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Adam Lambert sharing his thoughts over school children mas

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 15, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 15, 2012


tea said...

He's right. As an individual, what do we do? What do we think? We want to respond but not offend, that's very difficult to do.

Positive thoughts and energy to the victims to give them strength to survive this. And to myself because I'm in turmoil as I sit here alone at my computer in Iowa.

Anonymous said...

He is the right person to say these thoughtful words especially kids were involved in this senseless tragedy....

Still, the show must go on with more positive attitude indeed!!


Anonymous said...

Woeful is the state of the world when people worry about political correctness more than they care of worrying offending God who is cast aside and put man as the center of existence. They cannot even say 'praying to God but to universe'.

It takes horrific events as this school massacre and somehow political correctness is abandoned and you hear the words 'pray' or 'praying' and signs like 'God bless the families' now on TV. A police chief has said "evil has come to this community". People should ask why. If there is evil there is good and people has put aside the Source of all that is good why evil prevails.

Anonymous said...

When a country put aside their God and put man the center of their existence, what do you expect? USA has been anti-God, doing everything to erase God in their everyday life. There's no more faith but apostasy abound. Mention of anything pertaining to the Supreme Being is looked down or not allowed, all because of political correctness. And now wonders why this is happening. All pain and suffering is allowed by God. That is His wake-up call to all that He exists. And maybe, turn to Him again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:18 & 9:19 -- GO AWAY. Take your ridiculous preaching somewhere else. This is not the proper forum. I for one, am offended by your comments .. so I say again - Go Away.

Anonymous said...

Illness, pain, rage and dysfunction cause these tragedies. They has nothing to do with God. JMO>


Adamluv said...

@10:26 - you said what I was thinking, and I also am very offended by these kind of comments. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

How about good parenting? Religion and believe in God is a individual personal matter. You can't forced people to believe in one school of thought. If you do you end up with haterad and prejudice and wars. As we witness it on the news for the past decades or historically millinums in middle-east where believe in God, the creator, it all started. Majority of these types massacres happened in Bible belt areas. Surely pushing one school of thought didn't do it's job.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right in this country to believe as they wish and to put voice to thier beliefs. This may not be the correct place, nor will everyone agree. I would hope we can simply keep those actually experiencing personal grief in our thoughts and hearts as we move forward. Adam has a public voice and I believe he spoke for many of us. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:18&9:19am. fuck you bitch.

HK fan said...

So tragic the events in CT, sending positive thoughts to all those families involved....
BUT it has nothing to do with people not believing in God, and all to do with the easy access to guns in the US. Guns need to be banned.
This is a comment I posted on another site

I just don't understand why so many Americans believe that changing the gun laws, and banning guns won't make a difference. The numbers speak for themselves.
last year handguns killed
48 people in Japan
8 in Great Britain
34 in Switzerland
52 in Canada
21 in Sweden
42 in W Germany
10,728 in the US
I don't know how accurate these figures are but they must have come from data somewhere.

A man in China went on the rampage and injured 23 people , no gun, a US man goes on the rampage with a gun and kills 27...

HK fan said...

The morning the news broke of this over her, we woke to find we had been broken into during the night. Just cash, some small tat jewellry and some gold coins were taken. Scary though knowing that someone had been in our house while we were all asleep, and that they'd taken one of our kitchen knives out the drawer (we found it in a flowerpot in the garden the next day), and had actually been in the same rooms as my sons...thank goodness they didn't wake up.
We realised how lucky we were and how small our problem was though compared to what happened in the US.

Anonymous said...

The big problem is that people are Offended by the mere mention of God. I hope those of have a wonderful Christmas praying to no one but still celebrating (by procxy) the birth of Christ. You should get down on your knees now while you still have the chance. You offend me.

HK fan said...

@anon 6.01pm
People aren't offended by the mention of God, they are offended by those that preach that believers in God are somehow better people morally than people who don't, and that incidents like these school shooting wouldn't happen if people prayed more.
How do you know this shooter didn't go to church every week????do you

Adamluv said...

@HK - so sorry to hear of your intruders. How frightening that must have been to have known some creeps were in your house while you were asleep. Glad to hear you and your family are OK. I was going to write those same # of deaths from guns around the world - thank you. The man in China injured a lot of children at a school with a knife but as you wrote no one died. Big difference between carrying a knife to hurt someone and carrying a gun. And @ 6:01 - must not be very convinced of your opinions since you will only use the cowardly "anon"? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful if we could ban guns, unfortunately it would work about as well as prohibition of liquor did, as well as drug laws work. How would you go about collecting all the guns that are out there? Millions & millions of Americans have guns, do you think they are going to willingly give them up? A step in the right direction would be to reinstate ban on assault weapons that can spray bullets and wipe out dozens of people in seconds. Can you see the manufacturers of these weapons not fighting this with NRA lobbyists who have Congressmen on their payrolls? Too many people in this country still have a Wild West mentality and arms manufacturing is a lucrative business. This week every citizen is mourning the loss of these children and their teachers but next week if you ask them to voluntarily hand over their guns to law enforcement officials to be destroyed, naturally you would not get the arsenals that criminals have stashed, but your gun loving gun toting neighbors would shriek out Charleton Heston's quote so applauded by NRA members " You'll get my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!"

Yes, something needs to be done.
What? What? Does anyone have a plan that has a chance in hell of working? My family is full of law enforcement officers and they can't come up with a feasible plan.