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Adam Lambert - If I Had You (Live in Joburg)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 17, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 17, 2012


Anonymous said...


VOTE repeatedly for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of Today:

VOTE repeatedly for QUEEN and ADAM:

Anonymous said...

Are you still tweeting the planners of the inauguration festivities?

Let them know what an outstanding role model Adam has been and what a great asset his beautiful voice would be to the ceremony or ball.


Anonymous said...

Loved it!!Great job everyone. Still waiting to see the rest of the concert.

Anonymous said...

Wow The excitement of the crowd was huge,Adam must have felt great with that reaction! Hope more vids will be coming our way

Adamluv said...

I'm sitting here grinning from ear to ear at the reception Adam received from this crowd. So thrilled for him!! Very significant IMO (in light of South Africas historical race issues) to see Adam on stage with his band/dancers/singers both white and black. It sends such a positive message to the world. But Adam, just being Adam, does this on many levels. Have always loved IIHY! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

An oldie but goodie. LOL

Tanssitytöt by

Sauli and Niko

Anonymous said...

Wow I believe that is a reception of a big old superstar! Love that hand heart thing. So good! Just a huge reception and very well deserved, thank you for every video, Iove them. He did a wonderful job on both of these. Oncert's. This was a pretty wild crowd at least in there love for Adam, Adam know's when to turn up the sexy a notch. Love every thing I saw! His vocal's were out of this world, most important thing of all! Think I will check back see if anymore vidio's, but gonna retire the finger for tonight, goodnight to all loyal Glambert's going to go do stuff and request! Sue

Anonymous said...

No videos from the Johannesburg concert. Casual fans don't take vids.

Anonymous said...

Snotty comment.

Anonymous said...

If they entered that arena casual fans, they left being - blown away entertained high on Adam Lambert uber fucking drunk on Adam Lambert loyal impressed drooling falling down drunk of Adam Lambert's brilliance - fans

from what I gather following the twitterverse and post-concert media frenzy

take that