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All I want for Christmas is Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 24, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 24, 2012

Check out these amazing Christmas related fan videos below!


Anonymous said...

thanks for all the fun and memories fans!! You guys are the best. What a nice day, poems, videos, greetings. Merry Christmas all.

Anonymous said...

What is Christina Aguilera doing starring in Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas? Wrong Diva!

Anonymous said...

I thought the third one was a little raunchy for Christmas and the last one had no sound.

Adamluv said...

Now that's a way to celebrate the holidays! The 2nd one should be named "The Many Gorgeous Faces of Adam Lambert". My favorite was the Christmas tree video with Adams AI Tour performances. I remember like it was yesterday when he appeared on stage for the first time to Whole Lotta loving and the audience here in LA went BSC! And then when he removed his jacket and we saw his bare arms - the sound of screaming was deafing! Dont believe on Idol we ever saw his arms - correct me if wrong. Thank you to the fans for this early Christmas gift and to 24/7 for being! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love the AI Tour videos . . . .our boy can sure MOVE!

Anonymous said...

My fave is definitely number 3!!!!! More of those pelvic thrusts please, Adam. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Sue

Anonymous said...

My fave is no.1 more updated pics!