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Adam Lambert Featured on the big screen in Shanghai, China!

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Sunday, November 18, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 18, 2012

@glam_alidol: wow adamlambert is on the big screen in shanghai!

This is a promo for Adam Lambert's concert on December 02, 2012 in Shanghai, China at a Hennessey event.

There is also a rumor going on that Adam may head to China early to perform at a Beach Festival.


Anonymous said...

Huge!!! Adam is love!!! Yessssss!!!

I'm so thrilled and 2012 is your year Adam!!! Yes it is!!!! Don't forget next year, we r expecting the Tour again Yay!!:)

Oh! I love being a part of his Journey!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just when I thought Adam couldn't be more impressive. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Dayum what a picture !! How would you like to be walking down the street and come across that ?....thud for sure.

Anonymous said...

That's certainly a big statement! Love how Adams making his way around the world. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

They certainly appreciate Adam. Fingers crossed that Adam appreciates them too.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Adam appreciates all this why wouldn't he?

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that RCA got it together with China to enable them to sell TRESPASSING in China. I remember that Adam said that it was tricky and that they were working on it.
Think of the sales that would happen for Adam if they get it together and TRESPASSING can be sold there.


Anonymous said...

I want to live on this corner! LOL. Would love for Adam to be able to SELL mjsic in China. I know it's a challenge for all recording artists. China lives by its own rules, apparently. Please vote on the Pop Star poll linked on the thread above!


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:14 a pattern is beginning to form as I see a comment on each thread from you that is not bad enuf to deleite but just passive/aggressive. Your comments are intended to put a doubt in our minds about Adam and his character and demeanor. Wonder if the rest of you have noticed these comments now popping up?

Anonymous said...

@12:54 It should not affect you. If you like Adam enough and trust him why would you even doubt.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I do love me some BIG Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam up in lights! As it should be......JAK

Anonymous said...

This I LOVE! Awesome promotional stuff for The Master! Please US promotions learn from the wonderment of whats happening throughout the world right now.
We have an international superstar who has risen clear above all the dull, boring and repetitive music thats coming out the industry right now. Adam is in a league clear of his own!

daydreamin said...

Now that's what I like to see:)))))

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - thank you for ALL your posts, links and hard work, SOOOO appreciated!

This pic (Adam after he performed Underneath) --- ISN'T IT PAINFULLY BEAUTIFUL!

The same pic "artistically enhanced" by augenpoesie (in the middle of this Adamtopia page) ---SO BEAUTIFUL, NO WORDS!


Anonymous said...

BRILLIANT promo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to see Adam honored like this.