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Adam Lambert New Zealand Trespassing Promo Tour

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, October 19, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 19, 2012

Via Glambert Juggler:

Adam Lambert came to Auckland, New Zealand on the 10th & 11th of October 2012 to promote his new album Trespassing. His group of passionate fans the 'New Zealand Glitter Tribe' went to support him at most of the venues he went to. We all had a lot of fun spending time together and supporting Adam!


Anonymous said...

Awww, the New Zealander fans are fantastic! they followed Adam around all day to the different places he was scheduled to visit! At least Adam saw familiar faces everywhere he went! I'm so happy when I see Adam feeling the love! Thank you New Zealand fans Mwah!


Adamluv said...

Now that was fun! Thank you NewZealand Glitter Tribe (luv that name) for lovin' and supporting our boy! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

NZ Glitter Tribe you guys are the best. Adam had such a nice promotion there and you are part of the reason why.xxoo

Anonymous said...

that was so nice of the Glitter tribe to do that, I just love all of them.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Such wonderful and dedicated fans. I want to move to New Zealand. People there seem so relaxed and open minded and the country is incredibly beautiful. Hmmmm? Why not? Life is very short. Will have to look into that for real.

Jadam NZ said...

Im proud of the Glittertribe to and if I was younger and unattached I sure as hell would be there.

Anonymous said...

NZ Glamberts ROCK!! :D

Anonymous said...

Kiwi Glamberts are a force to be reckoned with!