Randy Jackson is back as a Judge on American Idol
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Monday, September 10, 2012
Posted at : Monday, September 10, 2012

So here's the latest scoop on American Idol's judging position! Simon Cowell tweeted that Randy Jackson is 'back on Idol'.
“Just heard Randy is back on Idol,” Cowell tweeted to his 3.6 million followers. “Right decision.”
Looks like it's time to stop debating whether Adam Lambert will be judging idol! But Adam will surely have other things to be busy with, like shooting for the "Trespassing" music video and getting ready for all the promotions and television appearances!
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back on Idol in what capacity? He didn't say judge did he? maybe maybe not.
Just wait and see:)
Idol or not Adam will be very busy anyways. I'm just so happy where he is right now and yah!!!! He has fans in every corner of the globe!!!! What else can I ask for??? Ok GRAMMY and that's it:)))))
awww shucks dagnabit anyways.
I just read on mjs blog that Enrique is out and Randy is in. WTF! I thought I read that Adam would be the fourth judge if Enrique didn't do it. This whole thing is getting more rediculous by the minute!
Why does it takes simon cowells tweet to finally get an answer? He's not even on idol anymore? Not sure I believe this till adam says so
Adam is not in the picture anymore, glad to finally find out.
So are there three or four judges? Is it official with Minaj and Urban? I don't see anyone being definite except Mariah at this date. Just finished watching The Voice. Definitely like the entire concept and the four judges there. And most of the contestants are really talented. I would be surprised if Adam is signed on as a judge, but it would be a great addition to the panel because of all the positive qualities he would bring to it. Too much competition with all these singing shows. They almost seem to cancel each other out and the issue of the judges seems to overshadow the contestants and their talent.
I'm just going to wait for word from Adam himself.
Well, once again, Adam has not been ruled out and most of all, it's diplomatically quiet on the western front. lol! Randy sure is in it to win it, no doubt about it. lol! Mariah must have said if Randy was not there, she won't do it. lol! :)
I am so sick of this AI run-around I don't even want to hear about it anymore! If they had Adam hanging on this whole time, just to give it to Randy now..Wow, what about bunch of crap. Sorry just pissed off!
Maybe Adam never was seriously being considered as a judge, but we, as his fans on this site, wanted it to be so. Most of what we read is sheer speculation, even the statement that Randy is back as a judge on Idol. Until there is an official statement from the higher ups or from Adam himself, we can comment all we want, Dawg!
I can't name one past contestant from The Voice or XFactor. Why is that?
This is still not official guys. So I will wait a little longer until we hear from idol or Adam. I read today that Randy is on idol but not in what capacity. O.K. don't think there would be three black judges on the panel,not to be prejudice but I think idol would want to vary their demographic audiences.Still not giving up hope on Adam.
Did anyone listen to B104 radio tonight. The Trespassing debut single was a bit different than the one they played on 102.9 Dallas. Wonder if they are sending different edits of the song out to various radio stations to see which one the PD's like better. IMO it was perfect just the way is was on the album. But whatever gets it lots of radio play is fine by me!
Randy was guest on The View this morning supposedly to clarify his role and the new panel of judges.
But he only mentioned that Mariah is the only signed and went on and on about how great Mariah is and how people are excited about her.
He only stopped when Barbra cut him off saying we know about Mariah but we want answers to our questions! Lol!
He cannot even say what's his role and didn't say about staying on as judge.
@8:10 I saw that interview with Randy. AI is more top secret than the CIA for goodness sake. It really is getting ridiculous!
That leaves the MENTOR position open. The place where Adam fits the best anyway....still hoping.
Just started watching the Voice.....it stared with an opening of the 4 judges singing a rock song together...the whole audience up and dancing....all about the judges, right?
Now I swear I heard the 2nd contestant, Devorah, black, gay female with real swag , when she was being introduced to the judges, say "Adam Lambert" instead of Adam Levine. Adam Levine just blinked and didn't say anything, like he didn't hear it....IDK ...I could be wrong but sure sounded like it. A jaw dropping moment.
So, it's Mariah, Nicki? Randy? and Keith? Who??????? Oh,well, if there's no Adam, I'm not watching anyway.
Sorry, that is "started"
Simon didn't say Randy is a Judge..just that he'll be ON Idol....still waiting to hear the final, official word : ))
We will hear from Adam soon that he has the job. Bet you a mil he is the new judge. I have that feeling. Sure hope so.
Yea, I too, can't shake off this very dominant feeling about Adam on the AI judge panel...it feels very real to me. And so far, from experience, 85% of the time, they unfold accordingly, be the circumstances, good or otherwise. Now I'm also feeling the Grammy nominations and a possible win for Adam. When a durian is ripe, it will naturally drop and boy, what an aromatic feast, or pungent depending on who is sniffing the spiky fruit. lol! :)
In my part of the world, the durian is known as the king of fruits, just like the lion is referred to as king of beasts and Bird of Paradise, king of birds and Adam hands down, is king of pop-rock or king of Idol. lol! :)
All what you revealed, the same things I've been keeping my fingers crossed praying, praying, praying. . .
A few more exciting years down the road, Adam will be king of pop-jazz-rock...hmm that will be worth the wait. :)
Keep praying, praying, praying...that is wonderful. I don't deliberately pray about it but feeling it strongly may be a kind of prayer. :)
pungent to me on the Durian front:)....although I suppose after 15 years in Asia I've kind of got used to it wafting around the supermarket! Haven't quite got past the smell enough to taste it though.....
That tweet from Simon wasn't confirmation, just confirmation that he has been hearing the same rumours as us.
I really hope this one isn't true, I never rated him as a good judge anyway, but I'm so over his overused cliches.....he has got beautiful skin though..
HK fan
I know exactly what you are referring to about "wafting" lol! It's very high calibre protein apart from the wonderful wafting. You might have heard about the hiker who got lost in the jungle (Asia) and it was the durian season; she survived several months on the scrumptious durians; but got to be careful, they don't fall on one's head; the sharp thorns. That would have been her least fear though, more like snakes, mosquitoes, quite an ordeal. You'd probably try it under such pressing conditions. lol! I used to eat it for lunch and dinner; it's so filling you can't take anything else. It's not allowed on airplanes. lol! If I owned Idol, I'd just employ one judge, no speculations, and pay him a bountiful salary...Adam. lol!
Lam-my, he is as beautiful as a bird of paradise.
And maybe as delicious as durian? Haven't had a chance to try it but I hear the are delicious.
Durians are allowed on aeroplanes as freight but they have to be specially packaged in special containers. In the past the fumes from the fruit have been known to set off the smoke detectors on board...
In his Dragon Attack performance, wearing the red fur, yea he's the Bird of Paradise strutting on the catwalk...beautiful. But it's really interesting that you say he's as delicious as durian!! That really took me by surprise! lol! Also nutritious like durian; he is food for the heart and mind. At this rate of referring to Adam using this kind of figurative language, very soon a new Adam code will emerge and only we can comprehend it. lol! Not forgetting the hair...an interviewer referred to it as a mane, perhaps a lion's mane as a parallel. Adam the lion heart with a lion's mane...lol! :)
HK fan
The durian fumes/aroma setting off the smoke detectors...that is hilarious, lol! King of fruits on the money! Fierce like Adam...no wonder anon 12:36 made a reference to Adam regarding it. Just allowed on freight planes or passenger planes as well?
Interesting and educational treat.Never heard od durian and when I've tried to have a pic on Google al I've got is pics of Dorian Grey!!LOL!!wich btw fits Adam perfectly!
"Bird of Paradise strutting on the catwalk"WOW!! I'm gonna have that image stuck in my head all day!! THANKS!!
The AI thing....I just want them to tell us & get over it!! Watch it if A is there or forget it if he's not.
Randy said ONLY MARIAH is signed. Nothing about the others. Also, how is he back when he's never left? So many rumours.
Adam seems happy but quiet so let us rejoice in what he has.
Fashion Week, the Blondes, Joan Rivers, PLL, Ellen, Queenbert rumours, possible Trespassing tour. If we had never heard about this Idol thing, we would be so excited for him right now.
Randy said ONLY MARIAH is signed. Nothing about the others. Also, how is he back when he's never left? So many rumours.
Adam seems happy but quiet so let us rejoice in what he has.
Fashion Week, the Blondes, Joan Rivers, PLL, Ellen, Queenbert rumours, possible Trespassing tour. If we had never heard about this Idol thing, we would be so excited for him right now.
oh my, another season of "yo, yo, yo dawg..that was a little pitchy for me" I can't take it again..and shame on Randy for not stepping aside and letting Adam have the job..if Enrique won't do it..isn't that what was reported..if E passed it would go to Adam???? and, I thought they wanted to jazz up the panel..this is NOT the way to do it Idol..all I can figure is that Mariah wanted R to stay and be a go between her and Nicki..so, again, Adam gets left out...when will they EVER learn???
Ahh that's a good sexy girl, dropping by Shady Lane/Underground more often...yea! Hey it's durian not dorian...lol! Very big spiky/thorny fruit just like his shoulder spikes. SG, you were there at the concert but maybe not the night he strutted with the red fur on the catwalk. :)
I am excited for Adam..wish he would confirm the gig on Fashion Police..just want to see him in any venue...on any show...
I wrote DURIAN but Google just let me know about DORIAN! I got frustrated!!Thank you for your description, looks delicious....I wish I could have one just to have the plesure to lick it...just for the fruit...no shoulders or anything...no..no..
"Shady Lane Underground,That's the subway station of the Cuckoo club...sshhh...I go as much as I can...and you know it cause you're there too!!:)
The Bird of paradise catwalk long version was at the concert in Poland...but I saw the short version on London and it was beyond HOT!!!Still "flying"!!LOL!!
Shady Lane sounds very appealing to me; it simply dropped in as I was replying to you. Oh that's the Cuckoo Club subway station. Hmm I thought it was the underground therapy basement. Hey how come all the names of the places we go to sound so shady...lol! By the way Prince William and his wife Catherine are here in Singapore to represent the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee. :)
I only watched season 8 and had to mute Randy. He has no vocabulary which make him look unintelligent. I also feel he's insincere to the kids and he's only there for $$.
I'm not a fan of idol esp the judges they've chosen now. I'm not saying Adam HAD to be chosen as judge but Idol would have at least hired someone who is intelligent & talented if Adam had joined them.
I think Idol is on it's last legs esp since Randy is back.
@Anon8:09AM, I had to laugh when you said you had to mute Randy!haha He was okay when Adam was on, but then got much, much worse through the years. Time for a change. If Adam is not on Idol, I won't watch.
Good to hear your laughter! Actually since S8, I only watch when it goes to Top 5 and then I don't watch the finales...unpleasant memories. Still haven't gotten over that infamous moment. Ahh if Adam works on A1, a QueenAdam showdown is on the cards. :)
You feel royal!!
I should go more often to the basement than to the Club...but I just can't help it!
Hey Time-slot, are you trying to remind me of something with your Bingo time-slot; my above comment date and time Bingo at 11. Okay I'd like to express my heartfelt thoughts to those mourning at Ground Zero. I watched just a while ago, a lady touching her loved one's carved name on the stone at the site and she moved her fingers through the name on the stone one letter at a time. She sobbed, I felt her grief...yes, very very sad.
"If Adam is not on Idol, I won't watch."
Nor will I, I mean, none of the judges (those mentioned) can make me turn on the telly and I don't think any of the contestants can outdo Adam. Or get anywhere near him.
Correction: I know they can't.
Thus: Idol = dead meat
Dead meat for sure maybe they can recycle it onto a new dress for GaGa...rose petal
I am so over Idol, esp. if Adam isn't on. And I have to say I really do love The Voice -- their entire concept, the judges, and I think they have better talent. So I'm gonna watch The Voice and completely forget about boring Idol with their weird and wacky choice of judges.
Randy was just officially announced this morning at The View as back to his spot as judge on Idol.
They have just finished the negotiations.
Yes, it's a shame that Randy did not opt to leave by himself.
this news about Randy has actually made me sick to my stomach..why did anyone put out in print that Adam would go on if Enrique passed??? WHY????? Now, I am disgusted with Randy..what kind of man refuses to give a beautiful talented artist, who would be a great judge, a chance??? Obviously, there is something going on behind the scenes, and if I had to guess, it would be that Mariah was afraid Adam would take the spotlite off of her, and since she and Randy are so close she talked him into staying on as a judge..it won't work Mariah..Glamnation will NOT watch..I'm sorry, I am just so MAD!!!
ALL the singing shows give me a stomach ache. Adam on Idol would be an exception, but only because of him. I am so un-interested in the ocntestants anymore. They're all so pedestrian and average. Adam has outshone anyone else I've ever heard. I just watched my new copy of the Kiev Queenbert concert. Once again, I was simplly stunned at Adam's vocal performance. I can see why Brian and Roger were simply blown away. Going back to watching these singing shows seems like a giant step backward to me.
Adam Lambert with Randy and Mariah would be a really nice group. I didn't like the 4 judges panel. It didn't work for me.
I watched Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood (Sept 11) to see if they said anything about Randy being a judge on AI. ET said nothing. AH said Randy should know his fate tomorrow (Sept 12). Seems nothing is settled yet.
I know this is an Adam Lambert site and this in particular is on the subject of Randy Jackson and AI, but let's all stop and take a minute to remember what happened 11 years ago today. 3,000 innocent people were killed by a terrorist attack on our country. RIP
@Anon 6:12 - yes, you are right. A tragedy that should never be forgotten - RIP. . . . . . Adamluv
so tired of all this bs. will he or won't he. let's just let him tell us when he knows what's what. i like the voice. sooooo if Adam isn't on ai i will watch the voice as will a bunch of my friends.
Actually I'd rather watch XFactor than The Voice. Both Levine and Blake Shelton has said something negative about ADAM.
@4.11 am
Adam is definitely on Fashion Police, I have seen several pictures taken during filming. He looked great, sitiing next to Kelly O and with Kimora whatshername, and Joan rivers the other side It looked like it was 'on location', not the normal studio.
Was trying to find some of the pictures, they seem to have got lost in all the fashion week pics,
here's 1 though
heres another, although not that good
Idol is a mess. Unless Adam is there or making an appearance, I'm gone. Already quit watching The Voice because of xtina's obnoxious behavior. We get it-you have boobs. Not going to watch xfactor either. Tired of those poor people giving their all in front of a panel of supposedly talented judges. Just stopped working for me. It's a mean concept with lots of money being thrown around. Focus is clearly on judges getting 17 mil or more.
XFactor starts tonight. Looking forward to it. I like that Demi girl from the previews of the show.
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