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1 Million Views!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Adam Lambert's "Trespassing" Official Lyric Video has surpassed 1 million views on VEVO Youtube!

Watch the video below:


Anonymous said...

If Adam was on that video, the views number would be 100 times more!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the car in that video but first I am going to buy an Adam Jam.

Anonymous said...

Is there a continuous loop to keep pushing the hits on this Trespassing lyric video?
If anyone knows, please the link here so I can help with the two computers at home when no one is using them.

Anonymous said...

I think I might be able to claim the 87 views of that number! I like the lyric video, the speeding car film suits the music just fine. It could , of course, have been improved with Adam at the wheel
showing occasional glimpses of his incredible profile......but even without his presence it was a good video......JAK

Anonymous said...

I love this video. I never could understand why VH1 didn't make it available for voting. You know the Glamberts would have voted it into the TOP 20. Everyone was requesting Adam to make a TRESPASSING video. Well this IS a TRESPASSING video. It's new, it's fresh, it's different than all the others. So sorry we didn't get a chance to vote for it.

Anonymous said...

I have been keeping my eye on another YouTube video that just went over the one million mark. It was done by a private fan and called Adam Lambert Trespassing Full Album hd. It took him seven hours to complete, it is HD, you can skip songs and you can come back multiple times and it will pick uo where you left off and no comment section !! He did a good job.

Anonymous said...

NCOE just recently over 12,000,000 too.

HK fan said...

I don't know about a loop for the Trespassing video, but you can just press 'play all' on the vevo channel page and it will just keep playing all the videos one after the other until you turn the page off. Thats what I do sometimes, just leave them playing then it gives hits to all the videos.
(apart from 2, which won't let us watch outside the US, TFM being one of them).

Anonymous said...

@HK fan, thanks so much for the info. I will do just that.

Anonymous said...

It seems on YouTube these days that you can only "Like" a video clip once. If you go to "Like" it again, the word "Unlike" comes up and I never want to "Unlike" any of Adam's video clips.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous clip that deserves millions of views and I'd love me an Adam auto - any style will do. :)