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Short Clip of Adam Lambert Arriving at Sunrise 8/23/12

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 23, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 23, 2012

@missiexox: There's Adam!!! Adam Lambert at Sunrise TV in Sydney just now


Anonymous said...

That lady was funny yelling out oh you look gorgeous. Bet Adam hears that a lot!He has just been beaming lately.

Anonymous said...

OT - but here are some GORGEOUSLY HOT pics of Adam from Moscow gig w Queen...Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Just watched Adam on Sunrise live stream in Australia,so good. He sang WWFM,smart so that everyone would remember him,then he did Trespassing. They were both acoustic with just Brian on keyboard. I am guessing Trespassing will be the next single. I want that. It really is his mission statement and a very cool song!

Anonymous said...

what kind of contraption is Adam sitting on in that one picture?

Anonymous said...

The Queen pix are breathtaking! But then, how could they be otherwise? Hope we get some Sunrise video????

Anonymous said...

That was me above.

Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj American Idol Negotiations Are a Struggle

According to the New York Post, Nicki Minaj is negotiating with American Idol for a seat on the judges’ panel, but it’s not smooth sailing:

There has been drama over Nicki Minaj joining the judges’ table on “American Idol” because of her difficult relationship with Creative Artists Agency, sources tell Page Six.

CAA represents various finalists of “American Idol” as well as the show’s host, Ryan Seacrest. The high-powered talent agency also used to rep pint-size rapper Minaj — until she fired them about nine months ago, sources say.

“If she hadn’t fired them last year, this deal would have been a lot easier,” said one insider.

Now HDD is reporting that Idol is having second thoughts about hiring Nicki:

DARLING NICKI…OR NOT: The new look American Idol was all but set on bringing in Nicki Minaj as a judge, but now the producers and Fox are said to be getting cold feet because of Minaj’s recent run of last-minute cancellations, says I.B. Bad in his latest column, posting tomorrow morning. Mariah Carey reportedly doesn’t want her on the show, lobbying instead for her pal Lenny Kravitz on Twitter

Anonymous said...


Yes, that lady was funny. When I heard her it reminded me of Julia Childs saying "save the liver." You may not be old enough to remember Julia Childs, but others will. lol

Magiclady said...


Loved the Queen pictures!!!
He never looked better.

Anonymous said...

Mariah doesn't want Adam because she is afraid he will steal her spot light, or should I say people won't notice her boobs on display for the whole world to see, because they will be too busy watching Adam.


Anonymous said...

If Nicki isn't chosen, it's no great loss, but we'll see. AI has the gem of the universse just waiting to be chosen.

Nicki and Mariah both seem very high-maintenance, if you ask me. Expensive and touchy. But maybe AI wants some of that high drama on the judges table. Makes for "conflict" and viewers. There are still several names in the mix.



Anonymous said...

THANKS for those HOT pix of Adam from Moscow!I JUST HAD to save that first one!!My fav.very nice &'s really HOT for sure.Miarah may not get Lenny Kravitz..I don't think he'd bring in a very big audience..but he's more"safe" for her maybe.Adam would draw many more peeps;gay,straight,bi,or whatever.I'm not gay,but Astralia is much more liberal,from what I've seen & read.I still like his darker hair..maybe he can go back start darker on the sides,& go from there.

Anonymous said...

Great to see Adam arriving for the Sunrise show. Wish I could've been there but I don't live in Sydney. Adam was absolutely fabulous at the Take 40 Lounge concert - still on a high from that. Loving that Adam and I are in the same country at the moment!!

I'm sure Mariah Carey will get lots of footage on Idol whether Adam is on the judging panel or not. Isn't she the biggest diva ever??

Anonymous said...

GREAT Queenbert Moscow photos. <3 Couldn't open #2 unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

@August 23, 2012 4:06 PM .... Adam is sitting on a seat!

Anonymous said...

I think fox should rethink nicki minaji because every where I read, no- one wants her as a judge and says they won't watch if she's on. Maybe they are listening finally. I don't know what there big hold up is of not giving adam the green light now. No problems with him.