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Gorgeous painting of Adam Lambert as an Egyptian

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 20, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, October 20, 2012

by @Olambertik


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam has read the book Sinuhe the Egyptian yet. I think it was gifted to him when he visited Finland, on his FYE promo tour.

Anonymous said...

where do all these talented Glamberts come from? I am sort of a new fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of Adam as an Egyptian prince. Very talented drawing of him.

Anonymous said...

Great drawing. Adam is fascinated by Egyptian culture.

Magiclady said...

We certainly have some awesome artists amoung the Glamberts. This is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This is beautful! Can it be sent to Adam somehow? I think he would love it!


Adamluv said...

Always amazed at the awesome paintings/drawings done by fans of Adam, especially since my renderings look like that of a very young child. Sometimes not even as good! If my very artistic mom, RIP, was still alive know she would love to paint him. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Isn't Adam a little pale to be an Egyptian? Pharrell would be more appropriate. But they are both lovely men.

Anonymous said...

beautiful adam lambert omg so pretty photo fo adam.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, faces are easy but hands are really hard to make 'just right', these are great!

Anonymous said...

P.S......from JAK

I read the book and saw the film based on it waaay back in the 1950's! Book was written by a Finn.
It was very interesting if you are into Egyptian history. Which I was and am.

Anonymous said...

And the author is Mika Waltari:)