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Adam Lambert Talks to Jase & Dave about American Idol Judge Rumors

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 23, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 23, 2012

Jase & Dave caught up with the very talented Adam Lambert today. Rumour is he could be one of the new judges on Idol Jase and Dave managed to score a private audition with the man himself!

CLICK HERE to listen to this segment of the interview!


Anonymous said...

It makes me nervous Adam hasn't heard anything yet!! I think whoever is the next jugde knows it and has signed the dotted line already. Don't auditions start soon?

Anonymous said...

He started to say yeah I'm excited then stopped himself. IDK just hope we find out soon. Even if Adam knows he can't say anything yet. I am thinking he has it,though don't want to be disappointed. The reasons are they are waiting to make the announcement when he gets back to the U.S.,his calender is pretty open during Sept. and Oct. and he looks and sounds so darn happy!

Anonymous said...

What the heck did that DJ call Adam's album??It sounded like he said"Trigger"...not Trespassing...Oh,Lord..About the Idol judge..They did NOT give the poll results on E! News that BB WAS SO FAR AHEAD,last night( of course not!)That seems to be always the way it is.Fox & Idol need to make up their damn minds..IF they're gonna have guest judges,then SAY SO..If not,them SAY SO for that,too!!You all know that Miarah is NOT happy about NM,IF she's actually confirmed;if she is,& Adam does not get the gig,either as a guest judge,or more permanent,then "Goodbye Idol" for me..It's SO ridiclous,that it's just NO fun anymore!!stall,stall,stall is all they do!3 OR 4 judges? Randy in or out as judge,or mentor??yuk!!Get it straight & LET US KNOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

What the heck did that DJ call Adam's album??It sounded like he said"Trigger"...not Trespassing...Oh,Lord..About the Idol judge..They did NOT give the poll results on E! News that BB WAS SO FAR AHEAD,last night( of course not!)That seems to be always the way it is.Fox & Idol need to make up their damn minds..IF they're gonna have guest judges,then SAY SO..If not,them SAY SO for that,too!!You all know that Miarah is NOT happy about NM,IF she's actually confirmed;if she is,& Adam does not get the gig,either as a guest judge,or more permanent,then "Goodbye Idol" for me..It's SO ridiclous,that it's just NO fun anymore!!stall,stall,stall is all they do!3 OR 4 judges? Randy in or out as judge,or mentor??yuk!!Get it straight & LET US KNOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

SORRY about the double all know how that happens sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting.

Anonymous said...

NCOE up one more spot to 6 on the Dance/Club chart, yay!


Anonymous said...

About that E pole, they made sure they pit it up there the other day, when NM was 29 per cent, LK 25 Iglesias 24 who never beats Adam in any pole. I figured most Galmberts did not know about it yet , I didn't! Now he far ahead they will never put it back on there! They did have a good piece about Adam on pretty little liar's, that day Tuesday same day! A ess hollywood day before yesterday had pole for NM love it or leave it 85 leaf it for her being judge course that was 3.00 in morning!!oh Adam was 22 percent that day! Guess much higer now they wom't show it! They figured better show while he lower knew it would go up! The girl on pretty little liars said Adam was and incredable singer! Said he walked in with his makeup done, they said what!! Seems he a make- up artist too I did not know that, she said!! Boy that group was impressed with Adam!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know but I believe ADAM would not talk about it if it's a done deal because it's for him to do that.
Also, if it's not a done deal and he is not sure he will get it, I don't think he will talk about it just being considered for the position.
All I know is that I wished it for him even before we knew Tyler and JLo would not be coming back because of the exposure it would give him since radio is a struggle.
I hope my prayers are answered.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I mean it's NOT for him to announce if ever it's a done deal.

Anonymous said...

I believe he really has not heard anything and that in itself is a bad sign.

Jadam NZ said...

Thats cool news, NCOE is creeping up, well done.

Anonymous said...

I'm not blaming Adam about the idol thing.Even IF he knew a little more,I AGREE that he,NJ,etc,were prob told not to say yes or no for sure yet.It sure sounds like Fox & Idol still don't know what to do about Idol for sure,but they don't know want to admit it.DID ANYBODY else hear that DJ call Adam's abum,"Trigger"(besides me @ 12:38pm)that BB was talking to on the phone??Adam didn't get a chance to correct him,or maybe couldn't hear him like it should have been.@ 1:49PM,Exactly!!about the E! poll..totally right!That's what irks me.They even put in unimportant "stories" just to fill in,& waste more time.Notice that Ryan S is hardly ever there anymore..but about 5-6 different reporters rotating w/whatever they have to say.hate it sometimes.didn't know about the Access Holywood poll in time to vote..used to get it very early,but not anymore..after Jimmy Kimmel now~

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the DJ said Trigger or something the first time, but got it right the next time.

daydreamin said...

I heard him say "Treasure" LOL! I also immediately picked up on that "I'm excited" and then immediately switch to what seemed like a cover up! Let's hope AI is stalling until Adam gets back. I hope NM has been ruled out.

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin...sounded like treasure to me too!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

LOL .... the DJ with the kazoo (sp?)!!! I thought the DJ with the uke had a nice voice. I think the DJ said Trespassing but I'll listen to it again. The New Zealand accent might be throwing you and no, I'm not a Kiwi but I'm familiar with their accent/s. Adam is such a good sport. Do the American DJs ever ask him to take part in a gag? I haven't heard one yet. 'A day without laughter is a wasted day.' :)

Anonymous said...

you can take your kazoo and...
you can take your kazoo...LOL!!!

I've been trying to catch up, been reading and watching for hours - and as always, whatever Adam sings, does, says, how he looks (AMAZING of course) IT'S ALWAYS SO ENTERTAINING!

Born to entertain, that he is!

Anonymous said...

JUst read that Keith Urban has been signed to be a new IDOL judge. So that probably leaves Adam out. Is Randy coming back or is he out? Will there be a three or four person panel? If they have Mariah, NM and Keith and there is a fourth person, it should be someone from the music business in the production end of it like a Jimmy Iovine.Or do they want someone younger to capture the teen audience vote? I dont particularly like NM, so IDOL will be off my viewing schedule this season....unless Adam is selected as a judge.

HK fan said...

the dj definitely said Treasure first time, then Trespassing at the end.