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More Awesome Pictures! (November 16, 2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, November 16, 2012


daydreamin said...

One more clear closeup of Adam and the little girl...
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

That shirt just be came my favorite shirt, but more in love with who wearing the shirt. That is one sexy picture, handsome mam sexy chest. By the way to any critic's his skin look glowing and clear! One best pictures yet, all of the above pictures are good, love, love the one with the little girl, so sweet! Sue

Anonymous said...

Oh my- for years now adam's always covering up most of his great body. Love that new shirt- I will die to see the whole thing OFF lol . It would make this insominac sleep better hehe

Anonymous said...

He is just so gorgeous. Beautiful inside and out.

Anonymous said...

Maturity wears so well on Adam. Each year he just gets better and better looking. Especially with his hair back off his face . Think it fair to say South Africa a success.

Anonymous said...

That's the most generous and deepest cleavage I've seen on him.
The last picture is simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Readers' Choice: Vote For The Best Dressed Stars Of 2012!
Who Is The Most Stylish Dude Of 2012?

We all know who the most stylish one is.
Adam is currently in the lead. Voting open until Dec. 7.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the insults to start for the laughing lady in photo #5. Here's your chance, another target for rudeness.

choons said...

Love the second-last photo - dude's got 'tude!

daydreamin said...

Neck licking gif:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Last photo is so beautiful. He really is georgeous what a face and presence.

Anonymous said...

ADAM on VH1′s Newly Launched Artists Website!

From Hits Daily Double’s Rumor Mill: ARTISTS ONLY:

Today is launch day for Artists.VH1, which will serve as the new front door for artists to have their music showcased across VH1′s various channels and screens.

The new platform has been created to serve worthy bands and artists who’ve been underexposed in the digital space—a discovery destination spanning multiple genres and decades.

The first on-air integration will take place during 2012 VH2 Divas debuting live on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood Reporter: BITS AND PIECES

ADAM LAMBERT’s “TRESPASSING” disappeared from the Hot Singles Sales chart last week.

But now it re-enters in dramatic fashion, coming in at No. 3.
The song is also doing well on Hot Dance Club Play, where it’s up 47-41 with a bullet.
Trespassing re-enters Hot Singles Sales chart at #3 & up 47-41 w/ a bullet on Hot Dance Club Play chart…”

Anonymous said...

Wow! That Trespassing suit+boots is really something else...very very artistic; and then when he turned around, the back of the jacket, wham! I also like the yellow bands on the pants. This piece should go on The Blonds runway. So far, I think this Trespassing suit tops his stage fashions. About the Trespassing performance...Adam with this wonderful of his best Trespassing performances; but I hear a mild disconnect from the 'key' of the drums...slightly off, low/flat and so did not gel as well into Adam's singing which had nothing to do with that and he was top form as always.

Anonymous said...

@9:06- thanks for the info- Can we just imagine how adam would chart if only people could hear his music! i think he's doing amazing beyond belief from no radio support here! USA radio- you suck!

daydreamin said...

Lam-my I must admit I have been watching and re-watching that vid. Have you checked out how nice the back side looks on him? Tightest I've seen yet:)

Here is a fun sight that will be answering a question a day about Adam:
Click HERE

Anonymous said...

Adam, winning EVERYONE over with his beautiful human self.

Anonymous said...

Day dreamin' aldkfjlsadkfjalskdjf alsdkjfsla;kdjf

Anonymous said...

wtf? I want a M&G with Adam wearing that blue shirt and buttoned just like it is now.

Anonymous said...

I was expecting to see a tight back! No, have not seen it yet; but when Adam turned around, the back looked very good. And that special fist with mic, arm stretched pose at the end of Trespassing performance is his signature pose, way back on AI. But this time it looked stunning with that Trespassing suit+boots. :)

Anonymous said...

Just look at all those beaming fans, including industry ones,
just in awe at the presence of the Glambert! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Alexandar McQueen shirt which always looks amazing on Adam!

Anonymous said...

Loved the 702 picture along with the last. Just so Adam and so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Photo 4 and 5, Adam charming the crapmouta people. I don't think that he has ever looked or performed more beautifully then he hasin SA. His eyes are so clear and light. He is a beautiful freak of a human. I mean, come on!!!! Gifted in voice, beauty, body, heart and mind!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

@8:37PM, Sounds like your inviting trouble, why make a comment like that, it only stirs up the crazies.

Anonymous said...

Chest is reserved for the boys!

Anonymous said...

Well well Adam seems moving on. The relationship isn`t his thing. People wants to see him performing nasty and him going to the clubs with boys. He tryed other direction but it didn`t work. I thing we will say goodby to Sauli very soon. Adam hasn`t even mentioned him for a long time. Someone said sometime ago that Adam isn`t even folloing his instgaram anymore. Well I don`t know about that but all the clubing and fotos and everythingg else seems to me he is single again atleast very soon. I am sorry about that because I personally liked "organic" Adam more. This is a bit inmature behavior to me. But what people wants people gets.

Anonymous said...

@2:34 AM - nothing Adam has done indicates that he and Sauli are on the rocks..his stage performance is just that..a stage hidden meaning..the fans go crazy, me included, for SEXY Adam..Adam likes to go out and have a couple of drinks..he went with band mates and dancers in SA..and everyone wants to have their pic taken with him...Sauli does not have to be joined at the hip with Adam 24/7...but even if their relationship is cooling off it is not any of our business..time will tell..celebs break up, and make up, all the ain't easy being in their line of work to stay committed..I, for one, just hope Adam is happy....and he sure seems to be..

Anonymous said...

I for one want Sauli be happy also and Adam too but Adam has no right to be more important person than Sauli or anyone else. He is not God or a saint..

Anonymous said...

back in June of '10 when Adam performed in my home town, he performed fellatio on his mic...he loves to get down and sexy..and we, his fans, love it just as much...if you are a true fan of Adam, you are not uptight and all upset by it..just relax and is fun and the commanding force of all mankind...

Anonymous said...

@3:25 AM - whoever suggested that Sauli should not be as happy as Adam..that boy seems hot and happy to me..IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS WHAT GOES ON WITH THIS COUPLE OR ANY OTHER FOR THAT MATTER...seriously..Adam God..what a ridiculous statement..

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin .... WHOA!!That neck licking gif!!!!! Ashley is certainly a sexy piece and so is the person licking her neck!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My faves of these photos are #11 O_O and the last photo (*sighs).

Anonymous said...

To: November 17, 2012 3:25 AM

Oh PUHLEEZ!! Stop stressing about
Sauli's importance and happiness. We know nothing about Adam and Sauli's relationship so best not to speculate about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it`s OK to stress about Adam`s happiness but not Saulis. And you people call yourself tolerant!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:02AM Hello! This is ADAM LAMBERT's 24/7 News!

Anonymous said...

These pics are great, and it's wonderful to see pics of Adam with male fans. :)

Anonymous said...

4:02 AM - you are behaving very foolishly..let us be concerned about the welfare and happiness of all humankind...what in the world makes you think that anyone denigrates Sauli?? Of course, he deserves to be as happy as anyone else, including Adam..get a grip girl!!

HK fan said...


OK, I will admit it,the blue shirt is growing on me. The undone buttons really improves the look of it!!!

Anonymous said...

For your information I`m not a girl..

Anonymous said...

Adam is absolutely gorgeous in that last picture and I like the dark brown hair with some hi-lights at the ends.

I can't wait for some more videos from the concert; what we have seen so far looks like Adam was having a great time on that stage.

Adam has learned to tailor his performances to his audience that's why some are raunchier than others and most of us like a bit of naughtiness from him.

The comments about his personal life are unfair. If we
are his biggest fans why are we putting him under a microscope and dissecting everything he does? Just chill out folks and enjoy his amazing talent!

Anonymous said...

@5:03, well said.

Anonymous said...

UH, OH! This thread is getting all "junior high" again.

Adam is stunning, as usual. Waiting for more vids!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Oic, the band seems to have gone to the zoo or safari. I wonder if Adam went, lol..

Anonymous said...

I think there are people who react more negatively to cheating than others. It's just a quality of one's nature that you can't change. In my opinion it's not the same as being conservative. I mean how can you be loyal and cheat at the same time?

Anonymous said...

He is a human being remember? He will make mistakes like the rest of us. Your priorities and believes can differ. Its ok. We cant all be the same. I love Adam! Anyone elses negatvity towards him makes my love and protectiveness and loyalty that much stronger. There are plenty of other performers you can better identify with I'm sure. Go ahead, get going. We will receive you back when you are more tolerable and accepting. Adam is one of a kind!! He will always be himself and is not for the meek and timid. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so breathtakingly gorgeous in these pictures. So glad he is getting to meet new fans. Adam is great!! Love the man and his music!

Anonymous said...

@7:20AM I'm sorry, but in all your protectiveness you sound a typical uptight Glambert to me. I know Adam never says sorry, and neither does a faithful Glambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam's private life is his business and has nothing to do with anyone else, for people who can't except that then butt out and mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Thou hast no right but to do thy will."

Anonymous said...

Adam didn't look too drunk in the pictures if you ask me. The eyes looked a bit red, probably caused by lack of sleep or passive smoking. Passive smoking while touring *cough* could affect Adam's voice *cough*

Anonymous said...

Anon 17, 2012 6:34 "Adam's way of exploring other cultures is going to the bars in foreign countries."

Lol that's true!

Anonymous said...

8:02AM.. You might also like to add to that,"Do not judge others, or you to will be judged". Mathew 7 NIV.

Anonymous said...
Bieber is ahead of Adam now!!Come on,fans,let's get BB BACK AHEAD OF HIM!!I THINK YOU CAN VOTE ONCE A DAY,CAUSE IT SAID"We've already counted your vote." (when I tried to vote again)

Anonymous said...

@8:25AM It is so true. Occasionally he goes shopping, if he is not busy, or hung-over, lol.

Anonymous said...

Well Sauli is happy too

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Adam is safe from Sauli's temporary cigarette smoke now.

Anonymous said...

Night clubs pay celebrities to go to their clubs. It's not like Adam was there all by himself to have fun. He was paid by the clubs to be there. He was booked by SA publicists in Cape Town and JBorg to go to these clubs. He might have as well just stayed in VIP section and didn't bother with people there. But he loves to socialize with people and his fans.

Don't assume things you don't know. This site is about Adam news if you didn't know. Adam is an entertainer not an attorney.

Anonymous said...

@8:47 Yeah Sauli seems to have fun too so just relax1

Anonymous said...

Adam's just finished up a huge show, surely he's entitled to relax and unwind a bit.

Anonymous said...

Yes, my point was Adam wants to go to clubs rather than somewhere else. It's a win win if they pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Why people are so hung up about Adam's personal life and not his music. Hmmmmm...something needs to be done about this!

Anonymous said...

Adam's recent tweets:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
View video

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
View media

Kim ‏@Zoodlemouse13
RT Lloydi_Boy: Seriously was amazed at @TommyJoeRatliff 's skills on that guitar last night @adamlambert #Johannesburg #WOW :D
Retweeted by Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
View photo

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
“@Karenper: @shoshannastone here is one pic of the crowd” u didn't say last nights show was THAT huge @adamlambert !!
Retweeted by Adam Lambert
View photo

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Whew still reeling from last night. Such a wild show!

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
JoBurg! Woah y'all so sexy!!!! What?!

Anonymous said...

On that last picture of Adam, is he rocking his own natural hair color on the sides? If so, I love it!

Anonymous said...

I don't know maybe Adam wants that fandom is like a community where we all think alike. I have to say I would suffocate in a community. I prefer to be a casual fan and just buy the music and share my opinions. Sometimes I don't agree with the rules of Adam and this fandom.

Anonymous said...

You can keep on voting. Just refresh the page. I just voted many times.

Anonymous said...

Just learned that both ADAM and Britney share the same UK publicist in Shoshanna Stone.
She has both Billboard's SEXIEST Male & Female in Music!
More power to you, Shoshanna>

Anonymous said...

@9:06 AM They pay to Adam cause they will have more ppl in gay clubs because of him.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:32 AM
It seems to me that Adam is the last person who would expect anyone to be exactly the same as anyone else, either in thought or style, or opinion, etc.... It's interesting to me why you get that feeling from Adam?? Could you expand on that comment? Just wondering. Also, I'm curious to know what "the rules of Adam and this fandom" are. The only real "rules" that I can think of that Adam might promote would be to respect one another and to have fun. He's also very big on Love, so I'm thinking he's a big promoter of that as well. Not a bad thing at all, in this world where suspicion and hate sometimes take over some people's thought processes. Sadly. The people that I have met in the ever-evolving fandom of Adam Lambert are generally lovely, open-minded, accepting, generous, passionate, intelligent, etc.. people who think for themselves and wish others to do the same. They are also very diverse in age, background, color, ethnicity, sexuality, and are fans of the man Adam Lambert not only for his voice but who he is as a person. I personally started out in this journey with Adam going on 4 years ago knowing not one other fan, but through more than a few concert experiences and through blogs like this one, I've been blessed to meet and get to know a lot of people in Adam's fan community. And I understand what you mean: I'm not a big "joiner" but love being an Adam Lambert fan...As far as I can tell, I haven't been taken over by a "Borg" mentality! LOL!!! (Star Trek The Next Generation reference by the way..) But I'm definitely happy to be a part of this wonderful fandom. Being a "casual" fan is great too, by the way. Appreciating Adam's voice and music is all that matters really....

Anonymous said...

Review of the concert in JBorg SA:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any nice HD close up picture of Adam, only, with his new Trespassing jacket. Can anyone post one if you know of any?

Anonymous said...

Uptight? A glambert?! That's funny. Glamberts are the chillest people. We are loving, very open minded, yes sometimes obssessive, but all coming from a good place.

Anonymous said...

The number 1 rule by Adam is the Adommy. I feel that we must still all like it and I think it's stupid. It derives from the Ama setback.

Anonymous said...

An article about Adam's visit in South Africa:

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, your love and respect for Adam and our fan base is always so encouraging! I've never met you, but I love you positive comments and apprectiate your level headedness. I too have been a fan of this lovely man for 4 years and I don't see an end in sight. I LOVE being a Glambert!! Always will!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's AMA performance! Adam is just ahead of his time. Some people aren't ready. I love Adommy,Saulibert, Kradam, Bradam. As long as Adam is in the equation.

Anonymous said...

Great time in SA. So Adam`s not going to China for Thanksgiving...I guess he`s heading home to LA.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the rule number 2 is we must all read and write fanfic. Never gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 AM Really how so?

Anonymous said...

@10:38 I saw this tweet so has Adam's plans changed?

@alidol ‏@glam_alidol
don't know other chinese gig confirmed or not . i just know adam will go to hongkong before he goes to shanghai.

Anonymous said...

11:05 am...well why not??

Anonymous said...

well I know nothing:)...I saw the tweet too... I guess we know soon where he`ll be:)

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam goes out to a club after his show doesn't mean he and Sauli are no longer together. It seems he is out with the band members to have some fun. No one knows the status of his relationship and Adam has not commented about it. If and when he does, then we will know the truth. The rest is all speculation. The shows from SA looked amazing and Adam is just getting better on stage, probably feeling more comfortable...enough to let loose and show the audience his sexy, wild side. The leather outfit by the Blonds for Trespassing was the best, so appropriate for the song. I think we all want the best for Adam in his life and his career because he so deserves it.

Anonymous said...

@November 17, 2012 6:34 AM troll ....
Keep your filthy language to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a great artist and his music and concerts have often been a great success as now in SA. But what he doesn´t seem to be, is a good, caring and respectful boyfriend.
Sauli apparently does - besides being a devoted and loving boyfriend -he cooking and daily cleaning and the laundry in Adams house. Besides, he has told in his blogs, how he buys in second hand shops and net cheap clothes for himself.luckyly he has such a good taste that he looks neatly dressed. Adam also very seldom seems to take Sauli to better and restaurants for dinneretc. Casually there are seen in red carpet parties, ok -but there you don´t need to pay anything for the servings! Adam doesn´t be able to affrord Sauli at least an old car either, so Sauli alone and better move around in the large city.
At the same time Adam himself is very fashion-conscious, buys the most expensive clouths, shows them and seems to be very proud of them.
Adam has also told in severa public interviews that he is for gay marriages but that he himself has no plans to get married anytime soon. He has so little experience, he declares. Does that mean, that Sauli is some kind of exercise-partner? Sauli´s opinion doesn´t matter anything at all, it never seems to be worth mentioning in these interviews.

Unlike other celebrities Adam appaerently cannot afford -or doesn´t care - to take Sauli with him to concert tours either.To countries,which would be fascinating and wonderful experiences for Sauli likie SA! What Sauli can, is to sit home and read tweets and other desprictions all over internet about wild and "crazy" after parties with Adam sucking shots of naked waiters - true or not. (Also Brian told, that it was an all night wild party). Where is the Adam, who told that he doesn´t care of partiing any more?
And now Adam with the crew seems to travel direct to China for over a week.The only concert we know is in the beginning of November. Brian has talked about "vacationing". And Sauli continues sitting staying in LA and will celebrate Thanksgiving Day with the Finns..It is undestandable that tries to find some contacts and social life in order to stand out.

Sasuli is a sunny classy human being respecting their privary and trying to find some meanningful contents in his life in this foreign country. Thanks he being so loved in his home country,Finland has affored him some opportunities to earn money (because of VISA restrictions he cannot work here by an American employer).

Sauli is a sunny,lovely and honest human being, who came here while he loves Adam. But I am afraid that sometimes the line will be exceeded,he cannot stand anymore. As a Finn I think I know our mentality: we are mostly tough and try our best, but we cannot stand be humiliated.

But then, of coursse, Adam will have his freedom again, will be free to party and drink, free to lick, grind and suck and pick casual men again.In that case Adam seems to have forgotten, what he earlier told: he has said which a long time he searced someone to love. But the fame and "freedom" seem to mean still more - or they destroy his possibilities to find and hold true love.
And still I hope I am wrong: Sauli can take more than I can believe - and Adam takes time to think of Sauli´s situation and their relationship once more before it is too late.
(Excuse, pleaae, my grammatical mistakes.)

Anonymous said...

I can empathise with your concerns and I think you do care how Sauli feels but only as an outsider. It's mostly from your viewpoint. Sauli may want to deal with his own work and commitments rather than hang around Adam when he's mostly in another country to work. So what does he do there, just watch Adam at rehearsals, at the same worry about his own work. Hey Adam needs to earn a living too, though in Adam's case it's a lot more than just work; it's his passion. And passion is like wild fire; it consumes the artist's whole mind, heart and soul. Just like Michael Angelo, when he painted the ceiling of Sistine Chapel, refused to come down; they had to send food up to him. You do care for Sauli as I see it but by painting him as a rather weak and always waiting for Adam, kind of person, you are actually degrading him. From the little I know of Sauli, he seems a person of strong character and knows what he is doing. He's also very talented and comfortable with himself. When the time comes for Adam and Sauli to decide to call it quits, then let that be but meantime, it's not necessary to hasten the process. It happens to all lovers, couples and even those sealed by marriage. Couples break up even if they have all the time in the world together. Agree that more time together strengthens the love and relationship but the main ingredient is still how strong that love is. And yes, I do think it's difficult for Adam and Sauli, by the very nature of the relationship. They're both essentially guys; whereas in the case of a woman/wife, her children take away that wait time, a lot and may have a better chance of a couple's love surviving. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Relationships can be hard and they do end sometimes. But I thing that the situation would be better solved out in private before acting like Adam is acting now. And I really thing that they should tell us if things have changes. I like Adams music and I have thought that he is a good person but now I`m not sure anymore. The married thing is really strange to me too. Is Sauli really some kind of expierince for him before the true love. If thats the case he is most discusting person I have ever thought. I hope Sauli is happy and of course Adam too. Hope this is acting like someone here says...

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't all love relationships some kind of "experience" for both parties...what is so disgusting about that? We learn, we fall, we experiment and hopefully, from it all, be in a better position and more ready for a long-lasting relationship. That's life...isn't it? Some couples find their live-long partners right from the start but most people go through the "experience" stages; nothing "disgusting" at all. In fact, it makes one stronger and more open-minded and it will help them avoid the pitfalls to hopefully have a more fulfilling relationship when it happens again. And in what capacity are you to demand Adam and Sauli reveal anything or changes about their relationship, to you or anyone?

Anonymous said...

Of course they are all expierince I didn`t mean that. What I ment was that if you know that this is not it why continue and perhaps misslead the other part.. And they don`t have to tell me or us anything but it would stop this kind of speculations and worriness.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lam-my, for your empathic,cultivated answer. Although we wouldn´t agree in everything, this is the way we should discuss here.

Our theme is complex, you can here just touch some aspects of it. And - English is not my native language so my ways to express myself are restricted. (There were terribly many mistakes in my former text, because I didn´t have the energy to read it through!)

I agree with you that to be an artist demands often your soul and body. But also an artist needs other people, especially some special one. I also know that Sauli is a very supportive and understanding partner. He always speaks so positively about Adam´s "work". And he is really not a weak, needy personality. He is and wants to be brave and gives in his blogs and Tutkas the impression of being happy and joyful, tries to find something nice to write and tell though there doesn´t always happen that much in his life alone. He also speaks positively about his second hand- and net-shoppings and how he must walk to the remote center from their house on the hills like no other one.I know, he is trying hard to copy with the circumstances.The company of the other Finns in LA are a an important support and energy giver for him and help him to get along. He is also active and busy in their common home, cooks (I know), cleans (he has told he cannot stand out disorder)and who takes care of laundry if not he.

But Adam, though an artist, has his duties towards his boyfriend if he wants to live in a partnership. He is not such a poor man that he couldn´t, formost economically, support his partner and provide him the proper essentials of living at least in some way equivalent to his own standard of living. Sauli earns some money by working for the Finnish media, modeling etc. but it also brings Adam something economically, that Sauli works in their house. And he muast have noticed how overhappy Sauli was, when Adam took him for ex. to Tokyo, Canada and New York.

I sincerely hope, that this in so many ways beautiful relationship of these two inside and outside beautiful men lasts a long time and that they understand the situation and needs of each others - and don´t loose the jem they both have found.

Have a beautiful day :-).


Anonymous said...

Well all we know about Adam`s and Sauli`s relationship, is what they let us know. Both has recently said all is well and both are happy. What relationship rules they have agreed on as a team is their business. Adam is all for equality, so based on that what he does on freetime while touring, is allowed to Sauli as well. If they see eye to eye on important things, they have a chance to maintain their relationship. I think that Adam is more confident about himself (not referring to his singing..he`s been confident about that all along)) nowadays and I bet is has a lot to do with his loving relationship with Sauli. I get the feeling that Sauli is not possessive...I think it might be the other way around. They learn and grow together and if it`s time call it quits, then so be it. Wish them both happiness!

Anonymous said...

12:51.....Have a beautiful day too! :)


Anonymous said...

Anonymoys 11:31 PM said..

Thank you. I agree with you. The relationships break up, though both of the parties didn´t want it, but if one of the parners takes and sees the partnership from the start as an experiment and exercise, it is just unmoral and disgusting. And still in this case, Sauli left everything and moved to a foreign country to Adam, because he loves him, he still calls the common house his home and speaks how this and that thing will be after some years.

And Finland is not a country, which you leave in order to come to "America". We have a good living standard, excellent public education,practically gratis public health care etc.

So, Lam-my, in this respect I don´t agree with you or you have misunderstood what I wanted to say.

Hopefully everything is better as we think.

Anonymous said...

Our boys are intelligent and compassionate men...they know what they have together ...the real thing, naked love, no frills, no bs...they`ve built a strong bond (their words). Love is great!

Anonymous said...

How would anyone be able to tell "from the start" or it's still ongoing that a relationship won't work? It has to take its course. I follow Adam's concerts closely, and when Sauli is in the audience, he points to him when he sings about falling in love etc. Do remember his concerts are watched by millions. Why would he want to express his love for Sauli in front of millions of viewers if he does not truly love him and he is just merely experimenting? Adam loves Sauli. He's not toying with Sauli nor misleading him if that is what you are insinuating. So, you as an outsider is accusing Adam of just 'keeping' Sauli and experimenting with him. To me this is very rash and irresponsible thinking on your part! I suggest you stop speculating in such an unhealthy manner. And you are also suggesting Sauli cannot make his own decisions; because he can always make the first move if he thinks the relationship is not worth giving it a go. Please give Sauli more credit! Goodness! Can't believe this!

glitzylady said...

What a strange turn this thread took. Discussing Adam and Sauli's relationship as if we "know" what is going on in each of their minds and hearts, based on a few pictures from South Africa, and some assumptions that because they have spent a fair amount of time apart this year, due to both Adam and Sauli's work responsibilities, that they cannot possibly survive as a couple.

All in all, it is none of our business, as fans, to pick apart their relationship, and to speculate on the imminent demise of their lives as loving partners. The, in my opinion, unfounded and unsupported comments in one post above, for example, that "Adam also very seldom seems to take Sauli to better and restaurants for dinner,etc.", are based on what? The lack of paparazzi pictures of them leaving expensive LA restaurants??? The comments about Adam being a bad boyfriend because he doesn't buy Sauli a car (perhaps Sauli doesn't want one..who knows..), the comments about Sauli shopping in used clothing shops, (for instance Wasteland, a well known trendy new and used clothing shop on Melrose Ave), while Adam buys expensive clothing (much of which seems to have work-related uses).., the comments about Sauli cooking and cleaning while Adam works. Sheesh. You would think after listening (reading) all that. that Adam is an uncaring selfish irresponsible person, and Sauli is doing all the work in the relationship while Adam travels the world, has fun, parties...and neglects their relationship. I remember Adam saying quite a long time ago, that he didn't feel it wasn't fair to drag a partner along on working trips because so little time might be spent together.

Sauli seems to have things under control, he has his own friends, in addition to the ones he has in common with Adam, and he does have his own work responsibilities as well, and his own income. Adam is a good guy, Sauli is too. They seem to both be lovely, loving, AND in love.. With each other. As for the Marriage comment, Adam has said "not right now.." but certainly hasn't said "never". And I'm sure Adam lets Sauli speak for himself on the matter. Their relationship is young really. There is no rush. And again, none of our business. Whatever the outcome, I wish them both happiness and success in life and love.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my... I agree with you. What ever gave somebody that impression that Sauli can`t take care of himself?? We Finns are tough and down to earth kinda people. Sauli is a good example of that. He made a major life change willingly and ready to take on everything that comes along with that. Now that`s what I call strength and great self-esteem! Sauli is keeping their private life just that...there are so many bad ways to handle it...but he handles his life being Adam`s true love with style,class and dignity. Gives a lot of strength to Adam as well! I do believe Adam truly loves Sauli...wouldn`t have said it many times in front of millions of viewers otherwise. Sure things can get tough sometimes and we make mistakes even when you love somebody deeply. I think we`ve all been there. But our guys communicate on a deeper level:) And that`s love for sure:)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you appeared; I always have a very good impression of Finns but the impression given by the above anon suddenly changed my mind about these strong Finns. Now confidence is restored. lol! Sauli is indeed a very strong-minded person and well able to take care of himself but the above anon described Sauli as if he was a weakling latching on to Adam. If Sauli was such a person, so easily coerced by Adam, I don't think Adam could be so head-over-heels in love with him. :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my...YAY for restoration:D It makes me so angry to read the kind of post we both are talking about...and from a fellow Finn! God! Shame on you for making Sauli look like a person who can be pushed around!! IMO Adam has a very strong person beside him and A and S are a perfect match:) Adam has said a couple of times that he has his insecurities and I think Sauli`s love has made him more secure about everything. And when I look at Sauli`s photos and see his interviews, he´s happy with Adam..said so himself:)And Sauli wouldn´t tolerate lack of respect..that´s for sure.

HK fan said...

My husbands been away for 20days this month....what does that mean for our relationship???

Anonymous said...

In the beginning we just discussed politely, but it turned to bashing of other posters, who don´t understand anything, who don´t know the TRUTH and who shouldn´t write here their stupid thoughts! Sorry, I haven´t been here in ages and am not coming again. I didn´t know, what the discussion means on this site. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is going on? From a few photos at top of this thread we have infidelity and dozens of Dr. Ruths or Dr. Phils exponding ad nauseum about Adam and Sauli's relationship! Where's Sauli in the thread title MORE AWESOME PICTURES? I thought he was back in L.A. happily choosing a turkey to celebrate American Thanksgiving with Finnish friends.

This blog can create a mountain even without a molehill. Ridiculous!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree about what you say that what we have been thrashing out here, as "ridiculous" because it is not. Sometimes we learn from one another just by these "ridiculous" little discussions; not necessary that we must always have to learn from professors / doctors / psychologists who "expound" them; though I have huge respect for them. Not forgetting the amount one has to fork out just for an hour of their time, with advance bookings thrown in. But yes, we do learn much from their tv appearances. Here is a rather enlightening quote from my all-time favourite scientist / thinker:
"The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein. Acclaimed, scientist of the century; who imagined the universe with little or no professional help. Alas, there's only one Albert Einstein. lol! Still we can all try, in our own little ways or discussions. :)