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Adam Lambert's video message for Japanese fans

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, December 05, 2012

"Hey Japan! It's Adam Lambert. The first two Tokyo shows sold out immediately. It's amazing! So thank you guys so much! So, because I love you, we are now adding another show in Tokyo on Thursday February 21st. Please, do not miss out on this show! It's going to be great. I'm really looking forward to playing three nights in Tokyo as well as Kanazawa, Osaka, and Nagoya. Please come to all my shows if you wish because they will all be fantastic. And I just can't wait to go back to Japan to see all you, my fabulous fans. Ashiteru! (It means I LOVE YOU)"


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Who wrote the caption here without checking before posting it?
"I will never return to Japan'???? lol

Anonymous said...

boy Adam is getting too snarky for his own good, I will never return to Japan ? lol

Anonymous said...

they changed the caption. I needed a good chuckle today.

Anonymous said...

OMG adam is going to be so busy next year.

Please come back to the USA too!!!!

choons said...

he's just so charming - lucky japan - it's going to be a long cold winter in canada without him - wah!

Anonymous said...

he loves Japan and so do I.

Anonymous said...

Could this man be any more adorable ???

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes look brown in this video. I guess it's because of his eye makeup and clothes. He looks HOT!!!

It was obvious he read his message!

Anonymous said...

I listened to the audio because I couldn't believe he has said what I read in the "caption". He's too smart to say that he's never return to Japan. Of course he did NOT. Please erase what is at the bottom of the video, it's totally inaccurate.

daydreamin said...

Ashiteru to you too Adam! He is just breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, he has to be the most beautiful man on this planet - and on others,too.

Perfection in every possible way.

Anonymous said...

Adam's work ethic is outstanding and admirable. He's got my total respect.