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PICS: Adam Lambert's Mini Concert at Channel V in Federation Square Melbourne, Australia + CD Signing at JB Hi-Fi (8-26-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 26, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 26, 2012

Channel [V] ‏@channelv
@AdamLambert putting on a killer [V] Guerilla Gig at Fed Square!

Gorgeous man!

It's Adam Lambert

Close up! RT @foldedmemos: @adamlambert at Fed Square !!!!!!! @spinorbinmusic @ Federation Square

@katiemelb: Adam Lambert did Trespassing, WWFM, Shady, Naked Love. Was only supposed to do 2 songs. #adamguerrillagig

@ellary_d_omg: I just goddamn met Adam Lambert and touched him and he told me he loved me like what more do I need in life


daydreamin said...

Geeze I just want to run my fingers through that hair!!

Another GREAT Is It Love video:

daydreamin said...

THANKS ADMIN!!!! Just noticed the RECENT POSTS threads now appear back on top!!!! So much better!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrr, it must've been cold in Melbourne today but Adam would've warmed everyone up with his hot voice!! :-D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

another rumor??Keith Urban in talks with Idol also as judge.It's funny that Adam's more popular than Urban in his native country...He's ok,but Adam should be there.guest judge or for longer...SOMETHING,anyway.Brad Paisley tuned them down unless he made more money.Miarah hates what the heck will happen now?? 3 or 4 judges??I hope we get some videos of the mini concert in Melbounee.Pix are great!!

Anonymous said...

I HOPE Adam is back in LA by now or very soon( like today,Sunday,8/26/2012..USA Pacific time.

Jadam NZ said...

Hell my friend is in Melbourne at the moment, if that was me I know where I would be. Oh for the chance.

Anonymous said...

well, I am reading that Keith Urban is a definite..but Nicki, I guess isn't (prob cause Mariah can't stand her)..they are saying that Keith is the third and "final" judge, along side Mariah and Randy..but, so far, we don't know for sure if Randy will be judging or mentoring..I swear, I don't want to give up on Adam..but..I think now that it won't happen for him..was hoping that it would be Mariah, Keith and Adam...oh well, such is life..Adam will have many exciting offers come his way..a talented and gorgeous, sweet man like him will succeed!!!

Anonymous said...

Photo 9th from top, Adam is standing next to a man with Adam's real hair color!

I have vowed not to mention Idol possibility again. And I keep my vows.
I quit giving my neg. opinions about Tommy and I've stuck to that!I also quit commenting on whatever hair color or style Adam chooses.

I've practically become a saint!

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful photos of Adam - he's a very special person.

I don't envy Keith Urban if the other 2 judges are Mariah and Randy. The latter 2 will probably be of one mind re the contestants so where will that leave Keith? He was a real sweetie as a judge and mentor on Australia's "The Voice", too nice in fact. I wish they'd announce once and for all who the new judges will be but maybe the Idol powers that be are enjoying all this endless speculation. There's no doubt in my mind that Adam should be an AI judge - he has all the right credentials and a whole lot more.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are enjoying it, the bloody buzzards!

Anonymous said...

Keith Urban's popularity increased enormously when he was on "The Voice" in Australia. His album sales skyrocketed. I wish the same for Adam with or without AI.

Anonymous said...

"@ellary_d_omg: I just goddamn met Adam Lambert and touched him and he told me he loved me like what more do I need in life "

That's it Honey, there is no more need in life. Wooo! Hooo! Lucky lucky you.

Awesome Pics!

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous with any type of hair colour:)

Lucky fans to have an amazing man singing for them!!!!

He is going back to U.S. to confirm the rumours!!! True or false Adam will shake up his country once and for all.:)

I'm feeling the good grace is in Adams hand right now......


Anonymous said...

Love this man. Just give him a microphone, any size audience and he is ready to sing, even outdoors in chilly weather. Isn't it fall or winter in Australia now? As someone commented, I am sure he did warm up the audience with his voice and that sparkling personality. I wish all the nonsense about the new Idol judges would be resolved already. I would love to see Adam on Idol, but do the pros outweigh the cons? Time will tell what is next in Adam's career. Isn't he about to announce his next single in Sept. and then a video for it? It is just so much fun to be an Adam Lambert fan and to check here every day to see what is happening in his life and career.

Anonymous said...

Hope we see video from this performance! Sounds like he killed it, as always. Stunning.

Idol would open so many doors for him, even though I'm not all that interested in the show itself. Just the boost in sales alone is worth it, not to mention opportunities in more TV, movies and all kinds of exposure. Adam will do fine without it, but WITH IT, WOW! Like it or not, that show still has power. Actually, just being considered for the judge job has given him more media attention and that may "stick" for a while.


Anonymous said...

Mariah Carey does not hate Nicki Minaj. They have done a music video together. Mariah follows Nicki on twitter and she only follows about 60 people. Mariah just wants to be the only woman, like Jlo so she can get all the attention. She will not get all the attention if it is Nicki and Adam.

Anonymous said...

Video of Adam at the outdoor concert

Anonymous said...

YES,Miarah DID do a video with NM,BUT that was way before the Idol thing came up.She didn't mind it then( she prob wanted some kind of publicity for herself)BEFORE the Idol gig was offered to her..but NOW it's very different, as she was LIVID when she found out about N M.Nick J. also was pretty sure he'd get it,too.Miarah,would rather have Adam than NM,I BET...If he's still in the running,then tomorrow would be for the talks with Idol,I guess...still a chance.temp or permanent judges-for a season,anyway.Randy in or out as a judge??I don't think Idol even knows yet!!What a confusing,stupid way to treat the candidates!NM had all that cussing on her twitter page.I READ it all last week..I Think she's nuts,& her English isn't all that good either..My hubby saw her last video & said she was(trash)sorry,but those explicit videos are awful..even if I can't understand all the!!She's just not judge material.

Anonymous said...

that record shop looks like it would be alot of fun.

Anonymous said...

@8;39 How do you KNOW Mariah threw a fit. Just from these tabloids and blogs, and we KNOW how accurate they have been with news about Adam. So I will stick with she is not happy anoter female is on the panel, but does not hate Nicki. Just like there were rumors Kara and Paula didn't get along, when in fact paula is the one that got Kara's career going and they once lived together.

Anonymous said...

If Mariah threw a fit, there was a REASON for it.

Anonymous said...

I like those gloves he's wearing, does anyone know the significance of the signs or characters? I see pi and a star, but ?