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Christmas Greetings from Adam Lambert!

Filed Under () by Admin on Monday, December 24, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 24, 2012

These are from last year but they're still amazing!


Anonymous said...

good seeing these again. Ellen is so cute.

Anonymous said...

last year? really?

Anonymous said...

In about 8 hours my whole family will be reciting the poem "Twas the" in unison. One of those wonderfully corny traditions we cling to from generation to generation. When my son in laws married into the family they were a bit surprised they were expected to memorize and join in, but now they recite with great gusto......after that we open the gifts! ....I love tradition...JAK

Anonymous said...

Just watched a repeat of the Wendy Williams Show this morning with the fabulous Adam Lambert as the guest here in the NYC/NJ area. It was great to see it again as I began setting up things for Christmas Eve dinner with family. I hope Adam is enjoying the holidays with Sauli and his family(with Eber I believe). He has that big show on New Year's Eve and then he's off to Asia for a round of concerts there. 2013 should be an even better year for Adam with the prospect of a new album and other opportunities. Merry Christmas to all of you who are on this site everyday and keep me up to date on the latest with my favorite performer in music today.

Anonymous said...

JAK I loved your poem on the L.A Times thread, your celebration and preparation sounds just like mine!
Everything is ready and I'm ready for a nap, I bet you are too! NS

Anonymous said...

OT - For those of you who like to vote... This poll is open until Jan 15. Adam is in 2 categories... Best Album and Best Live Performer. He is currently losing to JB and OD in both. PLEASE!

Happy Holidays Everyone!! :)

Anonymous said...

@ NS.....JAK here......I would love to nap, but I have a head full of hair curlers so it would be like lying my head on a bag of rocks.
If only I could sleep sitting up like my husband does! I'm glad you liked the poem, I have another much older one I'll share.

This is for those of our Glamily who celebrate more holy than holly.
Though I enjoy the Santa myth I do value the true reason for the season. I wrote this when I was 14years old.........THE GIFT.........

God's greatest gift for all the earth...
Was given the night of His own Son's birth...
Opportunity for all new life to receive...
If only they surrender their hearts to believe...

Sometimes we need to be reminded that God loves us all, saint and sinner alike.

Anonymous said...

I remember all these clips. It's amazing what great memories we have of Adam in a pretty short period of time. We have such a fun history and many more years to come. Just voted on the Popcrush thing, too. MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!


Anonymous said...

11:17 Thanks for your post. I have been voting in the album catagory only. Now I know.

Adamluv said...

Especially enjoyed the Ellen clip and the applause when she mentioned Adam. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas everyone! Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to the Glamily...wishing you all a very safe and joyous Holiday to share with all your loved ones.


Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

Wish I could name all the peeps that comment on this site but fear I would leave someone out, so ......... to all the wonderful Adam fans that come here, hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday doing whatever makes you happy!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I wish all 24/7berts an enjoyable Holiday.

lorraine said...

To all my dear ones on this site-Thank you for all your sharings of our Adam throughout the year. Happy,peaceful holidays to all of you.Your being here means more to me than you know.....

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to Glamily! My guests will be here soon and they are here until after New Year!

Anonymous said...

Wishing everyone here peace & joy for the festive season & beyond.

HK fan said...

Happy Christmas to everyone on 24/7,hope you all have a wonderful time with friends and family x

Anonymous said...

Just finished putting the last of the presents under the tree. Time for bed! I wish all of my Glambert friends a wonderful holiday. You all mean a lot to me. You are my lifeline to so much love as we share Adam's life with each other. This is where I can share what's in my my heart and I know you'll all understand.


Anonymous said...

LOVE, PEACE and JOY to all who come here.
And to ADAM & SAULI and their loved ones.
GOD bless!


Anonymous said...

What I've loved about watching these few videos is that, at the end of each video, there's then a bunch of OTHER Adam videos to choose from. And I've enjoyed watching many of the ones that I haven't seen for a while. Walking a bit down Adam's interview memory lane, as it were. Happy Holidays everyone!

daydreamin said...

Happy Holidays to all of you here at 34/7. I typed 34/7 and was going to correct but opted to leave it since it feels like I am on more than 24 hours in a day lol! I swear I get nothing done these days. You guys are all a part of my glamily and my life. Thank you for your friendship and sharing my obsession!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin- happy holidays to you also and all the other glamberts here. Well here we are 3 yrs later (most of us) and the obsession is NOT going away. Adam and this site is also part of my life- slow week for Adam so I just went back and watched the queen videos- my lord I just can't get enough of Adam. I feel this is going to be his year even though we said 2012 will be (and it was in many ways) Just not trespassing being a blockbuster like it should of been (thank-you US radio for that) Adam will only get bigger and can't wait for next year. Happy holidays once again to you all


Anonymous said...

Thank you to 24/7 and all the glamberts for your company. This has been a very great year for Adam, next can only be better.

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays to all Glambert and 24/7, thanks to this blog for their excellent and daily information. Health, peace and love! HH

Anonymous said...

My Christmas present!
Thank you for your gift violet_glitz this wonderful video of Divas 2012!
Adam "The perfect host, singer, actor" HH

Anonymous said...

Be sure to view VH1DIVAS. Adam has about six segments starting with:

thanks, Happy Holidays !!

Anonymous said...

Happy holiday's to everyone, have a beautiful Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year's! For some reason I have alway's felt 2013, was gonna be big for Adam! He will be touring first part of year, then working on album, may even doing some planning for it, in between touring! He loved all over the world, and that will only spread with more concert exposture, he is brilliant on that stage, in my opinion no male out there can come Close to Adam! He brought so much to me on days and months I felt like giving up! Inspite of any obstacles on his path he will still be victorious in the end and be here many years. He a very rare authentic sparking diamond in a business filled with CZ's. He one of a kind, most the world loved and is good to him, think America in way's ate smarting up, what ever obstacles in his way he still shined bright, and alway's will Inspite of some of the evil in this world! Adam is a sweet, gentle soul with a huge talent! And I bless the day I discovered his unmatched talent on idol! AI did one great thing they brought us Adam M lambert! Thanks to them for that! merry Christmas everyone 24/7! That was in some directions America is waking up to Adam, correction! Sue

daydreamin said...

Thank you @brownie! Back at ya for sure!

OT (YAY!):

Carmit Bachar ‏@IamCarmit
@KealaRose said Adam & yay last night;) @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

2.16 who wants to read anything you have to say when your leaving nasty comments, like our posts are brain dead, way to get attention, not! Sorry our posts do not meet your approval! They Re posts from the heart and we love Adam! I will agree that the constant lamenting over radio play is getting old. Of corse we ate upset and hope changes in the future. Adam is doing very well world wide and is getting wire a bit of radio play world wide. Winning and nominated for award's all over world! If America media thinks they can keep him down they are wrong, his world concert prowess keep him around for years! But we in America want to experience his concerts and songs, that rest of the world get to have so it's frustrating, but in so many ways he doing great! Ok there is my brain dead post! Sure there are much more exciting posts out there! But yours is not one of them by coming on here and insulting us! I was gonna look at one of your post for curiosity until saw that, hateful one now I sure won't! Sr should not ignore people that come on here in a nice way sorry if we did that, but the way you posted who wants to read after being insulted! That was Adam gettin lots of radio play in ln some world countries most especially Asia! Adam doing well on many levels! Also that is we get upset about some things, correction but he doing great on many levels! Please try and write some nicer things, this is an Adam site and it should only be about Adam and the people who love him! Also people like to visit some, nothing wrong with that, not a site to spew mean remarks we had to much of that!

Anonymous said...

I got the best Christmas present from my daughter-in-law.She ordered an Adam Lambert calendar - she said she had to order it from the UK (we're in Missouri). ALL of the pictures are beautiful! I'm taking the calendar to work, because my husband doesn't approve of my AL obsession.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

This is a Adam Lambert site, would you like it if we come on KA, site and posts the hundred of wonderful performances he does! glad KA sang a Christmas song for what ever! Adam Lambert sang and done tons for many charities, just did a wonderful performance Cyndi Lauper home for Christmas, we should post on your site it's so good! Sure KA Arkansas fan would embrace it!

Anonymous said...

8:17 did she get the calendar from Amazon UK? Sue quit feeding the trolls please.

Anonymous said...

yes it is one step away from maddening.

Anonymous said...


That brain dead comment is a SPAM comment by a spammer. LOL. I see the same exact comment on a few other blogs. It's a spam comment. I reported it to the admin! Now it's deleted.

Anonymous said...

8.17 plenty of you feed the trolls, I will certainly stop! I for got to sign mine and you knew because of the way I corrected it! Please have the courage to sign yours! Will never take up for any body on this site again! Yes I would love to have a calendar too! SUE! Merry Christmas again! To all, will not let the nadty people here mess it up! From now on if you ate directing something nadty toe sign it with your real sign! Are it will be ignored in the future ! Sue

Anonymous said...

That correction was nasty people! Now gonna get my Christmas stuff done! Merry Christmas to the nice ones but this you do not sign it not sure who nice and who is not! Correcting 8.17! Getting off here my day being ruined! Sue

Anonymous said...

Do not worry keep my comments to Adam Lambert not ever back anyone here again! Thank you for telling me it was a spam comment! Sorry I am so maddening! Sue

glitzylady said...

Please don't let ANYTHING said here ruin your day. I truly hope you have a VERY lovely day...

Personally, I think its up to each person to respond to whomever they feel the need to. Because sometimes we just MUST. Even tho we know we probably shouldn't :))

Keep being the fabulous Adam Lambert fan that you are.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Gluzylady I know I should not let the trolls bother me but , unfortunately sometimes they do! I will work on it, but on the other hand no one has the right to tell me what to do! I alway's supported Adam, never been intentionally mean except maybe to a troll! I appreciated your kimdnes and feel better as usual I do let it bother me! I will forget it! But I will say one thing sometimes I forget to sign, but anyone that attacks me in the future either sign your right name are I will completely ignore you, as you do not exsist to me, you are cowards! merry Christmas Glitzylady and thank you for being a wonderful supporter of the one that were here for Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

That was Glizylady not Gluzylady, god these damn hands! Sue

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady thank you all do for be a support to me! Sue

Anonymous said...

I just received my beautiful 2013 Adam Lambert calendar. I ordered it thru Amazon USA, but it was actually printed in the UK.

Anonymous said...

That was thank you for also being a support to me, I appreciate it a lot, back to Christmas stuff, thanks Glitzylady! My hands are nuts and stiff a bit today! Sorry sue!