Sauli Koskinen in a Finnish Magazine
Filed Under (magazine scans,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Friday, October 19, 2012
Posted at : Friday, October 19, 2012
@adambertdaily: Sauli in a Finnish Magazine: Translation: It's nice to be visiting Finland. I've missed family and friends" says Sauli Koskinen, who is returning to Los Angeles to his singer-love Adam Lambert at the end of October.

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Not long before he sees his love:)
awww can't wait for him to return I think Adam has been missing him so much, and I miss Sauli's sparkly self.
Sauli you rock! Love M
ps. left from Sauli is Sipe Santapukki, a drummer of Very popular finnish rockband called Apulanta
oh drats Adam has been very sexy on stage without him staring over his shoulders
He has been sexy on stage everytime...but much happier when Sauli is nearby
beg to differ, Adam is always happy with or without Sauli
its been nice.
Anon 2012 12:48 PM Adam said in interviews that he was down before he met Sauli. Sauli said that he was happy before he met Adam but after that he was happier.
still many people saying how sad he looks...make up your minds...
still many people saying how sad he looks...make up your minds...
I hope all the purveyers of doom choke on this news. Hurry back honey Adam's lonesome.
@12.57PM...totally and I think alike:)
Adam and Sauli look so beautiful together. Can't wait for new pictures of them back together!
Glad to hear he's coming back it's very hard to be away from the one you love... As for sexy on stage not sure that changes cuz Sauli there or not think that's had more to do with Adam's mood... Remember fantasy springs Sauli 's presence didn't stop him .... Anyway glad Sauli is willing to share him with us .... rode petal
I always want Adam happy, and not lonely. This has been along time apart and I am sure they can't wait to see each other.
Adam is always sexy even when he is not trying to be...
Love both these handsome young men! They are so in love and it looks great on them!!
This is what Sauli said in the beginning of his visit in Finland that he will go back to LA in the end of October...
Wish i could be a fly on the wall in their bedroom when Sauli gets home to Adam! Wow, it will be magical for sure!!
Sauli, come home, come home! Someone has been missing you! You lucky guy!! Adam's lucky too!!
Kudos to Saulie for earning his own way and his own celiberity and for Adam knowing Saulie needs to find his own path. This relationship has a much better chance iof surviving g if both parties have self respect. Sounds like Saulie thinks of LA/Adam as home. The Dark Side
If Adam's going on tour then Sauli will prob be back in Finland for good next year. He can't just follow Adam around for the rest of his life.
Sauli looks very sweet in this picture. So glad Adam has someone special. I bet they really miss each other alot.
Why not! I would!!
So glad Sauli's coming back to LA!!isn't that Adam's scarf that he sometimes wears?He is a cutie & BB loves that's very good;glad other rumors were wrong.
I'm really glad Sauli's coming back to L.A. I think Adam will feel happier and more secure with Sauli nearby. I agree Adam looks happy and sexy on stage but I bet deep down he missed going home to someone very special at the end of the day....wouldn't most people like that?
@1.20 PM...Me too! for sure:)
Yay! Sauli's coming home to LA. Lots of celebrating to do. Halloween. Their Anniversary. And making up for lost time. Love is in the air !!
Adam and Sauli will be celebrating their 2 yr. Anniversary Nov. 6th. Match made in heaven!!
Wish I was a young gay male! Maybe in my next life! Gay men must be proud of who they are!!
Awww they must be missing each other so much. For those in relationships you know you are happy without your partner but SO SO much happier with them around especially when he is home and not busy. They have been living together and spending so much time together these past two years that they must feel the absence of the other when they are apart for this long.
Sauli is a sweet adorable man who has handled Adam's fame and us crazy fans with such class and to be honest we don't really know much about him because he has been protective of his and Adam's private relationship, never indulging too much info about them and I admire that about him. As long as they keep making each other happy then I wish them all the best <333333. Hope we get some boyfriend pics when they reunite :))
So happy for Adam.
What's going on with Trespassong?
I think they are as in love as ever. Adam has said that they communicate with each other every day. I'm sure they are up on each other's news. It will be great when they are back together again. I think their relationship is solid and mature. They can be apart and busy with their own responsibilities and still remain a loving couple. I also want to see new pics of them together!
Lol. I think some people have made quite the romantic fantasy about A and S. In truth we know nothing.
5:16 -- True! And I for one thinks it should stay like that. Let's all keep out of his private life. That's the meaning of the word 'private'.
Looks like the scarf Adam wore at his 2009 performance on THE TODAY SHOW.
In case anyone missed out the first time TP Remix EP is back for sale on AO.
this was about:
"Sauli Koskinen in a Finnish Magazine"
so,why are you even here?
Go read some other news.
I really really hope it`s true!!! But like someone said that was writen weeks ago. Somehow I believe there is something that is not right. Mayby they want us to adjust to thougt that they are no longer a couple so it wouldn`t be a big shock when the they tell us the truth. Or mayby they are on a break I don`t know. Well we will find out very soon because if don`t come back soon thats that. I hope they can be somekind of friend tho. Not very close friend because the distance but something.. The best thing would of course be that everything it`s OK!!!
Doesn't MYOB mean mind your own business? A very good thing to remember and apparantly impossible on this blog.
So glad Adam and Sauli will reunite in the end of this month:) Bet they`re missing each other so much...I guess this was the best time for Sauli visiting Finland...he`ll be back in LA for their anniversary and Adam`s favorite holiday Halloween:) Maybe they`re going to South Africa together:)
Anon October 20, 1:45 AM Agree. Things are not as before when Sauli has been in Finland.
True love lasts despite of apart time:)and they said that´s what their love is:) so be happy about that and stop being so cynical:)
Let's see. Sauli seems to be content so maybe everything is alright between him and Adam although there are some things which make me wonder.
If they have broken up I would be sad because as recently as 6-7 weeks ago Adam told an Aussie DJ that distance didn't work for him and he missed Sauli. He also said during the same promo trip that "in November we will have been together for 2 years." You don't usually speak in a future sense about things you are not hopeful and happy about.
I really can't understand people who wish it was over. Whatever happens, happens but wishing it over? Not a nice sentiment to have towards either of these people.
BTW, Adam is sexy no matter what.
October 22, 2:38 AM Well I hope this distance work. I think this is the longest time they have been apart after Sauli moved to LA.
Yay! Sauli's coming home to LA. Lots of celebrating to do. Halloween. Their Anniversary. And making up for lost time. Love is in the air !!
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