender and all that is between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.


Dear friend,

I've just learned that in Moscow, Pride marches have just been banned for 100 years. Anti-gay activists are using the Russian government's gay gag laws to sue Madonna for $10,000,000 because she spoke up for the LGBT community. And punk band Pussy Riot has been sentenced to 2 years in prison for their musical protest – deemed "homosexual propaganda."

Today, I told President Putin to stop the persecution in Russia and take action immediately to prevent these kind of things from happening ever again.

Will you join me?

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted that Tommy's guitar solo during "Broken English" was great. I haven't been able to find it on the internet. Has anyone here heard it?

Anonymous said...

Or rather he retweeted a compliment of Tommy's solo and then added that Tommy killed it.

“@BorneoBert: @adamlambert Really liked @TommyJoeRatliff's guitar break in Broken English last night. Love that song.”. Yeah he killed it!"

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam could perform,at the iHeartRadio Music Festival sep,22 in las vegas.

daydreamin said...

Anon10:56 I could be wrong but I thought it was the previous performance when I saw that tweet come through.

Anonymous said...

I can't stay on line very long cause a storm is coming..will have to shut down PC.Nice videos & interesting posts..Adam had lots of compliments when he performed in Moscow last time,& also with Queen recently.They have always been against gays,haven't they??( the government)but were surprised how good Adam was live,&( & he was invited to perform there twice)so I guess it's just the demonstrators that have been put in jails or worse..very bad situation for sure.We ate @ Applebees today,& right when we walked in,they were playing BTIKM..I was surprised,but pleased to hear it..I think the music had been chosen by this location on the Crystal Coast of N C.The radio wasn't it had to be..hope to hear another one from Trespassing soon.I think WWFM was always the song that was played before in lots of places.will read the petition more later.

Anonymous said...

In Adam's last tweet about the new single, he capitalized the word 'FLY' when talking about the cover. Now, the only song on Trespassing that has the word 'fly' is Nirvana. I know, I know...bonus tracks can't be singles...blah, blah, blah. But, wouldn't it be great if Adam's team stepped out of the current radio format and go for RUNNIN' or NIRVANA or TAKE BACK or MAP or BY THE RULES as a new single. I love when artists defy the status quo.

Anonymous said... previous comment should read "...and went for...".

Anonymous said...

The only problem with that is that bonus tracks are not on the regular cd so they will not help Christmas season sales. Shoshanna was asked this question and she said bonus tracks are "never" singles.

I am betting on Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing these vids from Osaka concert. Adam looked amaaaazing with the hair color, the matching outfit and he did a spectacular job on the songs from Trespassing. He is truly a remarkable artist and the Japanese audiences really do love and appreciate him. It's great to watch him smiling and having a good time on the stage with the band, the backup singers and the audience. I also think that Trespassing will be the new single. I guess we will have to wait a little longer to find out what it will be.

Anonymous said...

Watching these videos from Japan just make me feel so proud to be a fan of Adam Lambert. He had me from day one on Idol and I have followed his career since then mainly through the blogs on this site and one or two others. He doesn't seem to get much support from the radio and very little appears about him in print unless he gives an interview to a specific magazine. Even the change in his hair color wasn't as big a deal as Miley's cut and color change. And yet he is the best vocal talent in the music industry today in a league of his own. All you have to do is listen to him sing and you know this to be so true. I don't care about his sexual preference or what he does in his private life. I just love his powerhouse vocals. Being articulate, honest, confident and charming just make him more fascinating as a person who is never boring or uninteresting on a daily basis. So now it on to Australia for the next round of pictures and videos.

Anonymous said...

Love this pic. Adam is a little boss man :D

Me and the bff @rainonme83 and a little boss man in the back!

Anonymous said...

What I know is there were a lot of buzz when ADAM changed to blond.
The only reason Miley is having more buzz is because of the drastic cut and is definitely ugly why it's sensational.

Anonymous said...

JB is copying Adam again!? What's next? He's go blond! Hope Adam gets some royalty from him for copying his artistic ideas and looks!

Anonymous said...



Just out of my first @adamlambert gig in Osaka! Never moved so much at a show in my life. Didn't want it to end but id have died if it hadnt Retweeted by mmyy9


I've been to 100s of gigs in my life & always thought I enjoyed myself at them but NONE compare to ADAM tonight. i'd have danced til I died.

No one threw underwear on stage, it was a tshirt.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the audacity of JB & his handlers to keep on copying ADAM. This time is so glaring with that added black & yellow stripes at the background of his Believe T-shirt!!! Of course, we cannot point it out or get the backlash ourselves. I wish someone like a news anchor dare ask JB himself. I'm sure his million of tween fans are not even aware that ADAM was the original and JB is the imitator or duplicator. Duh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Facebook It

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Email: Forward the "Tell Your Friends" e-mail below.

Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Aviya, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Pablo, Leandro, Mike, Sara, Tile and Wesley

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, bi, transgender and all that is between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.

Will you join me?

Anonymous said...

lol people but i don't even think JUSTIN BEIBER knows who adam lambert is.

Anonymous said...

Justin Beiber and Adam have met and exchanged super cool type handshakes in a charming bit of film.

I don't see Adam getting in a snit about Justin's hairstyle or album cover, why should we?

Anonymous said...

If the is successful in Russia, maybe they can give us a hand in this country after the election if Romney-Ryan are elected. We'll need it.

daydreamin said...

I wonder if the Vajayjay's shortened their dresses and made them tops since the NewNowNext awards?

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

omg like JB is copying Adam. Please don't start this BS. They are in two different worlds.

HK fan said...

:daydreamin, I thin they did shorten the dresses, they look much better short with leggings.

daydreamin said...

Thanks HK fan. It's kind of like being able to repurpose a bridesmaid dress. Good for the ladies.