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New Picture: Adam Lambert, Tommy Ratliff, and @MissSpookiness9

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

Tweeted by @MissSpookiness9: @TommyJoeRatliff @adamlambert thanks for the photo. See you tomorrow at the races. Hopefully it'll be warmer


Anonymous said...

Now tommy has blue hair? Pink , then purple now blue- Adam better not do that lol

Anonymous said...

We better nor complain and be grateful for Adam's hair color's there fault normal and attractive. Could be pink with purple poka dots! Sue

Anonymous said...

It must be freakin cold there brrrrr

Anonymous said...

It's cold here in Melbourne plus I've been trying to watch Adam via Ustream but it keeps breaking up and now all I have is a blank screen. Adam asked people to get up and dance as they were just standing there. I wish I could have gone but family commitments have needed to come first, hopefully we will get some good videos of the event.

daydreamin said...

Here is a better picture of the messy hair one:

this site

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!! This photo of Adam is {{{HOT}}}!!! Love the "messy" hair look. Many thanks for the enlarged version, daydreamin. :=D

Anonymous said...

Saulin ja Adamin suhde on valitettavasti niin ohi. Merkkejä tastä on jo tosi monia. Sauli tulee Suomeen keskellä syksyä ilman mitään näkyvää syytä kuukaudeksi. Adam ei puhu hänestä tai heistä enää mitään ellei suoraan kysytä ja silloinkin hyvin lyhyesti. Saulin Hollywood-blogi on loppunut. Kommentointi osiokin on otettu pois mitä ei ole edellisillä "tauoilla" tapahtunut. A ei laula enää BE:tä mikä on selkeästi s kappale. En täysin ymmärrä miksi he eivät vain sano että suhde on ohi, mutta ehkä he haluavat suhteen tavallaan vaan hiipuvan ettei sen loppuminen aiheuta niin paljon kohua mikä ei ole A:lle ja promokiertueelle hyväksi ja S:han on aina ollut vaitonainen suhteestaan mediassa. Mikään edellä mainituista ei yksistään ole iso asia mutta yhdessä kaikki mielestäni on aika selvä merkki siitä että S tuskin palaa rapakon taakse. Jossain haastattelussa S sanoi että hänellä on koti Töölössä... Toivottavasti olen väärässä mutta epäilen. Mun oli pakko kirjoittaa ajatuksistani jonnekin. Kääntäminen englanniksi ei ole tarpeen! Surullinen (Toivon A:lle ja S:lle kaikkea hyvää elämään!!!)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks lovely in that picture. Such a sweet smile and I love it when he wears a shawl.

I'll take him whatever his har colour but I prefer the back. Tommy looks blue here - not purple so he must have changed it. At least he's finished with the pink. Poodle colours - lol!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the black.....the black. Hair not har....Yikes! Too early in the morning here.

Anonymous said...

1.50 is there any way you could translate your post, I would love to know what you said! Sue

Anonymous said...

Love me some Tommy Joe but he is best looking with blonde hair period.

Anonymous said...

I hope somebody can translate the Finnish also.Tommy's hair looks purple on my pc...don't care what color he has it,but Adam's looks ok,but like it better like on the Trespassing CD cover.Darker on the sides does look better than all light,tho...Please Adam,change it back soon.He probably will.HE LOOKED so COLD walking to the venue!!The messy hair look reminded me of one from about the time he was going to Germany to play in "Hair".I hope everybody warmed up in that tent.I thought the venue was gonna be inside in the brrrrrrrrrr weather.

Anonymous said...

1:50AM, I'm a Finn and I have thought the same. Although maybe it's not final yet. But if so, I also wish all the best for both of them. :)

Anonymous said...

Love those two boys !!! They do look cold tho .

Anonymous said...

The finnish writing is about Adam and Sauli broken up. She said that there are many things that indikate that. Sauli in finland without reason for a mouth, his blog is ended, Adam don`t sing BE anymore and don`t talk about them if not asked, Sauli said in some intewiev that he has home in Töölö(it is a place in Helsinki). She don`t get why they just tell that the relationship is ended but she thing they do not want it to be just a big deal. It is not good for Adams promo tour and Sauli has never talk about their relationship in media. She hopes she is wrong but doubt it. She is sad but hopes all the best for both of them.

Anonymous said...

@1:50 AM...Hei chillaa vähän...adam juuri eilen sanoi uuden Seelannin radiohaastattelussa pilke silmäkulmassa, että hän on varattu Saulille...ja Saulikin sanoi palaavansa Jenkkeihin kuun lopulla. Etkö sinä ikinä tulisi käymään katsomaan perhettäsi????? Suhteesta puhumiselle on oma ajoituksensa ja se oli heillä keväällä ja kesällä. Nyt on aika keskittyä promoamaan Adamin musiikkia.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:50 AM Juu merkkejä on. Toisaalta Sauli sanoi Iltalehdessä, että kaikki on hyvin, hänellä on työhön liittyviä asioita Suomessa menossa ja palaa Losiin loppukuusta.

Anonymous said...

C`mon people... Let Adam and Sauli live their lives! Don`t jump to conclusions. If I lived abroad, I sure as hell would visit my family like Sauli is doing now. Their anniversary is coming up and I bet they want to spend it together. It`s all about timing when you should talk about your relationship in public...their time was in the spring and summer. Now it`s time to concentrate on Adam`s music and promoting it. Adam mentioned yesterday in an interview in NZ that he`s taken and his boyfriend is Sauli and their relationship is going on two years now. Relax !

Anonymous said...

6:13 the writter says all the signs of Adam and Sauli are pointing to a break-up. I have a translate button on my computer and it is a nice feature.I will try and Copy and paste it in English.
Saul and Adam's relationship is unfortunately over. The signs of this are already very many. Sauli is in Finland in the middle of autumn, without any apparent reason months. Adam does not talk about him or any of them anymore unless directly asked, and even then very briefly. Saul's Hollywood blog has run out. Commenting osiokin has been removed which is not the previous "breaks" occurred. A does not sing anymore BE which is clearly s song. I do not fully understand why they did not just say that the relationship is over, but maybe they want to sort of relationship, but that it turned its back end to cause as much a stir which is not A and promo tour in favor and S: he has always been a silent relationship with the media. None of the above alone is not a big thing but all together I think is a pretty clear sign that S is unlikely to return back across the pond. In some interview S said that he has a home in Töölö ... I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. I had to write my thoughts somewhere. English translation is not necessary

Anonymous said...

LOVE the messy hair! MESS IT UP ADAM

Anonymous said...

Missä haastaatelussa Adam sanoi olevansa varattu? Haastiksia on ollut niin monia ettei perässä pysy.. Ihmisten ei ehkä pitäisi olla niin tunneherkkiä tämän asian suhteen että heti kun jotain ilmaantuu suhde on heti ohi. He ovat olleet yhdessä jo sen verran pitkään että kuherruskuukausi vaihe on jo ohitettu ja vaikeitakin aikoja varmasti on jo tullut muttei se merkitse että kaikki olisi ohi!

Anonymous said...

1:50 Hmmmm, wasn't BE on his playlist just yesterday ?

Anonymous said...

There's no need to chill, since no one is panicking.


Anonymous said...

No ei se mikkään maailmanloppu ole jos poikien suhde on ohi. Oli miten oli pelekkää hyvvää toivon pojille :)

Anonymous said...

@7:38 AM...tästä linkistä löytyy..

Anonymous said...

No johan se 2 vuotta seurustelua tulikin pojilla melkein täyteen. Sen verran A on sanonut samaa tyyppiä katselevansa ja sitten kyllästyy ja vaihtaa toiseen. Näin se vaan menee...

Anonymous said...

7:44, aivan oikein. :)


Anonymous said...

Cultural differences can be hard to beat and somehow I get the feeling that Sauli is more like a New York City boy. Just saying..

From Finland :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's unfair and rude to speak in another language when most people who come to this site only understand english. If you must make comments about Adam and Sauli it would be polite to share them with the rest of the fans who come here.

Anonymous said...

Two years is a looong time. Now I almost feel sorry for the fans who cannot stand Adam and Sauli being together, lol.

Lots of luv, from Finland :)

Anonymous said...

English translation is just good manners!

Anonymous said...

@8:14, yea but no one talks to the Finns here anyway. I've been here long enough to know that lol. :)

Anonymous said...

@8:12 AM...hey greetings from Finland...Someone just poured out his or her heart about Adam and Sauli relationship in Finnish (and by the way our boys seem fine according to interviews)...but I think you have a point when rudeness is concerned. Only about 5 million people in the world speak Finnish so it should go without saying that we need to translate our comments. Besides, language skills are an asset to us so this site is a perfect environment for practice:)

Anonymous said...

Sauli said that his friends, family and work is in Finland and home in Töölö but that Töölö part may be just a joke. Anyway it seems that he feels more home in Finland.

Anonymous said...

Aww... Interviewer said Adam`s face lights up when talking about Sauli...

Anonymous said...

@ 8:49 AM...I don´t get your point since Sauli himself said this week that his life is in LA...

Anonymous said...

Recent quote from interview with Sauli:

"Koskinen, who has been spending now some time in Finland, is heading back to the warmth of California probably already at the end of this month.

About the dilemma of a long distance relationship Koskinen, who is dating the American Idol star Adam Lambert, states
- I’m there and here and there and again here, this is how it goes. Work, friends and family are here, but nevertheless, I live in there."

I hope all is well with them. Adam traveling so much must be hard on the relationship, but I think that's why Sauli goes back to Finland -- to pass the time while Adam is traveling.

Anonymous said...

@9:46 AM I agree... I think they `ve planned their time together and apart carefully and rationally...they have a strong foundation they built since they`ve been together...they know what they`re doing:)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli didn't want to reveal anything. But Tommy did when he tweeted Papi = boyfriend to Adam. Not saying Tommy is Adam's bf or anything, he just gave Adam an alibi.

Anonymous said...

On my goodness...what happened to you?? cynical

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just shut up and let them handle their life.

Anonymous said...

@10:35AM huh? Thanks for the info, Tommy..

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:24 AM What alibi? Tommy hangs to Adam and adommy, thats not a new thing. He needs his fans.

Anonymous said...

@10:06, I was referring to the GNT Adommy. Fans wanted to believe they had something going on but off stage Adam was going to the bars, to get to know new people.. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant @11:06AM. Anyway, fan service is still alive and kicking. Don't know how many still enjoy it though (not me), lol..


Anonymous said...

Yes,the set list DID have Broken English on it( song written for Sauli) seems it would be very sad for BB to sing it if he & Sauli were on the"outs"..BB still seems very happy to have Sauli.Hope we find out soon,tho.It seems like Sauli will be coming back to LA..guess we'll know pretty soon.I can't blame him for staying in Finland longer while Adam is on the road.Either way,I also wish the best for both of them.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:31 AM "Either way,I also wish the best for both of them." Me too!

Anonymous said...

I think Adommy is Adam's safe haven on stage, perhaps calms his nerves or something. I don't want to be rude, but I wish he could grow out of it. Soon. Ffs, it's like his pacifier.

Anonymous said...

I listened the interwiev someone said Adam was talking happily about their relationship but I think he was not very happy about that question. Did he ask why she was asking that.. or did i heard wrong? Nevertheless i think they should came clear about that before their anniversery because people are writing to them in a croupcard and i think it`s wrong about people the misslead them! Sorry about my broken english..

Anonymous said...

The other Gale Chester interview points out that his face lights up when Sauli`s mentioned. Why don`t we just try to be positive about this...I bet Adam would love that!

Anonymous said...

I don`t think there is nothing to be positeve about. Adams last tweet and TJ response were begin to fans asking whats going on. Then he can anser someones question about their realationship. He don`t want to say it`s ended in some radio interview. I think he let us no in a couple of days. I am sure about that. But I am not HAPPY about that!! I hope all the happiness to both of them!!

Anonymous said...

Life goes on, but I also think that Sauli didn't deserve to be backstabbed by Adam and Tommy like this. The Adommy fans who hated him won 100-0.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:30 PM I don't understand Adam's tweet, I can understand Tommy's answer cause he is dependent on adommy and those crazy adommy fans but Adam has been trying to say that adommy is not a real thing.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam (and Tommy too) is so cruel to Sauli. I also think that Sauli deserves more even their relationship is over. Those people are very mean and what did Sauli ever do. He moved across the world to be with the man he loved. He chanced his whole life. And thanks to that adommy crays totally won. Thanks to Adamd last tweet! I don`t think Adam is a very nice man afterall.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy are still immature. They think they are being brave and rebellious. They don't understand they are acting like cowards and making a fool of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Tommy are NOT an item!!don't understand what all this is about really.I'm sure BB DIDN'T mean anything cruel towards Sauli.He seems to care so much for him and still love him.Maybe Sauli was very homesick to see his family and friends in Finland...hope S and A can work it out,but if not,hope they will remain friends.almost 2 yrs is a long time to stay together.I know being separated( w/BB traveling) is tough on both of them,and this is not even a full tour.Adam still has pix of Sauli and himself on his twitter page.we'll find out soon,I guess.

Anonymous said...

looks like Adam is very cold walking around with a blanket. lol

Anonymous said...

There is no proof they broke up. And they seemed to be together as of 2 days ago when Adam was asked if he was single and he said no. I don't see how him commenting on his friend picture means anything and Tommy calling Adam his boyfriend was clearly a joke about how fans think they are together when they are not the same sexual orientation. Time will tell but I think they are still together. Just separated by work.

Anonymous said...

I believe the first year together was amazing for both of them. Adam was making his music a lot at home and everything was new to Sauli and they were madly in. Now it seems that Sauli is getting bored in LA. His work, friends and family are in Findland. Adam is travelling a lot. It seems that Sauli has not his own life in LA. He cannot even work there cause of Visa problems. He has Tutka and blogs but it's not enough.

Anonymous said...

Add: madly in LOVE ;)

@12:28 AM

Anonymous said...

I agree. Love isn`t always enough. You need also something else. Sauli is not that kind of man who don`t want to work. And working in US is not easy or even possible. The people there are mostly Adams friends and if they have problems they naturally takes Adams side. Sauli don`t drive a car so moving around is very hard for him. He said that in Finland he dosen`t have time to watch tv and in La he watch everything. That tells me a lot. He is totally bored. And Adams work and trevelling a lot don`t help at all. Their situation is very hard and if they are not sepereted yet they at least have some serious thinging to do..

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam are not broken up. Sauli is doing a show that he use to do there, and will be back home shortly. No concern.

Anonymous said...

AS far as work for Sauli in the United States. He is a reporter for finland, working in the Usa.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli wants to work for a Finnish company. Hollywood hustle is not his thing.