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Adam Lambert Tweets About The Election and his responses

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 4, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, November 04, 2012


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Anonymous said...

I say quit feeding the druggies their habits. No work, more stealing and killing.

Anonymous said...

Not all christians are homophobics. that is narrow minded thinking. The world is in danger because of this type of thinking. you can love a sinner but not their sin. A president is for ALL people not just a certain group. get the fact straight people. sti

Anonymous said...


You missed the point of @6:12. China (atheist) and the Muslims (Jihadists) will have no qualm dropping a bomb on the White House, not the Christians, Mormons, Catholics and Evangelicals you mentioned.
And they don't preach hatred of gays but do not approve of same sex marriage which is unbiblical because the dignity of marriage is only between a man and a woman.
And to Catholics, the sanctity of marriage is a sacrament, not just a union. I'm sure these religions you mentioned agree for equality for all, even for LGBT in civil unions, but not a marriage, and give them all the rights of a married couple.

Anonymous said...

5:52 PM______You are wrong (about so many things) but in particular the quote by Voltaire____that is exactly what he said.

Patrick Henry said "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Don't mess with me, I taught history for 30 years!

By the way we do not have 57 states, as of this minute we have 50! You might consider going back to school!

Anonymous said...

Economy is what feeds us. Poverty is on the rise on every corner. It isn't about who is President, but who wants the Economy moving in the right direction. College students want jobs, but can't find one. Crime is getting out of hand and drug abuse and suicide are on the rise. America is in a very serious situation.

Anonymous said...

America is very unbiblical, that is why it is suffering so.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:52 P.M.

I am not the one changing history. You are wrong on many counts. Voltaire said exactly what I quoted him saying.

Patrick Henry said "I know not course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."

Don't mess with me, I taught history for 30 years!

You might consider some night school classes. As of this moment there are 50 states not 57!

Anonymous said...

From a neutral bystander's point...the American nation seems split right down the middle. Even John King's beautiful Red/Blue states map further emphasises this. I wonder if children and young people brought up in this 'split' environment might be impaired in their judgements, making of choices and decisions, later on in their lives. For example from young, they may be attuned are Republican but I'm Democrat and may tend to lean or side with people on this basis; and not make clear decisions, choices, judgements that are intrinsically right or wrong, good or bad for themselves. Biased thinking is something that is hard to rid especially if indoctrinated at a young age. As already proven in Congress, President Obama couldn't implement strategies that he and his Cabinet and other Staff Members think would work for the people regarding jobs, economy etc. due to this vast divide. And consequently had no other way but turn back to wooing the people directly, to stay on course and win his second term. So in this aspect and others, President Obama is better suited to bring America back together as one fold, not a 'split' nation. As I've often heard said...look across the isle...And in Adam's term, making connections...Happy Elections Day Americans! :)

Anonymous said...

Obama understands how important it is to negotiate with other countries, the importance in showing tolerance and respect. This is not a sign of weakness it's the only way for the world to work together. When Bush was President other countries referred to the US as the Police State, they saw the States as a power hungry bulling country. I can't believe that now the US has a decent President wants to vote him out. Just look at the terrible mess Bush left behind, Obama needs more time to rebuild but so far I believe he is doing a great job, and the rest of the world has renewed their respect for the US, this has nothing to so with foreign aid, but a willingness to sit at the table and to talk about working together to sort out differences can go along way rather than bullying them into submission.

Anonymous said...

On September 11, 2012, almost two months ago our American Embassy in Libya was set upon by terrorists who killed our Ambassador, his Aide and two Navy Seals. The next day President Obama stood in the Rose Garden and spoke for less than 2 minutes about this fact. He then flew to Las Vegas to continue campaigning. We've heard NOTHING from him about this attack on America since that time. Win or lose this election, Mr. Obama is going to have to deal with this in front of the Senate and Congress. This debachle is not being telecast on your favorite news channels.

On October 29, hurricaine Sandy hit New Jersey and New York. The next day Obama was in New Jersey to assess the damage along with Governor Christy. That day he flew to Las Vegas again to continue campaigning. Hasn't said a word about Sandy since.

Have you watched the news lately. the people in those two states are suffering from lack of food, water, gasoline, power. There is looting. People are deficating in the streets. Women are being raped and where is the President? Campaigning. He does it because he's good at it. Remember Katrina and how the good people of Louisiana and democrats everywhere else blamed Bush for EVERYTHING. One high ranking Democrat went on tv and said Bush blew up the levies that caused the flooding of the 9th Ward.

I hope the campaigner in chief of the US can sleep nights.

I won't threaten to move to another country or kill myself or never vote again IF he wins tomorrow but I sure as heck will be one happy ex democrat shouting from the rooftops WHEN he loses.

He has been the biggest disaster this country has ever seen and I voted for him once but not again. I learn from my mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and btw history teacher of 30 years, I did not say there are 57 states in the US, Obama did!! Google it!

Anonymous said...

I believe @5:52 was quoting Mr. Obama when she/he mentioned "57 states".

Anonymous said...

@9:41PM Stop getting your news from major corporate medias. Research what is happening behind the curtain.

Read this article:

Why Does Mitt Romney Want to Bomb Iran?

As an Iranian Glambert I don't want any war in my country.

Anonymous said...

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" was written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, pen name Stephen G. Tallentyre in her book entitled "The Friends of Voltaire." 1906

Maybe the history teacher of 30 years should apologize to @5:52. I bet your students just loved you and your sweet attitude. Enjoy your retirement :)

HK fan said...

@anon 8.09
China is no more an atheist country than the US or the UK. They may not follow 'your God' but most are very deeply religious, following either Shenism, Taoism, Buddhism or Christianity.

GLb said...

You know, JAK, the same American (Obama's!) ambassador, in his highly democratic wisdom, said to us that we should be happy with our goverment, as long as no blood is shed on our streets. He forgot to add "anymore". (Some say he has personal economic interests in our country and that's why he advocates for maintaining the status quo). The point is that we already shed our blood, 20 years ago, when we tried to change "injustice" with "justice" (or so we thought). I was young, but I was there, on the streets. I knew what we fought for. We failed... mostly because we tried to import a fault(y) model and use it as such in operating a faulty in itself society. I don't judge you, JAK, on US ambassador vocal manifestations and I don't judge all Americans (only) by what I read here.
Making fun of things was my people's way of surviving the epoch of state socialism. We can say now, it wasn't all so bad. For us, "freedom" came with more losses than we had ever thought possible. The worst in us, as a society, surfaced more than ever before. Maybe the worst of it - we've become a nation of skeptics. We trust no one, not even ourselves, and blame everybody, especially ourselves. Nevertheless, we are no better or worse than other nations. We just enjoy... the mortification of the flesh (ours and others) along with the feeling that we are just pawns on the history's table of chess. You are pawns too, but you've been taught to feel like rooks, knights or bishops (we call them tower, horse and fool :-)), aspiring to be queens and kings. We all are the "morituri", you see. As bloodless as it gets!
Well, this is where my comments are rooted in. You should know that before considering adjusting your self/social/national-image based on what I write here. :-)

Btw... Just found a "flash" of the "21st century enlightenment" :-)


PS: I also highly recommend you to read the Xenophobe's guides. All of them! You'll feel better afterwards. All of you fine people.

Anonymous said...

Ave GLb. the skeptical, (cynical), international Bert.
His(former) Excellency used "law" when he spoke about The Parliament changing the law of the referendum.
In the statement you quoted he said
"...what matters are the RULES..."

Anonymous said...

Economies aren't fixed over night, especially when two wars are involved. The stock market is over 13,000; it was 9,000 or under at the beginning of 2008. Any attempts that were made to provide legislation that created jobs was blocked by the GOP, even at the expense of their own constituents. When you have a party that publicly announces that their sole purpose in congress is to destroy Obama and make sure he doesn't get second term, they SHOULD be brought down. And as for Mitt, how can you believe a thing he says. He is on tape contradicting himself over and over, plus he has no plan; he just says he can fix it. I don't think Mitt even knows what he believes, and somehow his fans seem to be deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to his words and actions.

Anonymous said...

Economies aren't fixed over night, especially when two wars are involved. The stock market is over 13,000; it was 9,000 or under at the beginning of 2008. Any attempts that were made to provide legislation that created jobs was blocked by the GOP, even at the expense of their own constituents. When you have a party that publicly announces that their sole purpose in congress is to destroy Obama and make sure he doesn't get second term, they SHOULD be brought down. And as for Mitt, how can you believe a thing he says. He is on tape contradicting himself over and over, plus he has no plan; he just says he can fix it. I don't think Mitt even knows what he believes, and somehow his fans seem to be deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to his words and actions.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Romney isn't the answer to our problems, but we know Obama doesn't even know the question.

A great man once said and I paraphrase: Making the same mistakes over and over again while expecting different results is the meaning of insanity.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam you sure opened a can of worms didn't you.

GLb said...

HaHaHa. A well-informed, term/case-sensitive... definitely "international";-) ..Bert! Wow! I'm touched. And intrigued. And I love it!
My friend, the (wiser) untagged one, forgive me. He said rules, I said laws. I believe we both meant 'the rule of law'... rule acording to law... to higher law... rule under law... (now I must look for all that to see what the heck I just said; half of the time I'm just un/consciously gibbering. lol)

Damn! I wish I had a twitter/messenger/chat account to continue our 'rules and laws' discussion without alienating anyone here, especially the US voters.
Well, it's too late (in the night) for that anyway. Damn, damn, damn! :-)

Oh, if you say you are an US citizen, I'll die (by my own sterotypes) ...and then I'll apply for a Green Card or something. LOL.

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