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New Picture From Lee Cherry!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Visit Lee Cherry's store here:


Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT should be made a Goodwill Ambassador
By Lisa Fowler

I think I was somewhat taken aback by the article about ADAM LAMBERT.

Living in the US where we are certainly still working at becoming more aware and accepting of the LGBT community (at least I hope we are), I have to understand how other areas of the world are in the midst of their own equal and human rights struggles.

As I watched the videos of ADAM performing in Cape Town and Johannasburg, I told my husband that we, the US should make him a goodwill ambassador.
I wasn’t thinking of his representing the gay population, I was just thinking of how he has shown the world that there are things that we all share, music.

ADAM has managed to bring his gift to all corners of this world and all countries have embraced him. That is an achievement that I think we need to take notice of.
His popularity is not just based on his talent, though I think he is fantastic in that way, but it is based on his showing love, acceptance and joy to all people of all nations.

How can we fight and kill one another when someone as beautiful and wonderful and who has had his own struggles is making us get up and dance together.
He is a man for this time, a person who has taken a door that opened unto him and has made his mission one of hope, peace and love.

If you are thinking that I must be a Glambert, you are correct. I have been the leader of the Florida Glambs since May 2009.

When Idols was over and I realised that I had become obsessed with a young man who could be my son, I went seeking help and instead found a community of incredible people who had the same passion as me.

ADAM has brought so many people together and it just keeps growing. I am so happy for his coming to perform in South Africa and for his being our gift to the world.

If he had any interest, I would see him becoming a great leader someday.

Anonymous said...

I love your writing above:) very nicely put...kind words with 100 % truth in them:) Thank you! Greetings from winter(ish) Finland:)

Anonymous said...

That article is a little over the top.

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Floridian I agree with your assessment of Adam as perfect choice as goodwill ambassador...JAK

Anonymous said...

P.S. In response to new photos....THUD!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, Adam should be a Goodwill Ambassador because it comes so naturally to comes from within his soul. He is truly a gift to us all. US wake up and take notice. You've got a National Treasure here!


Anonymous said...

Trespassing (Deluxe) is one of best album of 2012 on iTunes:

Anonymous said...

Trespassing (Deluxe) album on iTunes POP page under Recent Hits:

Anonymous said...

Adam is a INTERNATIONAL treasure:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You can watch the 3 VH1 Divas promo videos under this link:

Anonymous said...

12:03 pm...a good one:DD

Jadam NZ said...

Grrr, so annoying we cant seem to view any VH1 videos here in NZ.
Any ideas anyone?

Anonymous said...

For the DIVA teaser check the AO site where someone listed an international link.

Anonymous said...

@12:03 I like that!!!

HK fan said...

the diva adverts are all on youtube
Here they are again in case you missed them.