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Adam Lambert Tweets ANOTHER New Picture!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 20, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 20, 2012

Keep the pictures coming, Adam!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just love you in your glam makeup!! Your just amazing!

Anonymous said...

like blk and wht photo better....more natural
remember peeps didn't like FYE photo it was kinda a turn off from buying CD...this is OK for glamberts tho...

Anonymous said...

US Weekly report NM new idol judge

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

For me, it's a little too much of the glam look here. I like Adam with less makeup, more natural. I guess I agree with anon 9:39am that the FYE photo might have turned off some people from buying that CD. I thought the glam/glitz/glitter phase was over for Adam and he was on to a more sytlish, sophisticated look, but maybe the new hair color changed all that. Each day is a new adventure with Adam Lambert for his fans.

Anonymous said...

I like the darker colors in Adams hair. Could be the light playing on it. Hope he goes back to black, but will except what color he has.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing this pic was taken before the show in Osaka.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe NM is the new judge. IMO she is the worst artist there is today!

Anonymous said...

I much prefer to seeing Adam as a man than as a mannequin. This photo appears lifeless.

He doesn't need to embellish his good looks. This is too much.

Anonymous said...

This is what I meant earlier. I much prefer the hoody look. But, that's my own preference. I quite sure Adam prefers to see himself as shown on the glammed up look. Oh well...I'll just feast my eyes on that hotel hallway guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam we prefer you to sing with Queen, not BE a Queen. I agree too too much. Don't go backwards to 2009-2010 look, stay with the 2012 look for the sake of your career.

Anonymous said...

I still say the pic tweeted yesterday was NOT Adam's natural face,esp the chin..Compare it with the new pic from today..ADAM'S chin..It looked like Adam's body,clothes,freckles,etc...About the toes..too hard to tell,but his do look a little different in some!! Maybe somebody sent this pic to him( in Japan,maybe )& then Adam posted it on his American twitter page..The Japanese are real good @ photography,& maybe photoshopping,too..OR Adam had somebody do that over there.Only the earrings look like Adam's face..eyes,lips,& CHIN don't..If it really was Adam.then why hide all of the hair,eyebrows,etc??...I guess Somebody is laughing @ us.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who this we is, that doesn't want Adam to be a queen cuz, this me loves it!! I am a fan of things wild and different for me this is the real Adam, being who ever he wants to be.

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous with glam make-up. Yes, he is naturally beautiful, but looks like this are a study in perfection. And the FYE cover art was otherworldly prettiness. I don't quite understand folks not into it. It IS Adam!

Anonymous said...

Well said!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, somehow both the pictures are not quite right - the hoodie one in particular, if I had seen it somewhere else I wouldn't have recognized him. Still don't.

I would like to hear it from Adam or Sauli that it really is him.

Anonymous said...

Boy, talk about picky, picky, picky. Some of you think that when you see Adam look a certain way, that he will look that way every time. Why do you think that? Sometimes he tones it down. Sometimes he glams it up. He's never one way permanently. That's the beauty of Adam. So, there is no need for hand-wringing about him "going back" to a certain look, etc. etc. When he has light make-up and sophisticated clothes, I love it! But I also love the funkier clothes and heavier make-up. It's smoldering and sexy to me, and it is just as much part of Adam as the other look. He will go back and forth as he pleases. Please don't think he's going to stay with one particular look.



Anonymous said...

So what do some of you all think Adam had someone dress up in clothes then take thier pic so he could tweet it to us....just don't think so .... I love both pics his man is so so yummy.

Anonymous said...

I think both photos are Adam & I love both of them.I have followed all of Adams looks that I could get my eyes on the many faces Adam Lambert, when he said he was over the glam look I was LIKE BUT ADAM THAT IS PART OF YOU. Unlike most people he can pull off any look & if you follow him enough you will see that.LOVE ADAM LAMBERT ANY WAY HE IS.

Anonymous said...

wonder if this is the pic for his new single??? I agree with most, much prefer him without all the make-up..but, since I love Adam so much..I guess I will tolerate it. Nicki M. to be an Idol judge!!! I just checked and this no-talented girl has over 14 mil twitter followers..go figure..I guess there are alot of the record buying public out there who love her..anyone with any sense of what music should sound like could not be a fan...she cannot sing and can hardly "rap"...AI will prob. be more popular than ever tho..cause those nut cases who are fans of "rap" and such will watch faithfully..can't imagine Mariah agreeing to having her on the Mariah is an established, amazing singer...

Anonymous said...

Don't think idol will be more popular , think its on it's way out, not too sure how many idol viewers are NM fans . Guess time will tell but if it goes on , it'll go on without me . I'm done.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with 9:50. And I will add that this look is so yesterday. Please Adam, go forward and do not wear all this makeup. I love him but this is FYE, not TP. :(

Anonymous said...

First the blonde hair, then the tattoo, now the makeup. Ugh.

daydreamin said...


NM and MC will be vying to see who can show the most cleavage...oh brother. This is what AI will do to get ratings...

Anonymous said...

Got news for you ...this is Adam ...he likes wearing makeup he always has he always will. Maybe the poor guy is just playing a little dress up so try not to freak out.

tess4ADAM said...

Well .... here I am again with my two cents about the pics of ADAM ... 1) ADAM is a Beautiful Male
2) ADAM is a Beautiful Young Man in the Prime of his career who likes to be different ... no same ole same ole for ADAM ... nosiree
3) This pic with the heavy make-up seems to be a PRE-performance pic taken before a concert ... THUS ... ADAM in STAGE make-up ... NOT ... for everyday look ... once again ... WHATEVER ADAM wants is OK with me ... it's HIS LIFE/CAREER ... what do I know & who am I to judge ... ADAM is ADAM & I LOVE him that way ... NO expectations from me ... I'm on this RIDE until I'm 'forced off' of it ... to the END!! .. JMO
Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

I agree completely: everything you said : )))

SG said...

I just get lost in his eyes...he looks amazing!
That face is perfect.I remember the pics at the whole food parking lot, the "juice" ones, he looked amazing too.
I love him with make up, without it, with glam outfit, with casual, I just love him.I can't help it!!Is the beauty of Adam, he never stays the same way, he loves change and try new things. Never a dull moment!!
btw..I'm gonna find out whitch colors did he used, I looove that make up!!I'll try it!!;)))

Anonymous said...

I think he likes to experiment especially when he is abroad. If something isn't to your taste, don't worry. He will chg it.

Anonymous said...

WOW! 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could put my eye make up on like that !!!! Yep I'm envious and jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Gods I thinks a man who can wear makeup like that is sexy has heck!!! Takes confidence and OOFTA!!!

Anonymous said...

Really? You like him with makeup covering up his best features? And you like the blonde hair and the huge tattoo? You all are not being honest and are cuckoo. No I am not a troll - I am a huge fan but I want TP Adam back. I just do.

Anonymous said...

Once Mariah was signed I didn't think Adam had a chance because he is.....better looking, more intelligent, very charming and has had the Idol experience as a contestant. Too much competition. Now the NM rumor...come on, too much hair and cleavage with both of them on the panel. If this is true, that's the end of Idol for me. Not crazy about this glam makeup look on Adam, but it is one of the many looks he has. For me, less is better, but I still love his music no matter what the look. He is an amazing talent and nothing can take that away from him.

Anonymous said...

so the AI judges are MC, NM and Randy? what happened to NJ?

Anonymous said...

Blah! Blah!

Adam is an artist and he likes to push the limit.

For those of you who are still not comfortable with his vision, sorry you are just in a wrong planet ha!ha!

Have u notice the change in our fashion, furnitures and accessories? The oldies are coming back again.

RECYCLING PEOPLE!!!!!! Just relax and enjoy what u see:)))


Adamluv said...

Love the heavy eye make up!!! Adam looks yummy here! If Nicky Minaj is a judge on AI I think it will bring in a lot of the coveted demographics which is young fans. Smart move on their part. Dont think Carey will help at all with said fans. Will watch a couple times just to see the dynamics and that's exctly why AI chose them. Dont really like either artist but prefer NM over Carey who I cant stand. JMO. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is just a picture of Adam's many faces,he did not have near that muchake up on, at the recent concerts that I can see! I watched Adam's vh1 unplugged the other day and he said chage was is friiend routine was his enamy! He loves to change things up! All that was one of many different looks for Adam! He had been looking fabulous lately and sure that will cont. Adam can look anyway he wants I will alway's be a loving fan! Adam is a Queen and say's it proudly. But there no need to say put it like u need to sing with Wueen nor be a Queen, how disrespectful to him! Also do not think Adam was waiting for any Idil announcement he working on stuff for septber had nothing to do with idol! idol is dead to me will only watch when Adam may be on it! Of all the artist they puck NM the one I cannot stand, sure they will get ratings from her fan's, so good for them but it's dead to me! They used Adam for publicity! At least that'sy opinion! Let's just love and respect Adam for the hem he is! Stop the negativity!
That was to sing with queen or be a Wueen typed wrong, Adam is who he is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

ok folks don't forget to give BTIKM and NCOE mv some views every now and then. They will be just a click away in your favorites.

Anonymous said...

I like non glam, non blonde, non tatoo. Maybe next week we can have the natural look again. Reverse is a bad way to go but in this case I want the natural look. I think he is disappointed about AI and this is his way of expressing himself. I luv him regardless but I have a preference is all.

Anonymous said...

I love that Adam changes things up about him. I love his glam look as much as I love his natural look. I love his new hair do much better than his dark look cause it bounces different shades under different lighting.

Anonymous said...

did I miss something here? Is Adam glaming up something new? This just seems like business as usual to me.

Anonymous said...

just checked out NM on (???) called "stupid hoe"..I tell you, I will NEVER understand the mind set of people on this planet...NM is just plain and simple "RIDICULOUS" and Adam Lambert is "PERFECTION"..can I get an AMEN on that????

Anonymous said...

to anomynous 2:22 - nope not cuckoo and am being honest. I love his voice and I love that he's an entertainer. I love that he has enough confidence to be himself. I love what he brought into my life which is joy, the permission to be me without guilt or regret. The fact that he dies his hair, wears makeup and has tattoos doesn't bother me at all and he certainly doesn't need our permission to do what he wishes with his looks. I wish I would have had the opportunity to express myself more while I was growing up instead I gave all the opportunities to my children who are both beautiful people who die their hair and have tattoos and are not afraid to express themselves with their fashion choices. I love that and I admire people who do. It makes them different, it makes them special and Adam is special.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love the glam look because he does it soooo well. Very beautiful and I think there are a lot of people who miss the glam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Watched a few NM videos. She is utterly talentless, if you ask me. But her millions of twitter followers either don't know or don't care. Popularity has little to do with talent. She MAY help draw in the younger demo, but maybe not. Don't know if they watch Idol much anyway. So, it looks like Randy, Mariah, and Nicki. Yikes.

Adam has the kind of male eyes that can handle the make-up well. They are large and well-shaped. He knows how good his eyes look, with make-up and without. I love his eyes either way.


Anonymous said...

gotta say..I think the tatoo and blonde hair are cool (is that the word)..I am, after all, 70 yrs. old (ugh)..but I do not care for too much make up..just a little around his fantastic eyes..but not the blue..he doesn't need blue with those sexy blue eyes..even at my age..and I feel and even act 16 most of the time..I am so attracted to my beautiful gay angel..

Anonymous said...

American Idol has jerked around so many stars with their judges choice they have to be alienating the fans of each star.

Anonymous said...

@3:07 I totally agree about NM! Every pole out there says its an aweful choice. What is my favorite show of 11 years thinking??? Idol has gone completely BONKERS. What happened to the done deal with pharrell williams and nick jonas? Nick Jonas is looking better to me than NM. I can't stand her- everytime she's on the radio I immediately turn if off. I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope idol completely bombs now for making a stubid stubid mistake like nicki manaji YUK- I'm done. O.K. I ranted sorry!

donnaw said...

Adam is perfect........any way he looks.

NM is a pig.....isn't she the one who shot the finger during the superbowl commercials?

Guess that's THE END of idol for me.........

Anonymous said...

Holy f'n WOW!! Absolutely out of this world stunningly gorgeous ADAM!! WOW!!


You make us proud to be G

Anonymous said...

Adam is beautiful and although I prefer a less glam look, he is expressing himself and I admire him for changing it up.

tess4ADAM said...

@Anon. 3:07PM ...

AMEN!! AMEN!! ... AND .. AMEN!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

5:23 no NM is not the one who used the middle finger during half time at the SB it was M.I.A. or some name like that.

Anonymous said...

So, it's Randy, Mariah and Nicki? Guess Randy isn't going to be a mentor now? He's back as a judge? Well, I guess AI thinks it will atract new viewers. Adam has every attribute they need, but they are avoiding him like the plague. Hope he gets some high-profile stuff to do before the Grammy noms come out. I'd love to see TP get a nom for Album of the Year.


Anonymous said...

I think both pictures are Adam. He tweeted both of them! How much more of a confirmation do you need? I love both of them.

HK fan said...

@anon 2.22pm, aug 20th
I am being honest, I love Adam with the heavier eye makeup on. I love him any which way,but love his eyes made up like this. In fact if I'm really being honest, I missed Glam Adam during the Trespassing radio tour in the US, I felt he tried to tone himself down too much to confirm to what 'middle America' and the radio peeps want from him. But if they're not going to play him regardless, then I'd rather he be is gorgeous, glamorous self..

@anon 2.48pm, you'd rather the natural non blonde do know that the black hair wasn't natural don't you?? and that he still wore makeup just not as much.

@anon 3.08pm
beautifully said x

and Nicki Minaj hasn't actually been confirmed by the Idol powers that be yet, so its not official until its official....she would certainly be colorful and unpredictable....

Anonymous said...

Did not see one thing about NM on E news m, tonight may just be another rumor ! Adam is gorgeous period! Like him every which way! Also I think Adsm realizs some fan's miss that glam look got to admit I like make up on stage. He looked picture perfect on stage on Japan, not to little not to much! This was just a glamourous picture, does not mean it is a permanent look! Like people say if u don't like an Adam look wait a day or so it will change!i do like the hair, tat, and whole package! Also that was Adam in that hotel picture he carries that back PAC all the time that was in front of him! His toes always do that! Love him! Sue

Anonymous said...

Well said HK fan

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:08 PM
Perfectly stated. Adam is a free spirit, a beautiful human being, and one of those rare souls who is unafraid to be himself. He loves to dress up, to try on different looks, to change it up on a regular basis, and he really LOVES to have fun, and to inspire joy in his fans and audience when he performs on stage. He certainly inspires me to take myself outside the box on occasion (like flying off to see Adam in some far off place..something I've never done before: leave town to follow a singer). I so admire him and support and applaud his decisions about his hair, his outfits (well, maybe not the tunic, but what the heck, it was interesting), his music, the talented people he surrounds himself with. I love the many "faces" (and hair colors!) of Adam Lambert. I think this is a really beautiful picture..he was obviously proud of and happy with his look and wouldn't have tweeted it to us otherwise. It makes me a little sad that some here don't really like it (the eye make-up..or the hair...) but we all have our preferences..The make-up is a stage look, not something he's going to wear to Whole Foods : )) And I think the Platinum Chrome hair is amazing, especially on stage, with the lights shining on it and changing the color...Of course he looks stunning with his dark hair..but this look is gorgeous too., and with a little eye definition, so very STRIKING. I hope he keeps it as long as he wishes..I plan to enjoy looking at him and listening to him sing...just like I always do. ; ))

Anonymous said...

How gorgeous can this man get???!!!:) He`s beautiful inside and out...makes amazing music, gives great interviews being true to himself and his love...that`s rare!

Anonymous said...

Ничего себе, что было странно. Я просто написалневероятно длинный комментарий, но после того, как я нажал представить мой комментарий не появится. Grrrr ... а я не пишу все это снова и снова. Несмотря на это, просто хотел сказать, превосходный блог ! - Получить больше информации