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Adam Lambert talks about hosting VH1's latest Divas show

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 23, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Associated Press interview.

"Adam Lambert talks about hosting VH1's latest Divas show and being a diva himself" - Los Angeles, 12 December 2012.


Anonymous said...

Cute interview. Adam is once again adorable. Hope we get an interview about what he thought of his performance, etc. after the show.

Leilani Aloha said...

Always so witty with his answers!!! Love it!
So cute with a sarcastic sense of humor when he said he wanted to showcase his closet when he's out:)
something along that line!
puts a smile on my face!
Such an honest fun down to earth guy, who can laugh at himself!

Adam congrats on all your success!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this video...Adam crying under the piano...the best comic act I've seen in a long time. lol! Adam gargling with tea is terrible, lol! and that ubiquitous spray, into his throat, goodness! Yea shattering of chandelier! Adam, I totally agree about your acting being divine. I saw this talent of yours a very long time ago; and at that time as usual, had to argue my way through against strong opposition who said it had not been proven. Well, I saw his Ten Commandments musical video, more recently, NCOE, BTIKM videos, which could have been given Grammy recognition; also others, like his comic sketches on Leno and even the latest PLL show, etc. This Divas sketch also introduced me to the expert delightful acting of NeNee and Paula. Even Neil showed some natural acting inclination; NeNee exhorting him as coldplay is really weird...very good scriptwriter. This group should seriously think about making a weekly comic sketch series with Adam's singing thrown in, along the lines of Divas show. It'll wake many currently running musical shows up. I like the prolonged Adam's crying sketch scenes at the mirror and under the piano. lol! And Adam's fighting back at NeNee...fantastic acting, curling of his tongue and glaring his eyes etc. lol! I still watch the Divas sketch; even more than 'Ray of Light' which failed to focus on Adam's vocals, the high notes of this wonderful song. The choreography and that sign-coat Adam wore, sort of compensated the downside, the lack-lustre sound of this performance. Never mind, still like the show a lot...very good! lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam needs a great producer to create a great album for him. IMO he shouldn't have Ex. Produce his second album. Too early in the game. Even though he did fabulous job with Trespassing. But in the eye of the general public wasn't what they wanted and expected. Adam did a lot of things so early in the game. His second album is one of them. What happen to his collaboration with Red One? Hope he still wants to work with Adam!

Anonymous said...

I notice he's readily accepted on home-ground when he does collaborations like the most recent Divas show. Internationally, we still want his own artistic flair to dominate his 3rd album; we prefer him and his brand of music of various genres and no one at present sings better than he in these various genres. Not sure exactly what is best, just leave it to Adam and his experts. Maybe include some jazz-funk, whatever that is, lol! I mean jazz improvisation and lately he seems to like the sitar. Ahh perhaps the 3rd album can take on some international flavour since many of his concerts are performed overseas. Hey Adam, an oriental type melody and lyric for one about that; use the erhu which is a typical Chinese instrument but now it's widely used in pop music with English lyric. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam is such a great actor! He's not self-conscious or inhibited. He just lets it all happen and I love it. His BTIKM video was the prime example of this and again in The Divas show.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with Adam's acting skills, I really hope they line him up to do a movie, he'd be so good at this.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a perfect sense of silly and doesn't mind if people are laughing with him or at him. My kind of guy!......JAK

Anonymous said...

I got to say Adam had sound problems at the beginning of ray of light, that was not his fault. He pulled it out shortly into the number he did a good job! That was a funky song that was not necessarily gonna show off Hos range! I thought every no he did wAs very good! kC, JS, and the rest except for metric who did two. O's. Only had one no. To focus at, Mr Adam Haf 3 along with hosting off and on through the show! Very hard job to remember all the people lines and lyrics to 3 songs he was not very vocally familiar with! KC sung her own song she was of course familiar with a J sparks had a medley and she was more familiar with Whitney she did the movie! m Cirus had one large no. To focus on. Adam had 3 big no's pissitve ray of light was foreign to him. Not to mention he taped that fabulous comedy skit, which was hilarious! Yes Adam has had nos. that show off his vocals more,any of his own songs would have especially like KC he sung them a lot! Overall Adam did a wonderful job and it was a hard job. Every performance was good I absolutely loved the opening no. Spectacular, certainly one of the best of the night! I am so proud of the wonderful job Adam did! A very hard task, also considering how busy he had been going abroad doing concerts and having to do a concert in between in SF that Friday.i in awe of Adam work ethic, takes me forever with my problems to do simple house work, yes he a bunch younger but still remarkable! Adam did a total professional great job at Diva's certainly hope it brings more, acting ect. He great at it! Sorry for my normal buch of mistakes, I loved the diva show watched mostly Adam's parts only many times over! Watched all of it once, Adam parts tons of times! Sue

Anonymous said...

I just listened to video, Adam is adorable and the man had got the it factor in the millions! He so got star, movie star, rock star quality he brought it all back to us! That wonderful glamour that you do not see has often anymore! He do talented in so many way's! He just not a one trick pony, he can go in so many directions! He is a joy! Sue

Anonymous said...

Thought Adam did a great job acting and singing except the Madonna song. Hope he makes an ablum this time that can be played on radio. Whoever is in charge should not let him mess up. I thought he said himself he wanted to produce it so if it went wrong he would be to blame. Maybe we can get a new single from the new music. This way it want be so long getting something. I think there was to much time lapse last time and alot of people kinda forgot about him. Here's hoping 2013 is a great year for Adam in the USA.