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Adam Lambert's "Better Than I Know Myself" is #4 most watched video on VH1 for 2012!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 22, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, December 22, 2012

Some good news out of VH1 today! Adam Lambert has two videos on VH1's 'Top 40 Most-Watched Videos of 2012' list.

“Never Close Our Eyes” is #36 while "Better Than I Know Myself" is #4.

Here is the top 10:

Source: VH1


Anonymous said...

dayum that is pretty cool for both mv. IMO they are both excellent. Don't forget to give Adam's VH1 Divas some hits too.

Anonymous said...

How did this happen? Not complaining mind you but just a little confused. Are they sowing top videos on the tv site? Way to go Adam these IMO are two of the years best!!!

Anonymous said...

Then why doesn't US radio play either song? every other song on that list gets played???

Anonymous said...

Same with the album. Trespassing has made every Top 10 album list and is not played at all on radio. Every other album on the list is played constantly. It is really quite pathetic.

Anonymous said...

'Tis sadly true what the above are saying, Adam just doesn't get played on our US radio. Call it homophobia or whatever, Adam is rising above and playing at gigs that truly appreciate him. We can only hope that someday the US will get wise - especially after the great reviews of Divas! - and give him the recognition he deserves! Go Adam! L

Anonymous said...

this is great news! this is not just glamberts watching....

Anonymous said...

If he does this well with his songs WITHOUT radio play, think how he'd be doing WITH radio play. Ah, the twisted road of Adam Lambert's career.


Anonymous said...

Why wasn't Better Than I Know Myself on the video countdown show after it came out? I don't get it. Of course watching it on VH1 doesn't mean people are taking the time to vote for it.

Btw, I love "Never Close Our Eyes" and could never understand why the radio would not play it.

The Dark Side said...

Personally, I think there should be something that we as the public can do about Adam's lack of radio play. If he is actively being boycotted, why? And if there is such a thing as a black list, the public needs to know about it. I am also wondering if they don't want to play Idol music, but again, why, if its good radio. This needs to be explained because it certainly looks homophobic to me, and I truly hate pulling that card!

Anonymous said...

yes, I cannot really back this up with correct references... but I think the lack of radioplay may be more like a "oh-he/she-is-a-graduate-of-a-reality-show-eeww-. So not only limited to Adam Lambert only.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness that Adam's talent is so undeniable that he has success despite the refusal to play his music on US radio. He will prevail... he is a MEGA TALENT!!

Anonymous said...

#4 most watched video on VH1 for 2012!

I have never watched a video on VH1.

That is like saying most watched video on this sit, not the same as #4 on You Tube.

HK fan said...

BTIKM was on the top 20 video countdown, but only for 2-3 weeks, NCOE was never on there.

re radio play, the reason is not because he came off a reality show, because Daughtry, Carrie underwood, Kelly Clarkson, and especially Phil Phillips all get a ton of radio play. So there must be another reason, and I can only think of 1......

if VH1 could be viewed outside the US, I'm sure he would be even higher on the lists. We will have to stick to giving him hits on vevo.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Unexpected and I'm so happy for our ADAM!
I did view BTIKM with that continuous link but this one is VH1.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!! Such joy!!!!!! The Better Than Myself video clip is the best music video clip EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam is such a brilliant actor and he absolutely nails it in this clip. I love love love the song too. Never Close Our Eyes is a big fave of mine also and I'm so glad it did well too.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ADAM!!!! I so hope he knows about this. The BTIKM and NCOE songs and clips are FABULOUS!!!!

Anonymous said...

btikm is a brilliant video.

Anonymous said...

I really don't see how BTIKM could be #4 when he was only on the countdown for a couple of weeks!Some vids are on the countdown for months. Don't they get on the countdown because of views?
Don't get me wrong, I love any success our boy has, just seems wierd to me.

HK fan said...

I'm assuming that this list is for total views on vh1, not just views on the top 20 countdown. So it just goes to show that people wanted to see the videos even though they were not on the countdown...and that number of views has nothing to do with a video being put on the countdown.

Anonymous said...

Thats true ''Never Close Our Eyes'' should have been a Hit,but radio didn't play it.Why i just dont know.

JadamNZ said...

Great news! Or though I have given up trying to work it all out.

Anonymous said...

I believe you can vote on the top 20 countdown and not actually watch the video. I think our suspicions about the countdown were correct,we are not going to figure it out ,lol.Not going to complain as VH1 is mighty good to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I wish someone in the music industry, someone with knowledge, understanding of radio plays would discuss the reasons Adam Lambert does not get radio play for his songs. If it is because of his sexual orientation, that is so sad and unfair. Spell it out for all of us to understand the reasons behind the fact that this man with the best vocal talent in music talent just cannot get his songs played on the radio. He received great positive reviews for Trespassing, it appears on several "the best of lists" for 2012, BTIKM is #4 on the VH1 list, etc. etc.YET there is no radio play. We hear such garbage on the radio today and some of the same songs played "ad nauseum", but where is Adam Lambert? He is loved and appreciated in other parts of the world esp. Asia. When will the listening audience here in the US wake up and give him the recognition he so deserves? Who knows if anyone can understand or explain the reasons for Adam's lack of success on our US radio, but thank goodness he has not given up and will be working on a new album in 2013.


Anonymous said...

He was on countdown for a bit longer than couple weeks! wWzfM was on the used to be limit of 20 weeks I think they changed that and was no. 1, five times and if I had you 2 times are more no. 1! Better than I know myself was fixing to go back on countdown was 21 following week would gone back on they took it off! That was WWFM was on 20 weeks, that was.imit amount at time could stay on, they changed it because o's Adele are something, Adam was sill in top 10 of WWFM when they took it off!

Anonymous said...

@TSC I wish someone could explain the reasons for little or no radio play too. I know WWFM and IIHY got lots of spins. NCOE was a great pop song and if Bruno Mars had put it out it would have been a huge hit. Hoping his next album creates some big hits on radio. Sad that Cuckoo never had a chance for release as a single. Very pop radio friendly,but after 3 songs that didn't make it ,doubt RCA will go for another single. Thank goodness they are wanting a third album from Adam. They realize he is the most talented male singer in the world with a very devoted fan base and an international star!

Anonymous said...

KU big deal in US nothing abroad a little in England and goes as far as north America that's it! PP may be getting some play abroad right after idol, doubt he gonna big huge world star 4 years frm now like Ad getting bigger all the time! Even Kelly Vlatksomn who is a world star is not big at all in Asia,she good on England I think in lots of other abroad she not ad big ad Adam at all, Asia for sure she not! Tv seems to be picking up I. Adam more, I honestly believe something else may come out if Diva's will see, may do again next year tho! Adam doing very well Inspite of the crap in US radio! His sales ate definitely good abroad, he getting third album! Out of top 4 of that year 2009 Adam only one still with RCA! Lot of winners dropped also! Trust me record comp. from Asia would bounce of he ever was away from RCA, don't think that will happen anytime soon! Because of his international fame, and is actually doing well in other areas here! He did no matter what have a no. 1 album and his getting many end of years acclaim! Adam doing well! He getting new album! Let's be happy for his sucess what he did on Diva's was incredable, and do not think it went totally un noticed!

Anonymous said...

This is discrimination against Adam, not playing his songs on the radio. If it's homophophia, Frank Ocean's songs get played and he came out as gay. Something unfair is happening to Adam and with his amazing voice I hope people will take notice and do something about getting radio play. He is loved all over the world, they appreciate his talent, why not the US? I'm happy BTIKM is no. 4 on VH1.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone pin down Ryan Seacrest for an answer to your questions? He is the #1 radio host with over 20 million listeners a week. He is affiliated with Premiere Network a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications. They have over 190 million listeners. Oh, by the way along with Seacrest, Premiere is also the network who brings you Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and other sterling talking heads, need I say more?

Yeah, do that, talk to Ryan about the lack of support for Adam.

And after he wins the polls on Ryans's little contest see if Adam's music is played with great regularity!

Anonymous said...

This thread speaks for a lot of us. Why isn't Adam played on the radio? I have only heard If I Had you and WWFM here in the Seattle area. You can hardly call this area homophobic. We just voted for marriage equality by the popular vote of the people.
Last week I was invited to be on a phone conference with the White House. PFLAG is obviously a focus group now. Yay! So I thought if I got the chance, I would say that Adam and other entertainers ( I didn't want to appear to be the crazed Glambert that I am) should be invited to honor them for their support for the LGBTQ community... But it was twenty minutes and we could only ask a question about the fiscal cliff. I am going to see if I can find out a way to make my request.... I might not be able to do anything, but I can also try to find out what puzzles us so much. He will continue to rise as a major star...but I want to hear him on the radio!!!


Anonymous said...

Idol winners are played on the radio non-stop the same with VH1 videos. Idol stars are shown constantly. The ugly elephant in the room is the fact that Adam is gay and has never hidden that fact. It is much more palatable to sing about love between a man and a woman. That is perceived as beautiful and anyone can relate to it. Adam is still an outsider in the industry. I consider it a miracle that he was the host and performer on DIVAS. Perhaps things are changing slowly for the mere fact that Adam's talents cannot be denied. He just has to fight much harder than the rest. I believe the music industry knows Adam can sang, but they aren't willing to be as brave as Adam is and stand by him. That's why I said before on this site, Adam is the only singer who has had to endure such prejudice. Evil lives in many hearts. On a brighter note, Adam is winning all these awards and gaining acceptance - so, yes, times are a changing!
Happy New Year Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

I love "Better Than I Know Myself." I still listen to it over and over even though it's been a year now since it first came out. And I wonder why Adam never sang it in any of his recent concerts.

Anonymous said...

IF anyone hasn't see Adele's Royal Albert Hall concert..the whole thing is on Youtube. It gives you and idea of what could lay ahead for Adam some day.

It would be great if Adam got a chance to perform a concert just like she did at Royal Albert Hall but in the US.

Hopefully, he will get the chance because a concert like that would be a perfect setting for his amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

Nanc, you are right, of course. Adam is doing so well in spite of all this prejudice. Good grief, it's 2013 (almost). Why is the metnality of this country still in the Dark Ages? I know that a few of Adam's songs are played on the radio, but his newer stuff is avoided like the plague. I think if Ryan S. was directly asked about this, he'd find a way to weasel around it. He'd say something like, "Well, Adam's new songs never really found an audience, blah, blah, blah." Well,if you don't PLAY the songs, OF COURSE they will not find an audience. Ryan seems to really like Adam. They banter together well. Adam's songs are gender-neutral, but so are many other very successful songs. All the hits are not specifically "he" or "she." Adam's songs stand up in quality to any other big hit songs, if you ask me. And his songs are certainly better sung. DJs love Adam for his personality and his talent, but we know the DJs don't always choose the songs they play. Like we always say, Adam needs that one song that is so great that the radio simply CANNOT ignore it. Let's be honest. There are many people who simply have decided they don't like Adam for whatever reason. He has acquired new fans, but many people will never accept him. A great song THAT GETS RADIO PLAY is the key. I agree that Adam is showing that he will likely have more longevity due to world-wide fans than other AI alums. P2 is nice but I don't see him as a world-wide star. Let's think positive thoughts for 2013!


Anonymous said...

Btw Adam fans, Chuck Arnold from People magazine choose TRESPASSING as #8 on his top ten list for 2012.
He also said Adam was the first American Idol alum to ever make his list.

Anonymous said...

nancdruuu2, you say Idol winners are played nonstop on the radio. That's simply not true. Kelly and Carrie have done well. Phil who just won has one song that's been played so far. I don't know about Scotty's radio play. But that leaves seven winners not getting played. And Adam wasn't the winner. He's played more that most Idol contestants.

Anonymous said...

We've gone through this issue about radio play before. There is more than one issue involved but the biggest is not being gay. Clear Channel does own a huge number of radio stations. While many of their stations air conservative content they do have stations with progressive content such as KTLK in LA. Playlists in general are no longer made by individual djs or local program directors. They are made at the corporate level and the local dj may not be allowed to deviate from it. Many stations receive the content they broadcast and there isn't even a dj at the station any more. Clear Channel makes more money by doing these things. An example of an additional issue is the cost of promoing a single. It cost $1,000,000 to promo one of Rihanna's songs that never became a hit. (
While I am sure being gay plays a role, the bottom line is money, money, money.

Anonymous said...

Read a post from another site that with regard to radio, money 
is the deciding factor and that Chris Brown’s Grammy win was paid for by RCA???
Also learned that Interscope dropped 65 acts from their label lately!!!!