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Kelly Ann Latreille's Interview with Adam Lambert on VRAK.TV

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 9, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, September 09, 2012


Anonymous said...

Please vote on the Grammy and on this:

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:


Anonymous said...

That lucky girl and she seemed so nice and had good questions.

Anonymous said...

Just popping on most recent thread to say - Kiev vid, um - frickin delicious! thanks to my well connected friend For getting me DVD, THANKS RR

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 6:53 PM
Put your voting requests in the article's comment section right below this one so "the most Wonderful Glamberts in the world and one of the Glamberts who helped Adam To Be what he is Today" can do the voting.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts, please keep requesting “Never Close Our Eyes” too, on the iHeartRadio playlist Top 5 @Five.
It's included!

Anonymous said...


Just posted there.

Anonymous said...

Wish he would have taken his sun glasses off. Interview with sunglasses on. Not fare!

Anonymous said...

If Enrique Iglesias Passes on American Idol, Adam Lambert Could Be Fourth Judge

"Everyone in the music industry has been offered a spot on the American Idol Season 12 judging panel, but at some point the music has to stop and either three or four people will sit down. 

Mariah Carey is confirmed as a judge, and Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban are reportedly joining her.

Last night, Entertainment Weekly added that Enrique Iglesias has received a firm offer for a judging spot. EW also repeated the reports that there will be four judges this year, but Randy Jackson won't be one of them, since he'll be a menor.

The new report also left the door open for Idol alumnus ADAM LAMBERT to be the fourth judge, if Enrique should pass. Enrique’s been on tour this summer with ex-judge Jennifer Lopez, so it's possible she either sold or soured him on the whole thing.

What do you think? Enrique or Adam?

Anonymous said...


@realityblurred: Media request: Please report who is NOT being considered tojudge American Idol and host X Factor, because that will result in fewer stories

@stupidillusions: ADAM LAMBERT was the last American Idol contestant that was actually amazing and he didn’t even win

Anonymous said...

From Adam Lambert Fan Club (Gale Chester’s) on Facebook:

VOTE for ADAM LAMBERT in this FB Poll to get ADAM in Balkan Spirit of Bourgas Music Festival. Important for European, Bulgarian & Balkan fans. “Spirit of Bourgas” is the biggest music festival in the Balkans and we have a chance to choose which artists will be on stage next year.

Keep Voting for QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT at Classic Rock Magazine as the Event of the Year!


Anonymous said...

Magnifique!! Je t'aime!

kelly said...

it was me :) thanks :)