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Purchase Adam Lambert's 'Trespassing' EP at or iTunes!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 15, 2012

Posted at : Monday, October 15, 2012

Adam Lambert's 'Trespassing' EP is officially released! Buy it at below:

Or you can get it on iTunes by searching for it there!

Support Adam and get him to the top of Billboard!

More info from daydreamin:

"If you buy a whole album at one time (for example, using the "Buy Album" button on iTunes), it counts as one album sold. If a consumer buys one or multiple tracks from an album separately, those count as a "track purchase."


We can help EP sales and charting by purchasing on Amazon (the EP will chart with album sales on BB200)


daydreamin said...

"If you buy a whole album at one time (for example, using the "Buy Album" button on iTunes), it counts as one album sold. If a consumer buys one or multiple tracks from an album separately, those count as a "track purchase."


We can help EP sales and charting by purchasing on Amazon (the EP will chart with album sales on BB200)

daydreamin said...

Ryan Seacrest talking about the Trespassing mashup and Adam's appearance of PLL:
Click HERE to get to Ryan's webpage

Anonymous said...

More than 57 'like' on Ryan's Trespassing mashup story on his site will beat JB and Minaj's story.

Go to this link or the one daydreamin posted above and click on 'like' button:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the best Freddy/Adam juxtaposition of their songs I've seen so far. Ingenious composition of the works of two fantastic artists. Very artistic and the rhythm/tempo of Trespassing+Another One Bites The Dust, fits like hand-in-glove. Also the contrast of Freddy wearing a pair of white shorts and Adam's full attire gives a punch to the pairing. The synergy generated by the combined fierceness of Freddie and Adam is heightened and exciting. Thanks 12:49.

Anonymous said...

I bought a download of the radio edit from Amazon, but I haven't found it by searching on iTunes. Has anybody else found it at iTunes yet?

Anonymous said...

I bought a hard copy from Adam's official website and am going to buy a hard copy from Amazon for my friend.

I was planning on downloading the key track from iTunes today. Hope it's up!

Anonymous said...

It's on iTunes now. Just bought the radio edit. I will download the other TP over the next little while as info/advice comes in.

I am going to leave the two NCOE and Pop that Lock alone.

IMHO Pop That Lock could develop into a club hit. I want to hold my download for that possibility.

I will leave NCOE to avoid completing the EP until it plays out it's radio potential.

Anonymous said...

@2:37 Write 'Trespassing Remixes' in the iTunes search and that should make it appear.

Let's all remember that we should not buy the complete EP from iTunes yet so that the buy is not registered as an album purchase but as radio edit purchase. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can't find it on Amazon. I want to purchase another hard copy for a friend who doesn't lke to buy online.

I downloaded the radio-edit no problem. I notieced that iTunes deducted $1.29 from the 6.99 price. That means that I will run to zero just by downloading 5 more songs.

There are more than 6 songs on the cd. Does it automatically complete when you hit $0? In that case BTIKM and NCOE will have to wait.

It's Trespassing and Pop That Lock for me - I love them!!

Anonymous said...

Also fans, if you have time, go give the Queen/Trespassing Mash up HITS

Anonymous said...

6:36, I think it is just the mp3 at Amazon at this point. Try the AO link for another hard copy. It says it doesn't ship until Nov. 6.

Anonymous said...

This is on Ryan's website homepage:

Click on 'like' button and listen to Ryan's audio talking about TSP EP.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew NOT to buy the whole EP- which I already did as a pre-order weeks ago. This is confusing. I bought the CD remixes. Are we buying now the remix single trespassing? or the orginal trespassing. Which one are we trying to get radio play on.? The one I bought gets shipped nov 6th with a free download??? For $1.29 I'll go buy the sihngle on i'tunes, but which one. Also I donated money to gift (not sure what I am gifted hnow?

Anonymous said...

@7:58 We are trying to get the Trespassing radio edit to top the iTunes charts so that is the song everyone should buy.

Anonymous said...

It was OK to buy the whole EP, it will still count. But now we want to get the radio edit to chart on iTunes and Billboard, so the money you donated will be used for that. The reason people are saying don't buy the whole EP from iTunes is that each single will count more there.

Anonymous said...

The Trespassing ( radio edit )from the TP Remix EP is #81 on top 200 iTunes right now.Looking for it to go higher though.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks an absolutely stunning Glampire on the PLL set. Wow, the makeup artist, hairstylist, costume department are top-notch flawless! Magnifique Glampire Adam! Go go go Fangpire! lol! Hmm, slowly but surely Adam is inching towards the panoramic screen. His PLL acting is so natural and effective; now, vampire feels more friendly than evil. No need to fight it with garlic and cross; just smile like beautiful Aria. lol!

Anonymous said...

This is @7:58 again. thanks for the info- I just bought the single edit trespassing also from I'tunes.

Anonymous said...

Bought the radio edit on itunes and the whole ep on Amazon as well as the radio edit. Also ordered on Adam Official. I donated money for gifting. Hope this will climb the charts. Surprised Adam hasn't tweeted us again about buying today.

Anonymous said...

For only $1.29 buy and/or gift Trespassing (Pharrell radio edit) track/s on US iTunes. Go to the following link to purchase it:

Anonymous said...

Can someone in the know please post the date, time and channel for the up coming PLL episode that Adam is on? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just heard ryan Seacrest playing bruno mars wack new song! I think im gonna cry,because we try so hard but get so little:(

Anonymous said...

9:52 The Jared website posts that it airs Tuesday October 23rd at 8pm ET/PT on ABC Family channel.

Anonymous said...

So, the new drummer went back to Switzerland to lick his wounds, because he got too much hate from fans? Lol, and there's a concert soon.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes to be on the

Anonymous said...

Adam is charting now on ITUNES POP singles.. #66

Please buy the radio Edit first, don't buy the whole EP.. buy one trespassing Remix at a time,it will count as a sale for trespassing. Been an interesting morning..

Now It's easy to find on ITunes ,this 6:00 am not so much.. LOL

LET"S GO Let's get this into the top ten

Anonymous said...

So I bought each trespassing remix one at a time... Now should I buy whole ep for top 200 or gift trespassing singles...promised my husband I wouldn't go too I won't for now...only thing is I'm not sure he and I have the same idea of what too crazy is...rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal.........JAK here

The whole thing was crazy for me...the more advice given on how to buy the more confused I just jumped in and gifted my 'mad money' for the month. I wanted to feel like I was helping the cause.....I think I must be a bit Cuckoo but it's a nice feeling.

Anonymous said...

I bought the Trespassing Radio Remix (it doesn't say Pharell on it?) and dl early this a.m. Also I pre-ordered the EP from AO weeks ago. I'll go to Amazon and dl the Trespassing Radio Remix and back to iTunes to dl a few of the other remixes ( I really like them!) but if I understand correctly not all of them so I won't complete the whole EP, right?


Anonymous said...

No. 24 on US iTunes. We can make it to no. 1 for only $5.99:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I finally figured out how to use the Gift function on iTunes! it worked!


Anonymous said...

I ran out of my budgeted money for this cause. I donated money, bought from AO, Amazon, and gifted (radio edit) on iTunes. We have to make Trespassing more visible on iTunes for radios to take a notice of it. Please buy/gift Trespassing:

Anonymous said...

Guess I'll follow your lead and gift ....I like feeling a little cukoo after all we are glamberts ... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Yes #24, Way to go Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

O.K. did all my own stuff. Now I will gift the radio edit remix. On Amazon the radio edit is #1 on movers and shakers. I think the song not the ep. It's been a bit of a hectic and at times confusing morning,but totally worth it.

Anonymous said...

102.9 Dallas tweeted big requests for Adam, and a few others listed for top 5 at 5. Hit the request green arrow up and hit request on the front of the home page a few more times. There were more than 5 artists listed and want Trespassing to be on the top 5 at 5 please!!!

Anonymous said...

I bought Trespassing (Radio Edit, 3:00 min.) at $1.29 on iTunes. Does anybody know if I can buy mulitimes with the same ID, and does it help to add the sales?

Anonymous said...

Well we are all doing are part- that's for sure- interesting day! I just hope it pays of because like @10:13 says these radio stations play certain few automatically! It's so unfair and disheartening and frankly makes my blood boil. I will never give up however,I'm trying to be positive and waiting for the day that all our relentless efforts pay off here in the USA. I know it will, but just play the damn song, they play all this other crap- what ae they so afraid of?

Anonymous said...

10:36 I hope glamberts weren't giving the drummer a rough time. No one even knows him yet.Now Adam has to suffer looking for a drummer?

Anonymous said...

I don't get why radios play that none sense non-English song over and over again and again. That song isn't original at all. Radios support none US artists more than their own. The thing is these artists make money and they don't pay a penny for taxes state or federal or city.

Anonymous said...

Swiss are neutral. Glamberts are not.

Anonymous said... got the donation money and now needs US emails to gift Trespassing. US fans send your email addresses to

Anonymous said...

Do you have to register to leave a comment on Ryan's page?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ryan knows that Brian May has added the mashup on his webpage and added the link on his @DrBrianMay twitter page.

Anonymous said...

@12:53 No it will not count if you buy it on itunes twice with the same IP. You can gift it to someone though. Also download it from Amazon. We are all doing a really great job,maybe RCA can learn from us. Adam needs to start singing Trespassing all over T.V. shows!

Jadam NZ said...

Im with JAK and rose-petal, only its worse for me here in NZ. I do want to buy it thru US itunes so it will count, but even if I change countries on my itunes account it still wont let me. Maybe I need to open a US itunes account,does any one know if that is possible to do and not interfere with my NZ account? Which by the way its not on NZ itunes yet.
Also tried Amazon but it kept saying my password was wrong so I need to get back and try and sort that out.

Anonymous said...

@JadamNZ, you have to have a US credit card and a billing address to setup a US iTunes account.

Is the EP released in NZ iTunes?

Anonymous said...

Trespassing EP is no. 13 on iTunes. Let's make it pass top 10.

Anonymous said...

Not available on Finnish itunes and Amazon refuses to sell mp3s to Finland... So wrong and so unfair! I guess money coming from our Visa cards is not good enough for them!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a fun interview: Adam Lambert at The Edge with Jay Jay & Mike Video Display Video The Edge

Sorry if it has been posted already.

The Dark Side said...

I have bought this EP three times, twice the entire EP, once form AO, once form Amazon, and individual songs from I Tunes, which I down loaded this am, but downloaded them all. Guess I screwed this up.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest posted three stories about Adam on his website since yesterday. Let's make all three the most popular stories on his site by clicking on "like" button for each of these stories. Hopefully he'll play Trespassing on his radio shows.

You can find all three under this link:

Anonymous said...

Jadam, I'm in the US and opened a UK iTunes account for the previous single buying. I just made a new gmail account and used a postal/zip code for London. I don't remember all the details but it was easy. I just winged it.

Anonymous said...

Dark side, it's ok, those EPs still count for Billboard. Can you get a friend to download the radio edit single if you gift it to them from iTunes?

Anonymous said...

How come I coudn't find Tresspassing on top200?It's #65 on Pop!Seems that we coudn't break top 10:(

HK fan said...

@anon 2.27pm
you can buy it from Adam Official. I brought the Trespassing box set from there for shipping overseas and it was pretty straight forward.

Anonymous said...

what's the story w/ the drummer, why would people give him a hard time? weird.

Anonymous said...

Why can't I find the single Trespassing Radio Edit Remix on the iTunes US song chart? It was there earlier today??? It couldn't have dropped that fast could it??? The EP Album is doing very well tho.


Anonymous said...

@5:16PM Because Trespassing Radio Edit Remix didn't break top 200!!!!It's #12 on Pop. Seems that Adele will stay on top 10 forever!
we coudn't do it.

Anonymous said...

@5:16PM Sorry, I meant that album is #12 on pop music. Single is #65 on Pop

Anonymous said...

I think these numbers for the single and EP are pretty darn good giving the fact there has been minimal if any radio play and not much U.S. promotion. Hoping PLL will help bump the song up and Adam needs more T.V. promo and exposure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon, with all our efforts it's still at #65. Maybe it'll move up slowly over the next couple of days or so. I hope we were doing the right thing by downloading the Radio Edit track only to count it as a single. I guess I'm still confused. The whole EP moves way up and the single doesn't. Well, it's great that the EP is really moving up there!


Anonymous said...

@5:41PM Let's play that Trespassing will be enter on Billboard 200. Or Adam will have problems with RCA. They didn't verify the insurance rumor.

Anonymous said...

What's the story on the new drummer?

Anonymous said...

How is it possible? We worked so hard and at the end is f........ sh!

Anonymous said...

TP the single is not even charting on the top 200 overall on iTunes. What the hay? The EP is #11 on pop. I think maybe directions got confusing for some. I think iTunes updates every hour too.

Anonymous said...

can you gift a song or album to someone from itunes if they don't have an iTunes account. I know several people to gift but they don't have an iTunes account.

Jadam NZ said...

Thanks for getting bsck to me people. I will have to think on this.
No the EP is not on NZ itunes yet. I am hoping it will be eventually.

Anonymous said...

What happened with the drummer?

Anonymous said...

6:48, ask them to open an iTunes account, it's very easy.

Anonymous said...

I'll be gifting a couple more copies of the radio edit tomorrow. Hoping together we can keep it up on the charts for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

@6:43PM I don't get why fans took a different direction to chart Trespassing. The name of the EP is Trespassing and it has bunch of Trespassing remixes. Online sites report it as EP album.

We should have all focused on charting the EP album instead of individual tracks. If we only concentrated on the EP album it would have been up high on iTunes chart for everybody to see it on their mobile phones or tablets.

Now Trespassing track is stock at #68 position and the EP at #11 for not too many casual fans to see it.

Oh well, I supported this cause as much as I could. Bought CD and EP from AO. Downloaded EP from Amazon and downloaded only seven EP tracks (not album, ugh) from iTunes and gifted Trespassing radio edit to friends. Also donated money to I'm done with this phase. BTW LOVE all this EP a lot. Great remixes.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing EP and Radio Edit are doing okay on Amazon.However, I think they don't care about amazon numbers on Billboard. Do they?

Anonymous said...

wow 8:32 you kicked me to the curb. You did a good job on TP. I also hope we did the right thing but I am sure someone had to check it out in depth. hope hope

Anonymous said...

since we are mostly DL the single tracks from the ep I am surprised some of the other remixes aren't showing up on the pop chart.

Anonymous said...

Amazon counts towards Billboard.