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Professional Pictures of Adam Lambert Performing for Mezamashi Live (8-15-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Via Socialite Life


Anonymous said...

This is the only time I've ever liked Adam's hair gray-silver. It looks painted and temporary to match his outfit. Bravo!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like he having a lot of fun too!

Leilani Aloha said...


SG said...

I was watching tv, get bored and decided to check on here, so I open the side and BANG!!!the 3er picture... His eyes ....breathtaking....they look even more beatiful...more blue..more deep...
a few seconds later...I catch my breath again and ...there! 5 pic!! Holy shit!! WOW!!
He's attitude,his pose, his body,his thighs,his..(you know what!)...
Serously, I need to touch his hair!!Ok,Ok...his chest hair too, but THAT'S IT!....;)))

Anonymous said...

Awesome, stunning, great pics! Thanks to whoever took them and brought them here.

Anonymous said...

JAK's easy to tell which photo was taken while he was singing Cuckoo! :)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Stunning pix! Can't wait to see some video. Heard the audio, and it's great! Just visited Adam Official and someone used an interesting French word that she applied to Adam.

louche: disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way.

Adam has that element of danger and risk that is sexy and appealing. He definately has that element of louche. BUT, his nature is so kind and gentle at the same time, that it softens up the dark with the light. He is the quintessential bad-boy good-boy. Love him!


Anonymous said...

Love him in those jeans..( :


Anonymous said...

PHOTO OF THE DAY: @adamlambert goes blonde for his performance at the 2012 United States of Odaiba concert in Tokyo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just gorgeous!
Hope video is available soon!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am getting to so much love his hair with it's different colors under different lighting. It's so different and it's well suited for Adam. We know he doesn't like to blend in with all the Asian's with their dark black hair. He loves to stand out and look different. Well done Adam. Love your artistic instinct.

As Steve Jobs said:

Art can be ugly at first but it becomes beautiful later.

Anonymous said...

OT. I wonder if Ellen's ratings were up some with this Adam rerun? I have had several people come up to me telling about seeing Adam on Ellen!! No one even mentioned the original program to me. This one lady was telling me all about it and how he learned something from the Finland ordeal and she even told me what song he did. Just thought it was cool.

Anonymous said...

JAK I was going to post that but I read the comments first and saw your post. lol

Anonymous said...

it looks to me that his hair is a little shorter on top..wish he would let it grow..oh man, I just love this guy..wish all of us glamberts could have a best friend that was a clone of Adam Lambert..that would make my

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and I love the gray outfit on him! The audio is excellent and the Japanese crowd was so into Adam,warms my heart!

Anonymous said...

Now that we've alternately praised and decimated Adam's new 'do', let's work on Tommy and Ashley. Since it's none of our business, I'm admitting to being a twit, but I would like to see what Tommy would look like with normal hair!
He and Ashley are both very attractive people, who seem determind to be weird. Their choice, but I am curious as to how a full head of hair would look.
Hasn't the half a head shaven look run it's course?

Anonymous said...

Adam has that sort of look that makes any hair color work! Think it's 99% attitude!

Adamluv said...

Now that is one fine lookin' man! Agree about the grey being very attractive. I love Tommy and Ashley with their edgy young hair. They'll have too many years in the future of "normal"? hair. Enjoy the fun of hair colour, cut, style etc. while you are young. Wish I could get away with such a hair cut but too much time has passed for that!!! . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Tommy is mega sensitive. I think Tommy looks ok in the couple of pics I've seen from mezamashi, but to me for an unknown reason Tommyberts think he doesn't. They are not tweeting the pics because they think Tommy would not like to see them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. Love the hair but not to sure of the one glove MJ thing.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Ashley never seem to smile while performing. There is Adam so energetic,happy, upbeat and so are the backup singers also. Those two always are stonefaced even when Adam goes near them. Aren't they enjoying what they are doing? Enough with the hair already. Let's see some enthusiasm, some fun while Adam is performing. Smile every now and then.

Anonymous said...

Although I have a theory that the Tommyberts themselves only approve one version of Tommy, the one that is not the real Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking exceptionally good in these pictures. He's wearing two of my favorite combinations...gray and black. And the tee shirt with the Statue of Liberty on it is cool along with those jeans. It will be interesting to see what he will be wearing for his two major concerts coming up this weekend in Japan. Maybe it is something new he bought on one of his shopping trips there. Adam really seems to be enjoying himself and the fans obviously appreciate and love him.

Anonymous said...

Tommyberts look for seconds of inter-action between Adam and Tommy to stamp their delusional desire that Tommy is Gay and he is Adam's secret boyfriend. They should grow up and move on. Support Adam and his music. Otherwise their beloved Tommy will end up looking for a day job.

Anonymous said...

@1:42, I agree with you. Also agree with 3:42. And while I think Tommy is a fine looking and talented guy I think the head shaking is getting old. It's JMO. I'm hoping Tommy and Ashley will step up and surprise us when they do start the tour. I do love Ashley's style. I just wish she had hair on both sides of her head.

But, Adam is perfection!

Anonymous said...

They don't follow just Tommy. I find it creepy they follow every person they know or imagine Adam has fucked in the past.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, 3:15, not 3:42.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why they are not following Drake though.

Anonymous said...

are all of these things written about Tommy by the same person? Adam likes Tommy I have been to live concerts they are all great.

Anonymous said...

What's going on? Did Adam overwaxed his eyebrows? They became so small. Also, what did he do with his eyes? I think somebody was right! Too much Botox! Forhead lines gone but Adam's eyes and eyebrows beauty gone also!

Anonymous said...

Come on Glamberts lets get Adam on TV. He needs to be a guest host on Kelly Rippa's show. Let's tweet her and SNL. We cand do it ladies and gents!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4.36 I think that the difference is in his eyebrows. Hope he grows them back.

Anonymous said...

his eyebrows do appear to be smaller..however, I believe it is because to leave them heavy it would overpower his new light hair..I love the smaller for botox..I don't know whether he did or did not have makes me even more glad that I do not have those forehead wrinkles..a genetic component inherited from my father and his side of my family..never really thought too much about it..until I have realized that people actually pay money to have those wrinkles smoothed out..if Adam did have a little what..most people in the public eye do these things..their face is their fortune (and in Adam's case...also his voice)..I say.."so what"..I am liking the blonde more and more...

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with his eyebrows or eyes and as for botox if he has done it good for him it's his business and he is in show business. I know a lot of guys who aren't in show business do it here in LA. It's a LA thing most of you don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Who are you guys to pick on every little thing Adam's does? Get a life will you?

Anonymous said...

The Japanese fans LOVE Adam! He's beautiful and there's nothing wrong with him. Please go look at yourself in the mirror to see what's wrong with your face! Just leave and let us enjoy Adam!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pants!!! He is so sexy!!!

Anonymous said...

6 are signed
33 are anonymous

Anonymous said...

Tommy and Ashley are not the smiley types. Some people are; some people aren't. Doesn't mean they're not having a good time or are unhappy. They have instruments to play. I like watching both of them. Actually, I watch Adam about 99.99999999% of the time.

DRG (always sign, never anon)

Anonymous said...

love adams whole look in these photos. hope for live footage on saturday and sunday. Anne

Anonymous said...

I've seen Ashley and Tommy smile especially when Adam is looking at them. However, they have a job to do i.e. to play their instruments correctly, and they're doing just fine at that.

These are fabulous photos and I've heard the audio. The videos have now been posted so I'm off to listen to them.

Leilani Aloha said...


Anonymous said...

Don't say anything about his hair, you'll be pounced on, and who dared to imply that he's had botox!! Be careful or you'll receive a bashing.
Who said he needs to tone up his arms my god that's totally unacceptable. Who dared to say he's hair looked painted on for his outfit, I can't understand why the Glamberts are not holding you to account. Perhaps their too excited because their God has taken to the stage!! What a load of bull-shit and what a bunch of fanatics!!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the gray hair! He looks very sophisticated and is matching his clothes to his hair..he's got a design gene.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:46 am Why are you here, surely you would be happier elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

@5:30 AM.. I have just as much right to come here as anyone else!! FUCK YOU.

Anonymous said...

My dear I was only thinking of your happiness. Since Adam's fans upset you so, I am sure there are greener pastures where you would enjoy spreading your views among others of your kind.

Anonymous said...

@6:18 AM..Adam has some very good fans but a small number of them are vicious. I'll continue to visit this site for news of Adam but will not be engaging in conversation with anyone from now on. Vicious people like this don't do anything to help Adam or his career.

Anonymous said...

The best thing to do is IGNORE provocateurs.
It's a waste of time and space here.
Don't dignify them with response.
Miserable people need to spread their misery.
Why join them? Leave them alone in their miseries.
Let's stay happy with our joy in our BB.

Anonymous said...

Adam and botox. Ha! Don't think so!
OMG can't people realise how darn beautiful Adam really is. Well come to think of it, who the heck even cares about such drongo comments! Moving a positive way..

Anonymous said...

You really get a good look at Adam's new tattoo in that one picture. I actually think that the translation suits him so well. I love the way he looks in these pictures....casual, comfortable, stylish. And he seems to be having fun, enjoying himself in Japan where they do appreciate and love him. Can't wait to see any of the vids from the concerts this weekend. I read that security is very tight as far as taking pictures or recording the performances there. I hope that someone can sneak something out for us to see. Let's forget about the hair color, the botox rumors and just focus on his music, the best vocal talent in the business today. I wish that Trespassing would do better in sales here, but maybe once he gets home and does more of the promo tours, along with the release of the next single, those numbers will go up.

Anonymous said...

this look is gorgeous. the hair matches the clothes. he really is a fashion icon. so beautiful.hawt!!

Anonymous said...


Grrrreat pics